musicalmulders · 5 years
september, 1982
so this has been in my drafts for a HOT minute
i remember someone posted a drawing of punk!scully in college and i absolutely adored it, so i started this little drabble. lmk if you would like to see more of this story !
i hope u enjoy ;)
The smoke billowed as she exhaled, the heavy scent covering her, filling the air surrounding her in the hot, summer air. College was freshly back in term, and hell, she couldn’t be less thrilled. She strode down the sidewalk, ignoring the looks of disapproval she received from adults and students alike. She didn’t give a shit, she would dress the way she wanted, wear the makeup she wanted, and smoke as much as she pleased. Dana Scully was her own person, damn all of them who didn’t think so, or thought she should conform to the norm. She liked being an outsider. 
She took another drag of her cigarette and glanced down at her worn and raggy black converse high tops and grimaced. Her mother certainly did not appreciate this new look she had taken on since she started college a year prior. Her relationship with her mom had been a little tense lately, especially since she had taken up the cigarettes. It was hypocritical of her mother to say it was bad for her health; hell, her mom smoked when she was little. She had even tried one of her cigarettes when she was fourteen. She was an adult now, so she could make her own decisions, no matter how much her family disapproved. 
She looked back up, squinting at the glare of the golden sun and tucking a strand of her ginger-colored hair behind her ear. God, even with wearing a crop top and cut off jean shorts, she was still burning up. Probably because all her apparel was black, therefore absorbing the heat of all colors instead of reflecting them. 
It seemed as if everyone around her was scrambling, rushing to get to class on time. She had nowhere to be, not now. She scoffed as a group of girls passed by her, either unable or unwilling to hide their judging gazes.
“Fuck you too, Paradise Barbies.” She muttered under her breath. She saw one blonde head turn her way in shock. She smirked.
A few feet away, she spotted a guy with a tall stack of books in his arms, as tall as he was, teetering this way and that down the sidewalk. He was obviously having some trouble carrying all of them, given the thickness and quantity of them. Suddenly, he was on the ground, books scattered around him and a stunned expression on his face. A group of douchey looking guys sauntered off, shaking with laughter. She glared at them as they walked away, but they didn’t acknowledge that she even existed. Poor guy, he was just minding his own business. He didn’t deserve that.
“Hey, are you okay?” She called out to him. He began collecting his books, stacking them one on top of the other. She bent down to help him, grabbing one that had landed in the mulch of a flower bed.
“Yeah, thanks for helping me.” He answered, flashing her a grin.
Her breath caught a little, taken aback by his cheery demeanor, and, well, his… face. He had a square jaw, rich, playful hazel eyes, a long pointed nose, and an admittedly soft looking pair of lips. She looked away, brushing some dirt off the book and setting it neatly on the top of the pile.
“I’m uh… Dana Scully.” She let her cigarette fall to the ground and stamped it out, then extended her hand to the stranger.
“I’m Fox Mulder, but most people call me Mulder. At least, those I can get to call me that. I’m kind of a last names only guy.” He chuckled awkwardly, hoisting the books into his arms.
“Then I guess you can call me Scully, if you prefer a last name basis.” Scully took the last three books off the pile and into her arms.
“Okay then, Scully. It’s nice to meet you.” Mulder nodded at her to follow him.
“Where are we going?” Scully trailed behind Mulder, struggling to keep up somewhat with his lengthy strides.
“I was taking these books back up to my dorm room,” Mulder explained.
Scully glanced down at the books in her arms. The title of the book on top of the stack made her scoff, her eyes narrowing.
“You don’t really believe in that UFO stuff, do you?” Scully called out, her eyes still fixated on the shiny words on the cover, along with the image of a flying saucer. There was a tiny inscription underneath the image: Find out the truth about who and what’s really out there. Scully looked up just in time to halt before she collided into her new acquaintance. He had stopped short, and turned to face her.
“You don’t?” He raised an eyebrow at her, followed by a smirk.
“Well, I suppose I haven’t done all that much research on the subject, but simple logic would suggest–”
“Ah–Scully, hold that thought. You might want to reconsider what you were going to say once you see what I have to show you. Come on, my room is just right up the stairs.” Mulder opened the door to his hall and motioned with his head for Scully to enter.
Scully. She liked that. And she could get used to it. She felt an easy but heated blush settle over her skin as she trudged up the steps, endeared by Mulder’s ramblings, about anything and everything. She shuddered slightly when he threw another grin her way. Yeah, she could get used to this.
