mx-boggins · 1 month
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Happy AAPI month! I wanted to do something Palestine-related so here’s a wedding costume and breakdown from Al-Dahiriya, a village south of Hebron in the West Bank. 
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mx-boggins · 2 months
no offence but i think a lot of us me included don’t actually want romantic love as badly as we think and really are just lonely and crave a closeness and intimacy that feels out of reach in friendships because of society’s emphasis on marriage and the nuclear family so we project that into the never ending search for a perfect love and a soulmate when really we all just want to mean something to someone
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mx-boggins · 3 months
I want to preface this by saying this is not victim blaming. This not calling people online lazy or grifting or whatever.
But an underlooked proponent on why some people are nearing homeless and crowdfunding heavily rn is bc society has failed you by making it as inconvenient as possible to learn about social systems and programs that already exist to help your situation as well as not having enough programs and aid.
Lemme give some examples. I have been unemployed for 10 months. My mom told me about a paying job training program a month ago after I already decided to mive in with her to find work, because nothing was coming up in my own city. My best friend didn’t know about affordable housing assistance in my state until she talked to my dad about it on a chance encounter. Some people on here have to see posts about much cheaper alternatives to their current prescriptions or medical plans because its not in the interest of their doctors paychecks to tell them about it. I would have waited to get vaccinated and not have crowdfunded for Uber money if I had known they were going to give free vaccine rides the next month. But I wouldn’t have really known this until I opened the app once that program started, because it is in their interest to keep taking my money until its their desired time for me to reap their “generous” services.
What I’m trying to say is that this is an under discussed aspect of how capitalism fails people. When you are forced to make your life and work and finances so singular and self interested, you are cut off from community and equivalent social services to proper government assistance. You literally don’t know that there is help somewhere out there for you unless you’re told.
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mx-boggins · 3 months
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The Palestinian (1977)
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mx-boggins · 3 months
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mx-boggins · 3 months
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[original post that sof's library (@/folkoftheshelf) is reacting to: Globe Eye News reports: "White House says no "genocide" happening in Gaza." May 13, 2024]
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mx-boggins · 3 months
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mx-boggins · 3 months
this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
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her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!
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mx-boggins · 3 months
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Don't fall into despair!!!!!
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mx-boggins · 3 months
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mx-boggins · 3 months
Growing up I always watched movies, documentaries, tv shows and read books about atrocities committed by people in history and thought.. how did this happen and why did no one do anything? Why did governments not intervene? Why did public figures not speak out? How did they get away with it? it? Most importantly how did human treat other humans like that? Where was the compassion?
I'm ashamed to say that in 2024 I now have the answers. The government's gas lighting and complicity, the media dehumanising, ignoring and bias reporting, the huge companies funding and supporting, the public figures choosing to stay silent, the ordinary person pretending "they don't know enough" this is how we've allowed this to happen time and time again..
In the past we could forgive people for not having enough information, not having access to it, not being able to hear the stories of the horrors, to be able to see it with their own eyes..
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In 2024 you can't pretend you "don't know enough" you can't pretend you don't see innocent children, men, and women being brutally killed by sadistic, genocidal leaders and their war crimes.. you can't ignore the 100's and 1000's of videos, images, stories and people who are telling you what is happening.. the sheer horror of images we are seeing.. you can't ignore the countless protests, discourse, conversations, posts, live feeds etc.. history will judge your inaction, your silence, your ignorance..
This is not a war.. this is a genocide.. this is massacre.. there are no sides..
Also please don't forget the innocent people suffering in Sudan and Congo they need our voices too!
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mx-boggins · 3 months
Today: Israeli forces demolish the entire Palestinian Bedouin village of Wadi Khalil in the Negev\/ Naqab leaving over 300 residents without any housing solution.
This isn’t Gaza or the West Bank— this is in the 1948 territories, within Israel proper. These are Palestinians, or what Israel calls “Arabs with Israeli citizenship”, and which Israel claims have equal rights to other Israelis every time they trie to argue that they’re the only democracy in the Middle East.
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mx-boggins · 3 months
Caption on post -
Mass Murder in the Market
By @filastinyat & @eye.on.palestine on Instagram.
Link to post.
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mx-boggins · 4 months
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mx-boggins · 4 months
some aces are virgins
some aces love sex
some aces have sexual trauma
some aces don't want sex
some aces masturbate
some aces are teenagers
some aces are in their seventies
some aces dress modestly
some aces wear skimpy clothes
some aces only date aces
some aces don't want romance
and we're all valid : )
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mx-boggins · 4 months
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34,000 deaths is clearly an appalling undercount when watchdog groups learn about mass graves like this every week.
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mx-boggins · 4 months
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Who killed him? How did he die?
He was tortured to death. I want everybody to imagine the strength it takes to endure weeks of painful torture (that include electric shocks) and not make the false confession the zionists tried to get to justify their hospital massacres.
He endured the pain to protect his people
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