welcome to the mutates protection program.
351 posts
"you exist in a half-world suspended between two super structures, one self-expression and the other self destruction." accepting: now opening: june 15th members: 14 mobile navigation
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mutateshq · 8 years ago
are you accepting today?
Of course !!! I’ll be around to accept, so please don’t hesitate to drop in an app !!! xoxo
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
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                               are they protecting you from                            the world or the world from you?
                         welcome to the mutates protection program.
—  after a project from the security team enforcement of mutants association exploded and emitted radiation, citizens around the world began to develop abilities and powers that a normal human wouldn’t have. a deviant from the norm, communities after communities began forming hunting parties to hunt these special humans down and destroy them. scientists are capturing them in hopes to experiment on them. the government is using them to fight their own wars or placing them behind repressive doors. stema then created the mutates protection program, a program that houses mutates, hiding them from the rest of the world in hopes to keep them safe and secured from the public and government.
                               are you going to SELF-EXPRESS or SELF-DESTRUCT?
          home.            message.             plot.              apply.
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
Hi guys, your navigation tabs don't seem to be working.
on desktop or mobile ?? because they’re working for me on my laptop right now, but maybe it’s a browser thing. is anyone else having trouble with the navi tabs ?? 
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
do you have any wanted connections?
click anywhere in this sentence, love !!
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
Hey lovely admins, I hope you don't take this offensively or anything like that because I really do love this group and everyone in it(YOU BEAUTIFUL ADMINS INCLUDED) but I really think you should have some event or plot drop happen soon? The dash is so slow and I really think by doing something like that you'd be involving everyone in the group and inspiring their muses? It's definitely just a suggestion, have a wonderful night or day!
hello, darling !! believe me when i say that we aren’t taking this the wrong way. we’ve been rather busy and haven’t been on the main too much and we really apologize for that, and we’ve unfortunately noticed the dip in activity ( thank you for those we are keeping up their activity annnd their patience !! ), BUT, we’re pleased to say that we have been talking about another event so keep a look out for updates !!
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
alright, alright, alright. admin jas is back and ready for business !! while i start getting my writing mojo back, why don’t some of you lurkers send in any questions you might have. we also have many fc’s and powers ready to be snatched up if you’re interested !!
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
i loved the suggested power combinations you did before, do you have any more ?
admin jas answered the other power combinations questions, so i’m not sure if i can do as well as she did with them but i will try !!
1. power randomization & duplication : you can clone yourself but each clone has a different power ?? 2. teleportation & duplication : you can clone yourself and each clone can transport to a different location !3. reactive adaptation & self-resurrection : you adapt to whatever killed you before you died and when you come back alive, you become immune and resistant to whatever killed you 4. healing & elemental manipulation : you can heal using elements such as water, fire, ice, earth, electricity, light, etc. 5. elemental mimicry & intangibility : you can transform into different elements ( water, fire, air, ice, etc. ) to achieve a form of intangibility so attacks can pass right through you.
i hope those helped !! if not & you need more, please let me know !
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
so every page on the main should be updated by now !! if there’s a mistake, please let us know ! while i start organizing & cleaning some stuff up, why don’t you come and love us ?? we have many open faceclaims and powers up for grabs !
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
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the following member(s) have twenty-four hours to improve their activity:
due to personal reasons, please unfollow:
the following faceclaim(s) are now open:
dylan o’brien
candice patton
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
i won’t lie, admin tina + jas have been holdinnnn’ it down and i’m just here slackinng !!! thank you for putting up with me regardless !! in the mean time, ask some questions or come apply, we’d love to have y’all join ussss !!!
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
Here's Dante.
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
whats the difference between mission and field agents
that is answered right here !! let me know if you have more questions about it or need more details !
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
unfortunately, admin jas is without her laptop charger, so you guys are stuck with me and ashley for the rest of the week !! we’re going to have an activity check tomorrow & update the pages as well !! while we get the main sorted out, why don’t you guys come & check us out ??
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
Since there are classrooms, what kind of education can someone get at this place? Is it restricted to high school diploma or can characters get college degrees here?
students at MPP can get college and/or university education depending on what the muse has when arriving and how they would like to further their education if they've been here for awhile ( or even coming back !! ).
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
Are you hoping for more students or faculty? Also what 'stema official' positions are open right now?
we have a good mixture of both at the moment so either would be fantastic !! as for STEMA positions, we would love to see mission agents, stema director, stema executives, head guard, field agents, security executives, human relations director, or a mpp coordinator. if there’s one you would like to create, feel free to do so !!
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
— &. welcome ( dante costello ) to the mutates protection program. the ( field agent ) is a ( thirty-four ) year old mutate who is ( fearless & overconfident ), possessing the ability of ( illusion & pain manipulation ). they look strikingly similar to ( dj cotrona ). are they going to self-express or self-destruct? ( ooc: lexa / 20 / est / she/her)
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mutateshq · 8 years ago
have you done or are you planning on doing events? i've seen the missions and i think i understand what they are but do you do those in place of events?
we’ve done one event so far ! it was a summer event !! whenever we have an event, we won’t have a mission that week because then there’ll be too much going on. things are going kind of slow right now while we try to see how the missions are working out for the group !
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