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musicalmulders · 6 years
scully bumps into an old academy buddy that she lost touch with and theyre all catching up and they go lmaoooo remember how we made fun of that guy spooky mulder. what a crazy dude. and she just laughs along for a second and then quietly ‘yeah hes my husband’ and theyre like What was that. I Said We’re Married
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musicalmulders · 6 years
Rest - an “Unruhe” post ep scene
Scully’s case report sits open on her computer, cursor blinking at the end of her last sentence. It’s been over an hour since she’s finished it, yet closing the document seems impossible. It ads finality to the case – something she’s not sure she’s ready for yet. She can still feel the marks on her skin where the duct tape pinned her down, and if she closes her eyes, she can see Schnauz’s face looming over hers, weapon poised and ready to strike.
Keep reading
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musicalmulders · 6 years
Request from @babyscxlly: if you want fluff prompts i’m really feeling a “crazy thunder storm power is out guess we better cuddle and maybe mulder is a little afraid of thunder” kinda fic
He knocks at her motel door at 10:30pm just as she’s coming out of the bathroom, freshly showered and ready to crawl into bed.
“It’s open,” she calls quietly, and despite her welcome he enters carefully as though she’s asleep and he’s wary of waking her. He looks sheepish and warm and utterly irresistible. He’s also holding a pillow. Puzzled, she opens her mouth to question him but he beats her to the punch.
“You have permission to laugh but um…I’d really appreciate it if I could camp out here tonight.”
She’s instantly concerned, but she also can’t ignore the little flutter in her belly at the thought of sharing a room with him. She disregards it.
“What? Why?”
He looks even more sheepish now. He shifts nervously and she notices he’s barefoot beneath his dark plaid pajama pants. He looks…he looks so good. She’s caught between wanting to rip all his clothes off and snuggling against him like a baby spider monkey.
“I uh…Thunder always bothers me.” He leaves it there, unwilling or unable to go on.
In her focus to get ready for bed, she hadn’t even noticed the rumble of thunder and the splash of rain again the dark window. Sure enough, just as he finishes his sentence a blink of lightning flickers across her room, brightening the illumination of the lone bedside lamp before it completely kills the power.
She’s torn between poking fun at him (they’ve spent countless nights out of town during midwest storms and not once has he approached her with this revelation) and being sympathetic. She decides to err on the side of caution and picks the latter option. Ever since Sam. Ever since her own abduction. Naturally he’d have an aversion to the sounds of Mother Nature’s moans and cries. She gestures to the bed.
“This bed really is too big for one person,” she says warmly, and the look on his face tells her she’s made the right choice. He all but bounds onto her bed, tossing his own pillow to join hers and scrunching them into submission. He flops onto his back and sighs, all furry limbs and broad chest and boyish grin. When he looks at her she realizes she’s smiling.
She loves him.
She snaps the lamp off in case the power comes back before crawling into bed beside him, burrowing into the covers made more difficult by the six-foot-and-some-change man lying atop the quilt. But they manage lying side by side.
She tries not to notice that he automatically went to the side she doesn’t sleep on.
Hesitantly she reaches over, resting her hand atop his forearm. He doesn’t even flinch, as though he was expecting and welcoming it.
“I love the sound of storms, I always have,” she murmurs, her hand still resting lightly on his wrist, “When I was younger I used to sneak into Melissa’s room and we’d sit by the window and talk and count the seconds between the thunder.” She feels compelled to reach out to him emotionally…like hell they actually blatantly talk, but they sure are good at analogies and “I want to say something to you let me tell you about it via an anecdote”s.
“Yeah?” His voice bursts into the darkness and then is swallowed. She nods against her pillow.
“You know…I think one of my favorite things in the world is experiencing a bad storm late at night…you wake up from a deep sleep because of the thunder, you hear the pound of the rain and wind against the roof…and for a brief moment you feel so small, so humbled by the power of that dark world outside your bedroom.”
He’s silent, listening and relaxing. He’s warm and still beside her, and she suddenly has an overwhelming ache for him to turn and lay against her completely. She wants their legs tangling, their chests pressing, their breath blending.
“And all you have to do to make it go away is turn a little and feel that…special someone beside you. And you move next to them and you feel so safe…and suddenly you’re not so small anymore.”
She doesn’t know where this comes from, it’s not as though she speaks from experience…but it’s something she’d like to have with him. Something she DOES have with him.
“Few things are better than that,” she adds needlessly.
Finally, oh FINALLY, he rolls over and wraps his arms around her. He holds her as he’s never held her before: strong, warm, close and content. If he never lets go it will be too soon.
