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myglaucomadilemma · 6 months ago
⚪️ What I Have?
Narrow Angle Glaucoma:
A rare type of glaucoma that occurs when the drainage angle of the eye becomes blocked.
⚪️ If completely blocked, this can cause a rapid increase in eye pressure (IOP, intraocular pressure) .......which can lead to sudden & permanent vision loss !
⚪️ There are ways to prevent the buildup of liquid/ fluid inside the eye and one way in particular ..... is through a procedure known as a laser iridotomy. (I had this procedure done on both eyes in 2022). Although it helped and is still helping, my glaucoma specialist feels it just isn't enough & we need to do more . 
⚪️ On Tuesday 9/24/24, I will be having cataract surgery since my cataracts are just now beginning to grow/form and push on my narrowing angles we are desperately trying to keep open for proper drainage !
(I know, it sounds scary🙏🏼).
⚪️ But ...... everything is going to be fine and my specialist has done this procedure hundreds of times and I feel I am in great hands.
Once the procedure is completed on both eyes, approximately two weeks apart, (not on the same day)....... and if my pressure falls into the normal range ...... I may possiblybe able to stop using daily drops 🏆🎉🙏🏼.
⚪️ As of this moment ..... I don't feel I have experienced much/ if any vision loss ....... that's why I'm going through with the surgery ...... to make sure I never have any real vision loss, other than what would typically be considered age-related vision loss.
⚪️ thoughts & prayers please. ❤️
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⚪️ UPDATE : today- 9/24/24
made it home from my procedure and just relaxing and staying hydrated.......... ❤️ Thank you everyone for reaching out and checking up on me, that means more to me than you'll ever know . 
I will update tomorrow after my follow-up visit----------
✅ (update, all went well on my follow up office visit today, my eye pressures were 17 & 19....... and expecting those to go down ultimately ). 
⚪️The right eye cataract surgery & new lens is...... Oct. 8th.
Not looking forward to it but....... it'll be over soon enough!!
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