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It's like starin' at a burnin' sun murphy shadow coven
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / devon & murphy
DEVON: what you need an explanation for cookies?
MURPHY: from you? yes?? tf?
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / jac & murphy
JAC: Because if something happens, I'd like to be able to defend myself and not be dead weight.
UNSENT: Like the other night.
MURPHY: ill show you how to throw a punch regardless but isn't that where your siphoning comes in?
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
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#when you’re trying to socialize with morons 
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / bellamy&murphy
BELLAMY: come on, it's not that bad!
BELLAMY: you've got to have seen worse...right?
BELLAMY: maybe worse isn't the right way to put you know what i mean.
[ ... ]
MURPHY: you alright after the other night?
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
Anyone else been up since last night? Granted, I was passed out for a lot of it, but still. Maybe I could use a vacation.
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I haven’t slept since it happened, honestly. Something about seeing her dead like that when we were supposed to save her -- ... just doesn’t sit right with me. 
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
I don’t know about all of you, but I’m ready for a fresh start. First order of business: lifting our spirits — not the Jordan kind. I can do it magically for anyone who wants to try that, or we can do it the old fashion way. Who’s feeling a party?
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After the week we’ve had? I think you have the right idea with a party. You thinking just Coven or school-wide? 
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
My grandma always used to say I’d grow up to be a warrior, but I guess I misheard. Yes and no. My moment of losing control happened a long time ago. I haven’t really tried to push my boundaries since then. And that’s one of the reasons you’re my friend. A lot of people wouldn’t hesitate to divulge that information but you have lines you won’t cross. Okay, and I won’t push either of you on it, but regardless of what you’ve done? You’re still my friend and I’m not going anywhere or taking any crap from her about that. Who I choose to be friends with? Not negotiable.
I try.
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You can be a warrior worrier. A warrior with empathy. Maybe this is a shot in the dark but we should figure out a way we can all practice with control and get better with our magic. We’re the only ones who get each other’s struggles, who know what we’re aiming for. I -- Thank you. I appreciate it. Really. 
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / april & murphy
APRIL: let me know the next time you do it, i wanna watch. are you sure about that? most people don't like having their mind toyed with. you don't have to do this
APRIL: i do, i promise. this... this was just different, i guess. it's embarassing
APRIL: i know that. your loyalty is one of the things that made me fall for you. and honestly, i wouldn't want to keep you from seeing your friends, i was just worried that you weren't seeing her as a /friend/ before, that's all. it's fine now.
MURPHY: will do. most people don't like their mind being toyed with without consent. we're gonna be going up against crazy powerful witches, we /all/ need to hone our skills.
MURPHY: sounds more traumatic than embarrassing but i'll take your word for it.
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
Whatever. There are listening runes attached to Nora’s room. So you and the others should be careful when you go for that. There’s other stuff too, powerful magic, but I couldn’t discern more than the runes. Do what you want with that information.
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / jac & murphy
JAC: Will you teach me how to throw a punch?
MURPHY: uh. sure.
MURPHY: why?
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / devon & murphy
DEVON: They're not poisoned.
MURPHY: yeah but...what the fuck are they for
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
Yeah, pretty new. I just never wanted to get into this shit. I try to keep my body clean of anything that can show up on a drug test. Sports and all, you know? But thanks. I owe you one. 
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Right, yeah, makes sense. Drug tests shouldn’t be a problem. I’m not sure exactly how they test here, but I won’t use anything that would show up on a typical test, and the magic won’t stay in your system for long even if they do think to look for it. No problem. We’re supposed to be a Coven, right? I just hope it helps.
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
Yeah, why would our friendship ever have been worth it? You’ve already made yourself clear on that topic. Okay, so I can’t talk about you while you go around telling everyone and anyone who’ll listen that I’m a shit healer who wouldn’t help you if you needed it. Any other double standards you have or is that it?
Do not talk to me about what our friendship is worth. Was worth. Oh, so sorry, I guess our wires got crossed when you threatened to kill me.
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / devon & murphy
DEVON: [ img attached of a plate of sugar cookies in front of her door. ]
MURPHY: ...what the fuck
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / jac & murphy
JAC: I have kind of a weird favor to ask?
MURPHY: what's up?
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / murphy
CODIE: Sure.
CODIE: I told you about the tarot reading, right?
CODIE: I had a chance to change it by accepting my position or whatever. But there's so much going on and so much.. drama all the time.
UNSENT: And so much heartbreak.
CODIE: Yeah. You're right. It doesn't matter.
MURPHY: you did tell me but...idk, i don't get the impression you've doomed us, is all. or that you've set anything in motion. but idk anything about tarot and i'm not a huge believer. maybe you should check in with val.
MURPHY: if it did come down to it, i'd find a way to save you both.
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murphyreed · 4 years ago
sms / murphy
CODIE: I went. After a bit.
CODIE: I just.. have a bad feeling because of Valerie's vision. And that I may have already set things in motion.
CODIE: And I don't want you to choose me over April if things go south.
MURPHY: yeah, after you were chased down. doesn't really count, if you ask me.
MURPHY: i'm lost. how would you have set things in motion?
MURPHY: you do realize the odds of it all coming down to you or april are slim to none, right?
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