mwramblings · 3 years
Okay. It turns out that he is having an emotional affair. How do I know? Because as he was waking up he said that he loves her. I asked him to repeat himself and he hugged me and said that he loved her again. Just fucking kill me.
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mwramblings · 3 years
Okay. Turns out I was an unfulfilled pain slut and he was always holding himself back. My mood is now stable and my mood swings have stopped. I've become a better and more huggy person. 10/10, would recommend.
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mwramblings · 3 years
If he was this into neglect play he should have married a fucking shoe.
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mwramblings · 3 years
So I asked you to watch me going outside (for the first time in a long time) from the window. You agree. I took around 45 seconds to nervously get down 3 flights of stairs. That was too long for you and like the cunt you are, you fucking ignore me. I have fucking agoraphobia, you know I do, the therapists say I do. And you think its okay to ignore my fucking efforts? Fuck you.
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mwramblings · 3 years
I've started to dread turning off the podcast because then you might talk to me.
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mwramblings · 3 years
I can remember a time when I wasn't on my period. But for some reason I can't remember not being in pain.
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mwramblings · 3 years
Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad.
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mwramblings · 4 years
Fuck you dad. If you don't like the party dynamic just kill your character again. Hopefully this time the DM won't be manipulated into doing a deus ex machina AGAIN.
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mwramblings · 4 years
I just realised that I have based my whole life on being unladylike. What a twat.
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mwramblings · 4 years
Why does my dog always look so damn smug?
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mwramblings · 4 years
I just want to complain dear husband. Stop trying to solve my fucking problems and just let me bitch. Don't explain things just let me fucking zone out. Please stop fucking explaining shit.
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mwramblings · 4 years
If I had known that I would be called in for the vaccination, I wouldn't have drawn on my face with permanent markers last night.
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mwramblings · 4 years
I know that my mood has gone down so much since I started cutting again. I'm sorry, I really am. But since I finished probation I really miss talking to my probation officer.
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mwramblings · 4 years
I'm scared. You know that I am scared. So why do you just stand and scowl at me and then snap at me for crying?
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mwramblings · 4 years
Everyday for the past week I have had an eyelash on my cheek for me to make a wish with. Today I wished that my eyelashes would stop falling out.
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mwramblings · 4 years
Just Don't.
I know that the stone squirrel outside isn't going to come inside and kill me in my sleep if I'm not loudly polite to him, but I also know that the stone squirrel outside IS 100% going to come inside and kill me in my sleep if I'm not loudly polite to him.
You don't need to tell me how illogical that is. Stop please.
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mwramblings · 4 years
Ramblings of a Madwoman
My. Fucking. Husband.
I know it’s scary to forget things but PLEASE believe me when I remember something that you don’t. I love you man but don’t act like a douche and then turn into a pathetic mouse when I fight back.
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