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Russian tumblr with bad MTL. she/her, feminine gender markings. I write out of loneliness and boredom.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 4 months ago
*Ning Yingying.orig: ...*a slightly tired adult woman, scarred from battles, broken by constant competition Even LM and SH seemed too alien to her, since she grew up in a different environment and always knew LB well.*
Ning Yingying from Sistema: *....:)*
I urgently need a fanfic where Ning Yingying, Luo Binghe's first wife, is so disappointed that he became so bloodthirsty, gathered a huge harem and realized that the teacher might have been right. As a result, her child makes a revolution, and she leaves for the world of the System.
Just imagine: your husband swore his love to you, you gave birth to his heir, and this fool got a huge harem and, traveling between worlds, turns out to be still obsessed with his teacher., and is also trying to steal it.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 4 months ago
I urgently need a fanfic where Ning Yingying, Luo Binghe's first wife, is so disappointed that he became so bloodthirsty, gathered a huge harem and realized that the teacher might have been right. As a result, her child makes a revolution, and she leaves for the world of the System.
Just imagine: your husband swore his love to you, you gave birth to his heir, and this fool got a huge harem and, traveling between worlds, turns out to be still obsessed with his teacher., and is also trying to steal it.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 5 months ago
I watched the movie "Substance" and I want to say that the idea that for a week Cale has a relatively clean slate of socialization, those SJ, Suddenly a week he is Cale. As a result, the personality is mixed upon completion.
All evening I was thinking about AU, where Cale (from tcf) goes through SJ's life. I don't know why, but for me personally these are very similar characters (yes, even if nothing is said about the original villain!) Just imagine that Cade has to go through another test, which for him will last about 80 years (the approximate age of the Villain), and for his family more than 8 days.
I rethought RS's past and realized that it was quite possible that he, like Shen, was always closer to women than to men for obvious reasons. Even remembering Grandma Kim.
Even if Cale himself, due to his extreme lifestyle, did not realize this and did not attach any importance to it, I would put all my hundred rubles on everything that I described above.
*description of how for 80 years this bro in the body of a Chinese man in a Qing-colored hanfu has been trying not to go crazy due to rethinking life and living childhood and the imposition of socialization on the first*
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my-life-is-important-mb · 5 months ago
All evening I was thinking about AU, where Cale (from tcf) goes through SJ's life. I don't know why, but for me personally these are very similar characters (yes, even if nothing is said about the original villain!) Just imagine that Cade has to go through another test, which for him will last about 80 years (the approximate age of the Villain), and for his family more than 8 days.
I rethought RS's past and realized that it was quite possible that he, like Shen, was always closer to women than to men for obvious reasons. Even remembering Grandma Kim.
Even if Cale himself, due to his extreme lifestyle, did not realize this and did not attach any importance to it, I would put all my hundred rubles on everything that I described above.
*description of how for 80 years this bro in the body of a Chinese man in a Qing-colored hanfu has been trying not to go crazy due to rethinking life and living childhood and the imposition of socialization on the first*
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my-life-is-important-mb · 5 months ago
The funniest thing that is in the svsss is the indisputable fact that any inconsistency in the world can be blamed on the Airplane. (And on the system, mb)
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my-life-is-important-mb · 8 months ago
I love Atsushi.
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Do you think it would have been cool if Atsushi's white tiger aged with him as he grew up
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
I want to put stickers anywhere and not feel guilty about it.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
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"Two parallel ones cannot intersect. If someone don't trust me to draw it"
Literally, SY and the whole f^cking plot of the "SVSS". Damn genius without "n" and "us".
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
Cale : * takes Clopeh prisoner, all sorts of tortures and so on, in the end he goes crazy and ... you know.*
Lololoshka: ... YOU WON'T BELIEVE ME.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
Do you know what associations I had when reading the first 2 books "All for the Game?"
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
Despite the fact that I discovered the tumblr a couple of days ago, I feel here as I once did, about 5 years ago on Amino. Damn, it's been so long ago. hold me by the arms and legs, otherwise I will scribble posts about the analysis of Lazari Swann, fan fiction about a cannibal girl and other things that are usually perceived as nonsense. Thank you for your attention.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
Bing-mei: "Shizun is so wise.... so sublime and mysterious! He is as restrained in the spring games as the celestials, even better!
SY/SQQ *brought up on public pages with alpha quotation, Internet sages generation X, And he's a millennial who has only seen naked people on you-know-what-sites*: If you fallen, get up, are you dying? f up.
(there should be a cool quotation from the pubs of 2010, but they are not translated into English with rhyme. by the way, I think SY even if he was born in China, he still grew up like in the West, well, like all sorts of Coca-Cola, Maincraft. idk)
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
Why do furries do this
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Cuties but they both got that fuckass haircut😭
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
when people talk about KRS and Cale I have confusion in my head, because I hate when they don't specify Krs!Cale or og!Cale, new KRS or old KRS. help me.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
okay, what about Atsushi = Kim Rok Soo? After all the shit of the last arcs, he, according to the curse, stays alive while the others die. a respite of several months. he hides in Korea, for example, changes his appearance and the apocalypse begins! Further in the canon TCF. Why? because I believe that Atsushi can become a cool strategist and because he is really someone who can close himself off as KRS.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
hmm. If pidw is a book on behalf of Binghe, then it is quite logical that Shen is a bastard in his eyes. Everything was described from Bingha's point of view, all the events and so on, if I'm not mistaken. For some reason, I personally believe that he could well be a little dramatic in adolescence. (Qinghua didn't write much about the villain, except for "cruel pervert" and so on, so if you take the world of the book for the real world in another setting, then in fact Qinghua doesn't play any role there.) For some reason, for me, original characters without a plot SVSS are just tired people with their demons in their heads, their vices and so on. yeah,I love SJ.
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my-life-is-important-mb · 9 months ago
I found an artist!
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