musejarart · 4 years
The Magic
Spring is around the corner, I can hear it in trees and smell it in the air. March is a month of major transition, a reawakening of ourselves, coming out of hibernation.
“Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”
-Maya Angelou
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musejarart · 4 years
just create.
We often don’t know where to start when we’re creating. I think it’s because we aren’t listening to ourselves. Pay attention to what gives you goosebumps, makes your heart flip, and makes your mind race. Those are the things that inspire you and those are the things you should channel when you create. Make from your heart.
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musejarart · 4 years
Obviously yes.
One day, you’re going to see it - that happiness was always about the discovery, the hope, the listening to your heart and the following it wherever it chose to go. One day, you will understand that happiness was always about learning how to live with yourself, that your happiness was never in the hands of others. it was always about you. It was always about you.
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musejarart · 5 years
Dear Life
Dear Life, you are exhausting at times. you throw more tantrums than I have ever known possible. You slow down, you speed up, you take time and give time . Sometimes there is sunshine and other times there are storms. So I try to break it up a little, take risks, love a lot, and find comfort in trying new things. But you are never the same, life, always changing, always keeping me guessing. So I will live you, life, to my absolute potential.
Here’s to ending this decade on a high note.
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musejarart · 5 years
Pay Attention
Pay attention. Listen to your gut. Keep your eyes wide open. Good things are coming.
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musejarart · 5 years
Heres to the crazy ones, the misfits, and the rebels
“… they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Heres the crazy ones, the misfits, and the rebels.
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musejarart · 5 years
Finding gold in the little things
Trusting in the unknowns, becoming acutely aware of the silver linings and finding freedom in the process of it all.
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musejarart · 5 years
Practice makes perfect
Trust that life is giving you exactly what you need practice in.
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musejarart · 5 years
Life's Wild Ride
This wild ride we’re all on is more about becoming ourselves and getting comfy in our own skin. Shedding layers of who we think we should be to make room for who we are meant to be, is what it’s all about.
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musejarart · 5 years
Life's too short
What’s worse - doing it and realizing it’s not for you or regretting not doing it at all? The unknown is far worse, if you ask me.
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musejarart · 5 years
Exhilarated by new ideas
The inspiration that comes from challenging your mind, educating your curiosities and entertaining your spirit is more exhilarating than one could ever imagine.
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musejarart · 5 years
Soak in the season
You can always feel a shift with the start of a new season. It’s a perfect time to slow down and soak up real life. The small, important things. Smell the rain, feel the ground, and inhale the fresh air. Embrace the shift.
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musejarart · 5 years
Hello Autumn!
Introducing Our Favorite Fall Pantone Color: Dark Cheddar
We love everything about this ooey-gooey goodness of a color.
Love this color as much as we do? We created fun phone backgrounds for you to enjoy!
By Emily O’Connor
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musejarart · 5 years
Art Changes People
Art changes people and people change the world. If there is ever a time to be a hell yes, it’s when its for yourself and your own personal creativity. No matter what the form, always be a hell yes.
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musejarart · 5 years
Kind People
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musejarart · 6 years
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musejarart · 6 years
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