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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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Day 1: Memories 💛
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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i'll be nice to him only for today
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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misc doodles
gay crops bc i cant post them on tumblr
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(full pics)
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
Zosan week: Day 4 “Teasing/Flirting”
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Jingle jingle, how can you sit up there and not touch the earrings?
(Yes I’m behind, I don’t care anymore, I’m also behind on sleep, so yeah lol, I’ll just finish a day late)
Cant draw facesss T^T why does Sanji’s head look like a bean, and zoro’s is like a damn rectangle.
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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A drawing of Franky I did a while back for my friend @rougherduckling :]
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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Happy Birthday, our lovely Sanji ❣️
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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🎉Happy Birthday Sanji✨✨
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
{one piece ficlet, usopp & zoro} brave
continuing my 'zoro is actually quite profound and also the bestest first mate ever' series with some usopp & zoro brotp content 😌 nami's is here for anyone interested; my goal is to do one of these for each straw hat member and then compile them into a bigger fic to post on ao3 so stay tuned for more!
Rating: G Notes: post time skip
The Thousand Sunny is about twenty-thousand meters into its descent to Fishman Island, which means the sea around them has turned pitch black save for the occasional colorful display of bioluminescent creatures that dwell within the deep. There’s one happening right now, a giant cloud of something blue and twinkly floating alongside the ship as it continues slowly downward. It reminds Usopp of stars on a clear night, and he’s having fun making up new constellations and stories to go along with them that he’ll tell to Chopper and Luffy later. 
So when Zoro comes by to relieve him from first watch, Usopp smiles and says, “Thanks, but I think I’ll stay a bit."
Zoro grunts, which Usopp takes to mean ‘suit yourself’. He settles against the railing next to the sniper, and for a long while, they stand there together in companionable silence. Usopp got better about that, in the two years he was away; sits better inside awkward spaces, doesn’t feel quite such an oppressive need to fill the quiet with babbled nonsense. So for perhaps the first time in their friendship, it’s Zoro who breaks the ice first.
“So. Plants, huh?” he says. It’s stilted and awkward and so terribly Zoro that Usopp can’t help but laugh.
“Plants,” he confirms with a solemn nod, happy when he sees Zoro’s lips twitch.
“What happened to working with dials?”
“Oh, I have those too!” Usopp says brightly, pulling an impact dial out of his belt for demonstration. “But they’re harder to find replacements for down here in the blue sea. The plants are easier because I can regrow them myself.”
Zoro nods. “Makes sense.”
His lips twitch again, like they’re trying to remember the shape of the wide, feral grins he so often sported before their two years apart. Usopp realizes he hasn’t actually seen Zoro smile like that since they set sail, but he doesn’t get time to dwell on that thought much because then Zoro says, “You must have a whole bunch of new tricks up your sleeve.”
At that, Usopp can’t help but beam. 
“Sure do!” he says, unable to contain his excitement. And then, because he can’t help himself, he starts talking; rattling off a whole list of new stars and pods and special ammos, things he was working on before that he perfected and new things he’s bringing to the table. It takes him a while to realize how long he’s been rambling, but when Usopp looks, Zoro’s still listening, his now single hazel-grey eye trained solely on the sniper. 
It makes Usopp grin and maybe even blush a little, to have Zoro’s attention so clearly focused on him like that, because he knows that Zoro doesn’t pay attention to things he doesn’t think are worth his time. So to be considered worthy—it means a lot.
“Who knows,” Usopp finds himself saying as he wraps up his diatribe, “maybe in the New World I’ll finally be able to call myself a Brave Warrior of the Sea.”
Zoro frowns then, brow furrowing deeply. “I never got why you said that,” he says, and Usopp blinks.
“You don’t get why I want to be a brave warrior?” he asks, confused.
Zoro shakes his head. “No, I mean I don’t get what you think you need to achieve when you say you want to be a brave warrior of the sea. You’re already brave.”
Usopp freezes, mouth falling open as he gapes at the swordsman. 
“M—Me?” he stutters, brain scrambling as he tries to figure out what’s happening, because clearly he’s missed something. “That’s not… Zoro, come on, be serious!”
He laughs a little to let Zoro know he’s in on whatever joke he’s trying to make, but Zoro’s frown just deepens further. 
“I am being serious.”
Usopp flails wildly for a moment, not even sure where to begin. “But… But I’m not… Zoro, come on. When… When have I ever been brave?” he asks in stunned confusion. “You know me, you know I’m—I’m scared shitless like, ninety-nine percent of the time!”
Zoro rolls his eyes, like he thinks Usopp is being stupid. “Exactly,” he says. “But you go out and you fight anyway. That doesn’t sound brave to you?”
Usopp has gotten hit with a Gum-Gum Pistol exactly once in his life. The force of it felt like it shattered every bone in his body, rearranged all of his internal organs, and knocked his brain around like a pinball. And he can confidently say that he was less rattled by that than what Zoro just said to him.
He tries to respond. It comes out as a completely unintelligible high-pitched garble that Zoro nonetheless seems to understand, because he sighs and says, “Usopp, being brave isn’t about being fearless. Being brave is about being ready to piss your pants over something and then doing it anyway. Fighting when you’re scared like that takes guts. You’re brave. Nami’s brave. Chopper’s brave. The rest of us? We’re just a bunch of idiots too dumb to remember what fear is. Sure we’re strong, but we’re not brave.”
Zoro levels him with what Usopp has mentally dubbed a Monster Trio Look—the kind that says ‘I’ve made up my mind; argue with me at your own peril.’ They pop up fairly frequently on Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji, but always for things like battles or tactical decisions or other, important things. Not for anything like this.
Not for telling Usopp that he’s brave.
It takes him a long, long time to respond. Thankfully Zoro doesn’t seem to mind the silence.
“I… I guess I never really thought about it like that,” Usopp finally manages, hoarse and maybe a little wobbly, and Zoro has the fucking audacity to roll his eyes again.
“Well, you should,” he grunts, and there’s a note of finality in his voice that tells Usopp the conversation is done and will not be revisited; Zoro’s mind is made up.
Grass is green. The sky is blue. Usopp is brave. Simple as that.
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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Why wouldn’t you celebrate best boy’s birthday 😤
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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800 Outfits. 398 Artists. This is the Sanji Art Collab
Thank you to all our amazing artists for making this the most incredible event! I still cant believe this is real and that we finished all 800! Thank you thank you thank you all
See full res and see the individual submissions here!!
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mustbedone ¡ 4 hours ago
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first-rate cook of the sea
hbd sanji!
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