muttsuheaven · 3 years
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i’m sure you would like to know, oda. but my thoughts are for me to know and you to never find out unless i deem it appropriate. [ she’s durable, she’s going to last awhile or so she hopes. she hopes to outlast him but that’s nigh impossible. ]
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I do not stop easily however, once I have my sights set on something, you would do good to remember that. [Durable, vicious, and filled with tenacity on par with most men when it came to such things. Yet he was similar, he will play this game however long it must last and will do so until he hears those words.] So speak your mind, part of it anyway unless you desire to antagonize me instead.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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mind your business, oda. 
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Hmph, so you say, Kicho but I do wonder just what thoughts are fluttering around that head of yours at times. [Enigma, mystery, what more could he perhaps say about this butterfly of a woman. Confusion is one thing, interest despite trying to seem uninterested was growing a bit tiring but he can still manage. He wanted to see how far she wished to go, how far she wished to fall before he was asked to devour and make her fully as his before he caved.]
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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❛  now it is suddenly ‘our’ chambers? that is news to me, milord. i was under the impression it was yours or mine. not an ours. ❜  bitterness rings in her tone, a hand idly grasping the fabric of her clothing as if to sate a festering anger. ❛  i will be alone tonight, be it the chambers or a guest room. ❜
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     Perhaps then... “Or, take it to mean that I am more than willing to be persistent in what I’m after if you wish to stand against me.” How annoying it was to deal with this but he had reason to fight through it. Were he anyone else they would have thrown her to the streets without a second thought. Yet, he was here pursuing something one would consider unobtainable due to his prior actions. “Do not take this lightly. I have reason for wanting to do so after all.” 
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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❛  i said i wish to be left alone, milord. it would be wise and appreciated if you abided by my meager request. ❜  she’s firm on not having him within the chambers with her  :  she needn’t lose herself to his ambitions now. no, not tonight.
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     “And tell me, what reason should I not want to be with my wife in our chambers?” He’s certain she knew of him not seeing those women he brought there originally as concubines. The entire palace knew, even the servants did so he was sure that this may create an opening for him yet it would seem it may need more time. As impatient as he may be it seemed as if he will need to pause for now depending on how she responds to his question.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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azure wind, golden flight, stormrider
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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❛  i understand an audience with you is a high honor, but if i had wished for your company i would extended the invitation. i wish to be left alone, milord. ❜
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     “Sadly I will not be taking no for an answer this time.” After all, once his mind was set on something it was hard to change it. He wished to be in there so he will seek ways of doing so without fail. “You know by now how I am with setting my sights on things much less decisions I make.”
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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❛  no, i was merely heading to my chambers. ❜ blunt, perhaps unwarranted but it was the truth. she had no desire to mingle currently or linger aimlessly within the quiet halls. 
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     “... hmph, since I haven’t paid your chambers or rather our chambers a visit...” It would seem he’s debating, that demon of a man had began his chase internally and would see it through if it’s what he must do. “At least in quite some time anyway.”
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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     “... regardless, were you in need of something?” It would seem he was curious for once, the palace surprisingly quiet in the instance of the concubines and his trusted men. All of them relaxed even if a certain one was depressed he had yet to show his face again. 
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
@noshuhime​ said:  stares at
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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     “... hmph, as if I am that childish.” He says this and yet his youth was full of things that can suggest otherwise.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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last i checked, you can be just as bad. so don’t try shoving it all on Katsuzo. 
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     As they say, my antics cause annoyance in many and I happen to enjoy putting them in their places over it. Though Katsuzo is more likely to tear a man’s spine out than I am at times.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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am i married or just a full time babysitter. 
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     Last I checked we are married, your babysitting in particular is Katsuzo related. [Especially since that man was uncontrollable even for the demon king of all people.]
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
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❛  is this your way of fixing the problem? food?  gods, you’re unbelievable. ❜ says the woman who just drunkenly poured her heart out to a man that never cared unless it suited his needs. was this another convenient need of his that was being sated with this action?  ❛  forget what i said, forget the whole rambling. i’m going to my place, i trust it more than you. ❜
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     “If you do not do it, I will instead either pick you up or show up at your place. I am willing to talk but I do not wish for it to be whenever you’re drunk.” The edge of annoyance in his tone seemed to suggest otherwise. There was time to think for him anyway prior to him getting this, since by this point he seemed to be completely alone for the most part. “The food was to help sober you up somewhat, Kichou.” Another rarity but one he used when he was utterly serious. That name. He never once used it if he had ulterior motives yet he is not certain if it would garner an actual response.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
@noshuhime​ said: what she thinks of him in her head and in her heart are two vastly different portrayals. she knows, logically, he's no good for her. he's nothing short of a neglectful husband in his own right. logically, she should not love him at all. but the heart, oh that cursed thing, that wretched thing! it loves him so, loves him dearly, loves him eagerly. loves him to the point of jealousy. his ambitions are admirable, his drive nothing short of awe. he never gives up, he never stops. he has a dream and he wants it true
.... he's a demon of a man but i suppose regardless, he's mine. (accepting)
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     “Hmm? You’ve been staring you know.” He nearly teased her for it but decided for once against it. No need to comment on that given he assumed she was having one of those moments where she was staring in longing at him. Then again he was half debating on giving her some form of attention because he noticed, perhaps he should reward her for once.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
Tag dump.
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
what does your muse think of mine?
send me in specific detail exactly what your muse thinks of mine. whether it be when they first see them, or when they’re lying in bed in the middle of the night and just can’t fall asleep. I’m genuinely curious. 
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muttsuheaven · 3 years
While I try finding someone for a sorta modern N/obu, feel free to add me on d/iscord at TWIN【☆】#9061, I’ll be on there and most likely playing a thing or two in between doing this.
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