01. || first day of school.
last chapter || next chapter
word count : 1379

Edith was awakened by that stupid default iPhone alarm, she groaned before picking up her phone and looking at the time.
6:47 am
She sighed before pulling herself out of her bed and wrapping her comforter around her body. She dragged her tired self over to the windowsill before kneeling right in front of it.
"Good morning Rex," Edith smiled opening up her chameleon's enclosure. She gently picked up the pet and walked into her bathroom down the hallway.
She set Rex on a small tree planted in a pot right next to the towel rack. He became yellow indicating that he was excited, this was like a daily routine to him.
Edith finally tore the comforter from herself before wetting her toothbrush and applying toothpaste to it.
2 and a half minutes later she finished, continuing with her morning routine which included washing her face, changing into clean clothes, and most importantly feeding her beloved chameleon.
"Good morning sweet pea," Edith's dad poked his head through the mudroom doorway. "Excited for your very last first day of school?"
"Total, can't wait to be the loner of the year!" The girl looked up from her bowl of cereal.
"Just like every other year." Her brother Sapnap spoke.
"Oh be quiet, be nice to your sister." Allie, her stepmother snapped at the boy.
"She's not my actual sister mom." He replied.
"Excuse me? Go get your brother and leave before you guys are late for school." Allie raised her voice at her son.
"Thanks, Allie." Edith half smiled placing her empty bowl in the sink.
One of the young men came running down the stairs, Basketball and Regular backpacks in hand. "Come on Edith, you had like 40 minutes to put that stupid lizard away yet you choose to do it now, right before we have to leave?"
"I'll be quick I'm sorry," Edith picked up Rex from yet another plant in the kitchen, walking up the stairs and into her room. "I'll be back later, love you." She kissed the chameleon's head before setting him back in his home.
"That's disgusting." Edith heard a whisper from the hallway, of course, one of the infamous boy who hate her for no apparent reason, Clay.
"You're acting like you don't say shit to your cat Clay. I've never said anything to you, I don't understand why you have to be so rude to me." Edith grabbed her school bag, throwing it over her shoulder before pushing past Clay and running down the stairs.
"Love you, Edith, have a good day at school." Her Dad yelled at her as she ran out of the garage door into Sapnap's Truck.
Edith wasn't a very affectionate person. She had a hard time talking about her feelings, along with even saying those stupid 3 word sentences to her father. Though of course she never had a problem saying it to Rex. Then again she didn't feel as if he could judge her anything since y'know, he is a chameleon after all.
"We're picking up George, you'll have to sit in the bed of the truck once we get him," Sap spoke looking over at Edith.
"You're joking, right? Do you not see what I'm wearing? That bed is disgusting, you haven't cleaned it this whole summer."
"Sucks, I already told George we would pick him up."
"You're a piece of shit, I don't know why you guys treat me so bad when I've been nothing but be nice to you two," Edith spoke before crossing her arms against her chest.
A few minutes go by before the three siblings arrive at George's house. Clay hopped out of the truck letting Edith out and letting George in.
Stepping up on the tire, making sure her jeans wouldn't get caught on anything, she threw her leg over just as George walked outside.
"Why's she sitting in the bed?" George asked walking through his front lawn.
"You know my truck is only a 3 seater George, she's fine, get in," Sap yelled out the sunroof.
George and Edith made eye contact as Clay pushed his friend inside the car.
"Are you sure she's okay out there? She doesn't even have a sweater on and it's 38 degrees out guys," George spoke looking through the back window at Edith's back.
"You're right, don't go yet." Clay hopped out of the car, taking off his jacket and offering it to his stepsister.
Edith looked over her shoulder and into the truck before taking the jacket from Clay. "Thank you."
Getting back in, he buckled his seatbelt before Sapnap began driving. "Why do you care if she's cold or not George? Got a crush on her or something."
"What no? I could never, she's not my type. Just thought it would be nice."
Edith's heart sunk. She had to admit. George was pretty cute and was the nicest friend out of her brother's friend group. How could she be such a fool? Of course, she's not George's type. She's got dark brown hair, light brown eyes, acne, scars from her past, horrible eye bags that circled her whole eye, making it look like she always had black eyes, and last but not least, she wasn't the skinniest. The only girls she has ever seen George date were beautiful blonde and blue-eyed girls.
What if she were to just jump out of the moving truck, would it hurt? Do you think she would die? No no no Edith shook those thoughts out of her head as they pulled up to the school. Her stomach began to hurt. Maybe she should've gone online as her father suggested. No no that was silly, she can do this. It's only one last year before she can move away and leave everything behind. Just like her brother did. She missed him, a lot. Maybe too much.
Her thoughts were interrupted when Clay yelled at the girl to give back his jacket. "Edith, Edith! Are you deaf?!"
"Stop yelling at her you stupid bitch." One of Ediths friends, Tina, defended the girl, pushing past the boys and slapping Clays' shoulder. "Edith are you okay?"
"What? Oh sorry. Yes, I'm okay." She apologized before slipping off Clay's jacket and handing it back to him. She jumped out of the bed, while Tina grabbed her hand.
"You don't have to apologize, Edith, It's not-" George was interrupted by Alex making his way over to the truck.
"Sup fuckers." Alex hugged' the brothers.
"God all of you are so annoying." Tina groaned pulling Edith away from the group of boys.
"Tina!" Alex called after her.
"What do you want Alex," Tina turned around making eye contact with her brother.
"Don't forget about tonight."
"What's tonight?" Edith looks at Tina.
Tina pulled the girl along while she spoke. "Don't be mad at me please,"
"Why would I be mad?" Edith pulled her arm away from Tina.
"I'm leaving, not like leaving leaving but I'm going to Mexico for a little while."
"What a little while?"
"Like a month or two.." Tina shrugged.
"A month or two?! Tina, why didn't you tell me? I mean I'm not upset, I'm happy you'll be able to see your family again. I just wish you would've told me sooner." Edith wrapped her arms around the girl.
"I know and I'm sorry, that's why I came today so we could spend some time together,"
"We don't have any classes together Tina what do you mean?"
"Listen I know, and that's why we will be skipping school today." Tina smiled grabbing both of Edith's hands.
"Tina what? I can't skip school. My dad will kill me."
"No he won't E, now let's go,"
#dreamwastaken#georgenotfound#georgenotfound fic#mcyt#sapnap#georgenotfound x reader#dream x reader#!siblingwastaken#dsmp#gnf#sapnap x reader#georgenotfound x oc#dreamwastaken imagine#georgenotfound imagine
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thanks for all the love recently, next few chapters of comfort zone will be posted within the next week. and i am now taking requests :)
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sorry if 'and everything has changed' didn't met your expectations lol, still working on getting into writing again
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and everything has changed part 2 - dreamwastaken
word count 833 || part 1

