mydeadpoet · 1 month
Far too Patient
Oh for once,
Let me be known.
Only a mere picture was I,
To the gaze of yours
to be loved, is to be known and
You never loved me.
Thinking of opal haze
Oh but thinking is merely thought!
oh i want to feel, to touch
Oh for I have been far too patient.
Send me a knight
Cold yet loving.
Clearheaded yet blue.
— Bella
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mydeadpoet · 3 months
Did i dream it so
Give me your hand
Bury me
A lantern, slaughtered youth
for here lies
full of light.
Lightening before death
no power, not conquered
crimson lips, blooded sheets
What more favor can I do?
To be his paramour?
here, here I will remain.
Poet’s note: originally a page from an old Romeo and Juliet play book I took it from my math class in 7th. But anyway, I created a blackout poem from it so I guess it was worth it.
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mydeadpoet · 1 year
“You need to look busy,”
“I am busy,”
“You’re just sitting there.”
“Im listening to music and creating a whole world in my mind.”
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mydeadpoet · 1 year
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Posting on instagram is scary. So its on here now.
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mydeadpoet · 1 year
What do you want be when you grow up?
Nothing to everyone
and everything to myself.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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you were the darkest night
cold and blue
no emotions came out of you
sly as the greatest gatspy
and as silently as the stars that sleep
and i’m as bright as the clementines
shine in the light
wishing for you to give me a sign
of love at first sight
and a pretty blue intelligent mystery
pushing me away
         in the snow array
in the horizon of New York City
city lights beaming before our eyes
as we talk about our pasts and our presents
too afraid to talk about our future.
too afraid of what we might lose.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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I find myself turning little things in to so much more
turning sweet nothings to forever stories
For myself and I to dream of
and my forever someone and I
to fulfill them.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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My inspiration comes from the things around me
I draw patterns, flowers
and I eventually write about them
as paradise takes over.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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come to me blessed
As an insecure, scared form finds comfort in the optimistic
and comfort of not being mentally lonely
Not being alone shows all the possibilities I hope to successfully get
Successfully get confidence
Successfully find love
Successful life will be thoughtful and be enough I’ll be able to ponder about for hours
I hate missed opportunities. God they drive me crazy. How can I be so stupid.
I pity myself for causing it on myself
How could I.
Who am I.
Please get out of my head.
You say you want to find all my secrets
But I still haven’t figured them out
Place your bets
I won’t be able to survive without you with me.
Out in the real world
With no possible guidance
But my thoughts
But they’re not real.
I need the real you.
The real you comforting me not just a fragment of dreams
A real one who I can sob to
Who I can kiss
Who I have to support me
The real me
The loose roses on the edge of a mountain
Who a single wind can push them off
Falling, oh so fast, falling where the grave was dug but the people are there
Composure fast.
Think about how after life will be peaceful.
A long way from now but it’s going by fast
I know someday I’ll hopefully gain the peace I hopefully earned
Have a family with you in what it feels like the clouds
House filled with art, greenery, history
Your intellect saving us like always
God I’m grateful.
This is so random. Worst feeling but something to think about when what turns out to be a good day fucks up at the end. like goddamn really?
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
Let school go by quick
Let me have my nostalgia already
Let me thrive knowing i soon wont have to deal with this
Let me have the love of my life
Come and save me from misery
Just let me get tf out of school so i can live
This is so very angsty teenager of me
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
Its not a big deal.
Edit: it was rlly not a big deal. Goddamn.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
Hope i look back and laugh.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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Classical music my savior. I want to sob to you near a lake if possible. Anywhere ground. So i can be closer to life. Lay on the grass, head empty of anything from true.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
TAKE ME BACK. God really thought this year would be different
Cried on the first week
really thought.
Still have hope
This is dangerous.
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
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mydeadpoet · 2 years
I’m afraid
Afraid of a lot of things.
Embarrassment, failure
normal things really
they over power where that’s all I can think of
when others don’t react to something the same way as I do
I see myself as weaker but I accept it
Because I don’t quite understand how their feelings could differ
Where mine are filled with fear and exhaustion and self doubt
When I’m doubting myself my voice gets tinier and tinier where you can’t hear me
And I don’t want you to hear me. Don’t tell me to speak up. I will burst into tears. I can see that happening. But I hope it doesn’t. I really hope that doesn’t happen. Please universe. Please let me get through this without after and before shots of dwelling.
My love for arts, dreams, dreams from nowhere places, I hope they can keep me alive for a bit longer.
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