649. Nothing, and I mean nothing makes a slytherin more livid than someone who claims to be amazing at something they are complete shit at. Case in point, Gordon Ramsey. That fucker is slytherin through and through and he is famous for absolutely skinning people for terrible cooking when they are self proclaimed masters… but also with kids he is so gentle and kind because he knows they’re learning, not masters and honestly…
submitted by anon
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646. Slytherins will do shit they’re terrified of to prove a point or win a bet, even if they get hurt or in trouble because damn it all to hell the only way to prove your surperiority is to be surperior
submitted by anon
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I think once you move on, you start to see the person as less and you thought they where. They aren’t a hurricane of heart break or a glorious ocean any more. Their eyes don’t remind you of chocolate or the sky, and their presence doesn’t make your heart skip an extra beat. They just become a person who loved you a little less than you loved them.
11:02 - wish we were just strangers (via xoxoizzy)
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we could sit in a car for 2 hours and listen to music and talk about life, and lowkey that’s a date right there
@sexual-texts (via sexual-texts)
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At the end of the day it’s all about who u wanna own a dog with
@sexual-texts (via sexual-texts)
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Yesterday: tired Today: tired Tomorrow: tired Next week: tired Next month: tired Next year: tired Next life: tired
@sexual-texts (via sexual-texts)
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