mybluet4rd15 · 1 month
Person who wants to do stuff trapped in a body that needs to lie down
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mybluet4rd15 · 6 months
when I am in my own environment I am so calm and friendly and normal, and when I am outside of that environment I am like a cat at the vet
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mybluet4rd15 · 6 months
*hunched in the corner with my Lego Havoc Marauder, pulling it apart into tiny pieces*
"screen accuracy" I whisper between sobs.
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mybluet4rd15 · 6 months
Noooo! Not the Ford Explorer!!
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mybluet4rd15 · 7 months
Ok, yes. I went looking for this type of recognition specifically cos I needed to know I wasn’t the only one. Look! 1: we’ve never heard of this special force before this episode, 2: we are given a view of the first one to show they are clones and to throw us off, 3: they Audo-synthesized his voice when the first guy’s was working just fine, 4: they showed he survived the waterfall?!! It’s Tech and I’m losing my mind!!
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STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH 2.02 "Ruins of War" & 2.09 "The Crossing" | 3.07 "Extraction"
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mybluet4rd15 · 9 months
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It’s Christmas Day, I never get up before ten.
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mybluet4rd15 · 10 months
Not me doing this exact thing.. 😑 
tumblr users will pause their music to watch one video and then scroll in silence for ten minutes
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mybluet4rd15 · 11 months
I went to a pro life center when I found out I was pregnant. I was very honest about how I was considering abortion. They did not shame me or try in talk me into keeping my baby. Instead, they counseled me, got to know me, took time to give me resources on all my options. They informed me and listened to any questions I had. I was given information, I was listened to, I wasnt judged. For that alone I chose to keep my baby because it is what I wanted to do not what someone else wanted me to do and I am so thankful for that. My birth control failed me. I had been on it for years. The father guilted me to try and get me to abort it. He even offered to pay for the procedure and now wants nothing to do with the baby. We don’t discuss that part. We dont discuss how many men pressure women into getting abortions. Ultimately they can’t force you to, but they can guilt you, pressure you all they want. When you choose to keep it they might just bail. Regardless if you’re in a long term relationship or not. They get out scotch free. A woman becoming pregnant doesnt just completely fall all on her. It takes two. I am not saying I’m pro life or pro choice I’ll simply keep that to myself. I’m so incredibly thankful for the resources I had. I wish instead of shaming women for choosing to or not to get an abortion we gave them resources. We promoted resources, we listened, and we up lifted. I was told “you got this” and I do. My family doctor continues to check on my mental health because she knows it isnt easy going in this alone. I am thankful for that. Not everyone has that, I thankfully did. If we took time to fix what isnt working or to listen we might see the outcome we want. We might see more women being honest then feeling ashamed or pressured. Theres so many sides to so many peoples stories, we just have to listen before we speak. Just because the woman bares the child does not mean the man is any less responsible. I wish instead of arguing over pro life or pro choice we would come together and work on a better solution entirely. Some women have miscarriages and stillbirths and they deserve resources too. That such a traumatic event. Women who have ectopic pregnancies should have resources, because some of them may truly of wanted that baby. Instead of shaming, inform. Give resources, listen, and be supportive.
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
Girl same.
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
Math is definitely red. Green was English/grammar, orange was history/social studies, blue was science ..
i’m curious
reblog if you’re curious as well
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
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ENDEAVOUR (2012 - 2023) Season 8, Episode 2
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
Even with the most bare minimum of knowledge of both He Man and Skeletor (I could pick them out in a line up, that’s it), I just knew which it would be.
Now you've done it He Man! You've given me no choice! I'm putting you in a tumblr poll He Man! Now all the tumblrinas will tell jokes at your expense! You cannot outmatch them He Man! They are too smart! Their wit is too great! Whatever shall you do?
Nyehhhhhh heh heh heh!!!! Skeletor!
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
I'd be down to see other content from older 2000s' shows and such. What other shows do you watch?
This list is not comprehensive, simply because I can’t remember them all lol. This list also is not in any kind of order, I just put them as I remembered them.
Star Trek (tos 1966-1969) (tng 1987-1994)
Numb3rs (2005-2010)
The Man From U.N.C.L.E (1964-1968)
Knight Rider (1982-1986)
MASH (1972-1983)
Remington Steele (1982-1987)
White Collar (2009-2014)
Emergency! (1972-1977)
The A-Team (1983-1987)
Monk (2002-2009)
Magnum P.I. (1980-1988)
MacGyver (1985-1992)
If you don’t see one up there you’re curious about, please ask!
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mybluet4rd15 · 1 year
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