You missed your Dream. Your Clay.
The one who would bring you home flowers with chocolate whenever you were feeling overwhelmed with work. The one who ran his hands through your hair whenever he could get the chance. The one who would sneakily steal little bites of your dinner, after saying he wasn't hungry. The one who would memorize your order at every restaurant you ever went to just in case your anxiety began acting up. The one who made sure you were always okay. Was that too much to ask?
Soon enough you placed yourself on the couch. Facing the back side of the couch, you hear someone walk through the front door.
"Honey I'm home!" Sapnap called out from the entryway. Taking off his shoes he moved into the living room. Sap glanced over seeing you laying down, he checked his phone before going to shake you awake.
"Wake up sleepy head, you're going to be late for work. I picked you guys' bagels on my way back here." Sapnap placed yours on top of your head, setting the others on the counter.
"I have the day off," You mumbled.
"Why aren't you sleeping in?"
It seems as though he and George had been oblivious to what was going on between you two.
"Why not? I can tell you're tired." So someone did notice. "Go cuddle with your boyfriend or something, I'm sure you'll fall right into a deep sleep."
You looked up at Sapnap, revealing your bloodshot eyes. "Dream told me that my whining and begging wasn't helping him with whatever he was doing," Your eyes began to water as you sat up, raising your voice. "Everything has changed Sapnap. He's different, and I don't know why, or what I did to make him act this way toward me."
"He said what?" Sapnap spoke with a mouth full of bagel.
"Can you guys keep it down I'm trying to sleep." Dream emerged from your shared bedroom.
You looked up at the man, biting your cheek in an attempt to keep your words in, failing of course. "Oh so now you want to sleep hm? As soon as I leave the goddamn room you think, 'Oh now would be a perfect time to sleep since my whinny partner left. They're not here to beg me for my attention or love on me as other pairs do.' Seriously Clay?"
"Can we not do this in front of Sapnap?"
"When else are we going to do it hm?" You stood up, setting your bagel on the coffee table. "You're always too busy with your online life Clay. I haven't had a real conversation with you in weeks. I-I don't even feel like I'm in a relationship anymore."
Dream walked down the stairs, shuffling his feet over to you. "Babe-"
You continued, "I went out the other night, the night that we were supposed to, I waited 45 minutes for you yet you never showed. Do you know how embarrassing that is? I started fucking crying, Clay. Some random guy came over and sat in front of me, asked me if I was okay, asked me questions, and walked me through my feelings. He made me feel more of a person than you have the past 6 months Clay."
"So you cheated on me?" Dream stepped back.
"That's all you took from that? Seriously? Not anything about my feelings or anything?" You slouched, sulking, looking down, and shaking your head. "I didn't cheat on you, I would never do that to somebody; especially someone who I care so much for."
You felt familiar arms wrapped around you, a hand going straight into your hair, forcing your head onto the familiar chest. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I love you, I do." Sniffles could be heard above your head. "I've been too busy wrapped up with my work and my feelings that I didn't even give myself time to think of yours."
Sapnap finished his bagel, "I'm gonna go stream now.." Sapnap grabbed his bottle of water and started sprinting up the stairs, Patches right on his tail.
Your tears soaked your boyfriend's t-shirt as he continued speaking. "Please don't leave me, please don't leave me y/n, I need you; I want you, along with this relationship."
That night you lay in your shared bed, arms and legs tangled together. Finally warm, finally not having to pile pillows on top of each other, and finally, no longer scared of some monster that would crawl up and scare you while sleeping on your side. And to top it all off, a cup of coffee/tea right beside you on the table.
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Part 2 to everything "and everything has changed?" maybe
oh, i had originally planned it just to be a oneshot but i'll see what i can do :)
if you guys have any other ideas for a little series or oneshots let me know!
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and everything has changed - dreamwastaken
word count: 419 || part 2

