I want to say thank you to everyone who follows me on tumblr and likes my posts ❤
Unfortunately, it so happens that I don't really use the tumblr app anymore. Ever since I became a big fan of NCT, I started using Instagram consistently as I found more people posting on there and I gradually got used to the app.
As I only ever open tumblr to crosspost from my Instagram, I've decided to save myself the time and leave altogether 🙃 If you want to still see my posts, you can follow me @mymediocrestudyblr
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A little post about how I stay organized~ What does the heavy lifting is my little ring binder planner. I got it at Lidl for dirt cheap and it's where I write down all my deadlines and a list of the schoolwork I have to do for each of my courses over the semester. Overall, it's just very strictly functional.
With my bullet journal I get to have some fun and I use it most for reflection. It also helps me focus on the present - what I can do just today or just this week and not just for school but also for my well being and happiness. It becomes a precious keepsake that has many good memories and printed photos; while with my planner, I throw away checklists and calendars I don't need anymore.
Kratší post o tom, jak zůstávám organizovaná~
Nejtěžší práci pro mě dělá můj malý kroužkový plánovač. Sehnala jsem ho v Lidlu za pekelně levno a zapisuji si do něj úkoly a termíny odevzdání a také seznam toho, co musím během semestru udělat na každý předmět. Prostě je strikně jen funkční.
V mém 'bullet journal' si užívám více kreativity a hodně v něm reflektuji o sobě a o životě. Pomáhá mi se soustředit více na právě teď - co mohu udělat dnes nebo tento týden a nejen do školy, ale také pro radost a životní pohodu. Je to pro mě taková památková kniha, ve které je na konci spousta krásných vzpomínek a vytištěných fotek; zatímco z plánovače vyhodím seznamy a kalendáře, které už nepotřebuji.
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1. 3. 2020 - Hello, social media! I took a break as I wasn't feeling well :) In the end I decided to approach one of the school psychologists that my university offers free consultations with. I feel so thankful I did and I have been dealing a lot better this past month ♡ So I thought with my spring semester starting, I could start posting again from time to time.
Trans.: Ahoj, sociální sítě! Dala jsem si pauzu, protože jsem se necítila dobře :) Nakonec jsem se rozhodla jednomu ze školních psychologů, se kterými má univerzita nabízí bezplatné konzultace. Jsem ráda, že jsem to udělala, a poslední měsíc o hodně lépe život zvládám ♡ Tak mě napadlo, že bych se začátkem mého jarního semestru mohla začít znovu čas od času postovat.
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I’ve never felt this called out on such a personal level, damn.
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9. 11. 2020 - Some snapshots from last week :) Sorry for periodically disappearing on you. I'm straight up not having a good time in this pandemic :D But overall I'm still happy with school and what I'm studying. I'm just unhappy with my student performance sometimes.
How are you doing?
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2. 11. 2020 - Good morning, everyone. How are you doing? I'm watching my livestreamed lecture from my bed, because 😑 Probably will sleep some more once it's over 😅
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29. 10. 2020 - I finally got around to doing some work for my Literary Studies course and omg, the first lecture was incredible. Our lecturer is so passionate, it was inspiring to listen to him. Anyway, it's almost 11PM and I'm going to watch IT. Hopefully I won't regret this... 😅 It's actually one of my favourite movies; I've already seen it four times.
Anyone watching spooky movies for the spooky season? Give me reccomendations 🤗
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POV: You stayed up past midnight to finish Hamlet for your Literary Studies course and English is not your first language.
source: https://shakespeare.folger.edu/shakespeares-works/hamlet/act-5-scene-1/ 
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12. 10. 2020 - Can't believe one week in this semester has already passed. I didn't have much to do yet; now I'm experiencing my first full week of lectures and I'm already a little tired not because there would be too much schoolwork for me but because I have information overload when it comes to how and where online classes will take place. Some professors make it overly complicated both for us and themselves.
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9. 10. 2020 - Finished my first lecture notes this morning: for reference, the scribbles on the right is what my class notes look like. I could never study from these so I rewrite my notes, but these help me a lot in organizing the material in a way that makes sense to me since my prof. jumps around the topic.🙂 How about you, are you fast enough to just take notes in class?
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6. 10. 2020 - The mediocre in my url is for mediocre photo quality 'cause even I take them while there's still sunlight, they look... very clearly amateur 😅 I'm just continuing the reading I started yesterday. 😊
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5. 10. 2020 - Most of my courses are only starting next week, so today was lecture-free for me. But I already started with readings I do know about, because I'm so excited for it all.😅🥰 These are some notes from Alan Brinkley's The Unfinished Nation, second chapter Transplantations and Borderlands about the first English settlements in America. I never really learned about this in high school, so it's all very new and interesting to me.✌
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4. 10. 2020 - I finished reading the first chapter of Demian yesterday. I know, it took me a while :D But this chapter titled Two Worlds instantly reminded me of when we were learning about Melanie Klein and child psychology in high school, so I spent a lot of time reading up on that aswell and adding sticky notes and scribbles into my book.
Semester starts tomorrow but I won't have many classes yet. Still, I'm vibrating with excitement.
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30. 9. 2020 - Start of semester is finally coming around the corner for me! I'm enjoying my last days in my hometown before I leave for university; these are some photos I took during a walk today :)
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“What came is gone forever every time – that is good! That leaves it open for no regret…” – Allen Ginsberg (Kaddish)
25. 9. 2020 - Eventually I sort of stopped talking about me trying to change my major on this blog, because a) I wasn’t sure if there’s anyone at all that’s following that saga, even though that’s why I made this blog to begin with and b) everything in the world got so complicated even I myself didn’t get the time to stop and think about my progress. But for anyone that was still wondering and wanted to know:
I got accepted to English Language and Literature and am starting school on 5th October. I still had some finals to do and other stuff so that fact didn’t register for me for weeks. But now that’s all done, I filled in a form to leave my previous field of study minutes ago and it has finally hit me, that I made it and it’s real and it’s happening. And although most of my classes will be distance learning and I hope I’ll get to make some friends and not be completely lonely, unlike last year when I was entering uni for the first time, I am so overwhelmingly excited for it all. And most of all, I am extremely happy today.
I might make some infographics about what I learned through this experience like I was planning on when I made this blog, but that will probably come at a later time. Now I want to take a moment to bask in this good feeling and live in the present; leave it completely behind just for a bit. I want to read some of the books I’ve had on my list for years, so I opened Hermann Hesse’s Demian this morning. Later I’m meeting some of my friends from high school and having a sleepover.
I wish every one of you a good day! 🥰
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12. 9. 2020 - Long time no see :) As consolidation, have a bullet journal spread from August I was really happy with.
In the meantime, I passed two more exams and I'll have my last one this Monday. Busy weekend~ But that's my fault for procrastinating this for literal months until the very last possible moment.
I'm not too stressed about it anymore since it'll all be over in a few days <3
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28. 8. 2020 - I know I'm not the best at always posting; it's because I often don't have anything to post.
Anyway, the past two days I finally kicked myself to study for my philosophy final. I worked really hard on it and got a full score on my exam, but now I'm really tired :). I hope I can get better at not leaving things for the last minute because I don't think it's physically and mentally good for me in the long run.
Mom took me to see Bring The Soul in the evening afterwards. I didn't even know they were screening at our local theatre!
I'd made an IG account just because none of my friends use tumblr, but they want to stalk my posts :D. So if you prefer Instagram, you can follow me @mymediocrestudyblr; I'll be posting pretty much the same things...
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