my-white-ghost · 2 years
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“Through The West Wood” by Katrina Sesum
841 notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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small vases
38K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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2K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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51K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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Greek music
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my-white-ghost · 4 years
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399K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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136K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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8K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
What your favorite composer says about you
Mozart: You love the "uh oh stinky" meme, youtube pranks, and/or fart jokes
Bach: You seem detached and emotionless but you're actually super sensitive
Beethoven: Your diet consists of only coffee and your own tears
Brahms: You love the dark academia aesthetic
Pachelbel: You're the kind of person to say you like all kinds of music, but only listen to pop
J F Rebel: You look for people who say that they like all kinds of music and show them mongolian throat singing
Bartok: Your biggest desire is to go absolutely feral and live in the woods
Kodaly: Your biggest desire is to live in a cozy cottage with like 10 kids
Dvorak: Your biggest desire is to be a bog witch and/or goblin
Berlioz: Yandere animes are your guilty pleasure
Paganini: You love showing off
Liszt: You're probably a huge simp for him ngl
Smetana: You get attached to places more than to people
Rachmaninoff: You love suffering
Chopin: You have a huge playlist of sad sounding pieces for you to cry to
Scriabin: You used to have a Welcome to my Twisted Mind tumblr blog
Shostakovich: You probably think he's cute and refer to him as "shosty" or "the shost"
Saint-Saens: You were always told that you're smart as a kid, and it messed you up
Debussy: You cried during every single disney movie
Ravel: Well, you're not a percussionist, that's for sure (alternatively: you love water)
Satie: You used to consider yourself "not like other girls" unironically
Schoenberg: You're either very chill or horribly elitist. No in betweens
Cage: You listen to those relaxing recordings of rain sounds
Xenakis: You are ready to fight anyone who says math is boring
Schnittke: You listened to the most unwanted song and you think it's a bop
600 notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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51 notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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Symmetry Watercolor 55 Fish, 1942, M.C. Escher
44 notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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16K notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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calligraphic dragon
Torah, Germany ca. 1250-1299
BL, Add 21160, fol. 19r
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my-white-ghost · 4 years
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Old picture from my first time transcribing and translating from a manuscript.
4 notes · View notes
my-white-ghost · 4 years
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the earth smiles in flowers
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my-white-ghost · 4 years
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Stefan Blaser, 1983
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my-white-ghost · 4 years
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wish I could vitamin c my friends again 🍊
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