mydesecrationsmile · 4 months
Fucking no matter which continent I got to, women are fucking whores!! No wonder you’re alone n childless birches!!
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mydesecrationsmile · 4 months
You come home to see your mum after 12 years and within a day, she tells you that you need to go see a therapist cuz you’re fucked! What do you do?? Lmaoooo!!! Never ever coming back home again!!
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mydesecrationsmile · 5 months
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POV; You and your two favourite humans, the trio living in different continents and y’all meeet after over a decade! Fuck ya I’m so greatful for this year!! Next stop is most likely NZ!!
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mydesecrationsmile · 5 months
Just another day, another flight, leaving another city! Fucking bloody story of my life lmaooooo
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mydesecrationsmile · 6 months
Death has always pampered everyone over the years, especially me! I’m forever grateful to you bro!!! You’re awesome! Now let’s go fly!
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mydesecrationsmile · 8 months
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Oooof how I’ve missed the adventures of Death and Die but not anymore!! Meeting up with Death in London soon! Gunna chill in the United Kingdom for a few months and then we’re off to see mum forrrrrrrr I dunno how long! but thennnnnnnn me going Down Under! Oz Oz Oz!! orrrr Nz Nz Nz!!! I dunno which one yet but surely one of the two becauseeeeeee I can pack up my whole life in a couple bags at a moment’s notice and start fresh whenever n wherever I want. Plus finding work anywhere on this blue ball is sooooooo easy cuz airplanes ✈️ are literally everywhere n I know how to fix them!! aaaannnnd also because.. well just because!!!✌🏼🖤👽
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mydesecrationsmile · 10 months
🧠 we’re about to do it again, aren’t we?
🫀 Do what?
🧠 Disappear.
🫀Yeah …you know what happens when we get this way.
🧠 I don’t think that we should do it again.
🫀 Why is that?
🧠 Because I dunno if we’ll come back this time ..
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mydesecrationsmile · 10 months
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mydesecrationsmile · 10 months
Friendships are so fucking weird yo like you’re like okey I like this being n imma do everything n anything that I can to protect it from any harm, at least that’s what it meant when I was making friends..n I’ve made sooooo many freaking friends it’s ridiculous! But I’ve never stayed close to them or been in touch with them once I left. And I’ve left so many times!, left so many jobs, so many states n countries; like the friends I grew up with, I’ve no fucking clue what they’re up to cuz I don’t talk to them or been back home in eons!! And then there’s friends that I’ve met, along the way and that’s like the best thing about solo travelling; you can be who’re the fuck you want to!!!!, I’ve been a sky diving instructor for so long lmao I was high in New York, I went clubbing in Berlin, I got friends in L.A and I had dumplings in Beijing. Won a decent jackpot in Rio but in Moscow I was broke. And there’s just one thing that nobody knows, I got shot in Tokyo oh oh oh well fuck it now I’m in Toronto and I’m not sure if I want to be. But fuck, no matter what I do or where am at, I always seem to come back to this lot! And they’re fucking dope!! I dunno what I wanna do now but I feel like I need to go home and spend some time with maa. After all, it’s been more than a decade since I left and I’ve never been back!
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mydesecrationsmile · 10 months
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mydesecrationsmile · 1 year
Hey you still alive?
Why do you want to know?
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mydesecrationsmile · 1 year
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This birth/last day has been everything I really wanted! Thank you!
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mydesecrationsmile · 1 year
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— Tathève Simonyan, Colourless Musings
[text ID: In my corner of the world, killing is a love language.]
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mydesecrationsmile · 1 year
i just mind my own business, eat fruits and listen to music. all that other shit is irrelevant
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mydesecrationsmile · 1 year
I love living so high up in the sky!!!, there’s always that constant reminder that death is just a step away! 😆
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mydesecrationsmile · 2 years
It feels soooooo good to be cold as ice ..once again, this time till the end. Fuck y’all.✌🏼🖤👽
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mydesecrationsmile · 2 years
You went away five thousand eight hundred and forty days ago and I’ve missed you every single one of those days. Happy Birthday Papa!
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