“I agree,” he grumbles somewhere behind her left ear. She closes her eyes and shudders, “I…Jesus Christ, you make me feel so safe, Scully.”
She wants to cry with the vulnerability in his voice. He sounds so trusting, so happy. To hell with their unspoken rules, to hell with that stupid near-kiss last summer that they never talk about…tonight she wants to be near him. She buries her face in his chest and snuggles into his as hard as she can. She can feel the brush of his leg hair against her bare feet, the hard iron of his arms around her, and the breeze of his breathing against her temple. She sighs just as he does.
“I’m here, Mulder,” she promises, and they both know she doesn’t just mean in that moment.
As she drifts off to sleep in his arms, she swears she hears him whisper, “I know.”
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musicalmulders · 6 years
Honestly, I knew Mulder and Scully were gravitating towards each other since their first scene in the pilot, BUT it wasn’t until I saw Anasazi that it really hit me, just how loving it was and how much more affectionate it will become. I mean this scene alone makes me want to wrap them up in my arms and protect them because their connection is just so pure and unique it’s both heartbreaking and irresistible to watch.
I mean the way he trusts her to catch him:
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And the manner in which she cradles him and lays him down gently:
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these are just two drops in the sea of things that make these two people such a awe-inspiring match. in every aspect of the word.
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musicalmulders · 6 years
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Dana Scully + feminism
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musicalmulders · 6 years
Every single x files episode:
Scully: interviewing a suspect or a family member of the victim, sitting or standing directly in front of them and doing her goddamn job
Mulder: walking around the house, looking at photographs, pocketing things, and picking family heirlooms up off of mantels
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musicalmulders · 6 years
Pusher is SUCH a good ep
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musicalmulders · 6 years
Ooh I would love to see 27 for the msr prompts!
Oh that’s a good one! Thanks!
{send me sentence prompts for MSR}
27. “Breathe, okay? Just breathe.”
Scully had seen Mulder have a panic attack before, but this was the first one she’d witnessed since they started sleeping together. It was also one of his worst ones.
She’d entered the basement office, bright-eyed and determined to actually get something done today. Even if it was just re-organizing the filing cabinets while Mulder chased down bogus Bigfoot tips. 
Before she even saw him, she called out in a sing-songy voice, “Mulll-derrr, I have cofffffeeeee.” Then she saw him, sitting on the floor next to his desk, teeth clenched and hands clasped. She set down tray of coffee down on the desk and swiftly slid down to the floor. 
“Mulder,” she said softly, rubbing his arm. “Hey, I’m here. You’re okay.”
He didn’t make eye contact. She continued to rub his arm. 
“Deep breaths. Breathe okay, just breathe?”
He nodded and let out one shaky breath, then another. She shifted to sit beside him and rubbed circles on his back slowly. His breathing began to even out and his jaw softened. 
“Good. Keep breathing.”
She didn’t want to crowd him, but couldn’t bear to leave his side. She felt extra protective, in a more romantic way than ever before. She’d always been protective of him, but of course things had changed. She knew they would.
Quietly, she pressed a kiss to his jaw and then paused before putting her well-manicured hand on his shoulder.
“Can I get you anything?”
He shook his head and slowly lifted his head to look at her. His eyes were red and his face was splotchy. She didn’t ask what brought the attack on. He leaned into her and she wrapped her arms around him.
“No,” he mumbled into her shoulder. “Just you.” 
They sat in silence for a while, Scully counting the number of times Mulder’s chest rose and fell. She got to 103 before he slowly withdrew himself from her and stood up. 
“I need a minute,” he said. ‘I’m going to take a walk.”
She nodded, trying to convey as much support as possible in her eyes. Her heart broke a tiny bit as she watched him walk out of the office, but she waited until his footsteps faded away before collapsing into the desk chair and finally exhaling. She’d been holding her breath until he got his back. 
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musicalmulders · 6 years
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Mulder, Scully + family (click to enlarge)
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musicalmulders · 7 years
I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again,, mulder’s best, sexiest look is his black sweatshirt in tucked into jeans. You know the one. I’m thinking darkness falls, war of the coprophages, one breath
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musicalmulders · 7 years
best friends who slowly fall in love with each other is what otps are made of
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musicalmulders · 7 years
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take my hand, take my whole life too
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musicalmulders · 7 years
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random the x-files screencaps: squeeze
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musicalmulders · 7 years
u kno that thing where person a enterwines their fingers w person b and brings their hands up to kiss it ??? that shit kills me . All The Time
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musicalmulders · 7 years
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musicalmulders · 7 years
what season do mulder and scully end up together
oh honey
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