You're heart sank as you made your way up the stairs; hearing Dream from your shared bedroom laughing with his friends.
This was a daily occurrence. Who are you kidding, this was your life. At least it has been for the last 6 months. Ever since Dreams face reveal, things between the two of you had changed.
It used to be that the two of you would fall asleep, wrapped in each others arms. But now, you went to sleep by yourself; no longer warm, no matter how many blankets you piled on-top of yourself. Scared some monster would crawl up and scare you while sleeping on your side; no matter how many pillows you piled together, trying to mimic your boyfriends body. Even when he was just 4 feet away from you, busy typing away. Making plans with friends who he could finally meet in person.
You would wake up at 5:45 every morning, while hearing him make his way into the bedroom. "Morning pretty girl/boy," He would speak as he placed a kiss on your cheek, a cup of coffee/tea being set down right on the nightstand next to you. "Have a good day at work." He would then knock out just minutes after hitting the pillow.
But now you'd be awoken by the grunts and slams of an annoyed Dream trying to code a plugin.
"You're still awake?"
"Of course I am, I need to get this done."
"Dream please come to bed." You pleaded wanting attention, wanting to feel loved, wanting to be touched.
"Just go back to sleep y/n, I need to get this finished" He knew you wouldn't.
You sat up rubbing your eyes, trying to get them used to the computer screen blaring into them.
"Clay-" You were cut off.
Dream got up throwing his headphones into his desk, "I said to just go back to sleep y/n, I need to finish this plugin for Sap and your whining and begging isn't going to help."
You looked over at the alarm clock next to you. 5:37 am. No cup of coffee/tea next to it. You knew you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, even after realizing you had the day off.
You felt small. Your eyes began watering letting your boyfriends words sink in; your whining and begging isn't going to help.
"Sorry, I'll leave you alone." You got up walking out of the room, not a single soul following behind you.
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i think @nsfw-giz series got me back into writing, or maybe it's because i've been taking my adderall 🤔
either way everyone thank giz
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00. prologue

summary || next chapter
we learn just a little bit about Edith.

Edith had always been the quiet girl in school, never talked unless she was called, though, of course, she found ways around that.
Though she hadn't always been so quiet. She was once a bright and talkative person, unfortunately, her childhood had changed that, her childhood ruined her. From her parent's divorce to her only brother cutting her off when she was just 16, no one ever believed her when she told them why. She was told that there had to be another reason. No one would do that to their own sister, and so on.
After that day she swore she would never express her feelings to anyone because once she did, they left. Every single one of them, that was until George Davidson came along.

#georgenotfound#dsmp#dsmp fic#dsmp gnf#gnf x reader#georgenotfound imagine#georgenotfound fanfic#georgenotfound fic#mcyt fic#dream team#dreamteam fic#georgenotfound sfw
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a georgenotfound series! || ongoing

00. prologue
01. first day of school
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- and everything has changed || part 2
- toforgiveandforget (series) !comingsoon
- comfortzone (series)
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still figuring some things out 👍👍
taking requests!!
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