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my stupid warriors fic
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murphydreamswarriors · 5 years ago
WETSTAR: Wetstar is a scrawny night black she-cat with bright yellow eyes.
NEWTFOOT: Newtfoot is a muscular blue-gray tom with gray-green eyes.
ICEHAWK: Icehawk is a long-haired dark brown spotted tabby she-cat with pale green eyes and a crooked foot.
ANTFUR: Antfur is a small golden classic tabby she-cat with muted amber eyes. Apprentice, Sheeppaw
HAYFANG: Hayfang is a tall, handsome slender tom with golden classic tabby fur and green eyes. Apprentice, Amberpaw
POPPYFLIGHT: Poppyflight is a pretty calico she-cat with yellow eyes.
FLAMERIVER: Flameriver is a beautiful long-haired she-cat with white fur and a ginger face, paws and tail. She has pale blue eyes.
GRAYWHISKER: Graywhisker is a big gray mackerel tabby tom with green eyes. Apprentice, Flamepaw
CINDERFLOWER: Cinderflower is a pretty, fluffy blue gray she-cat with gray-green eyes. Apprentice, Ravenpaw
FUZZYTAIL: Fuzzytail is a fluffy dark brown spotted tabby tom with orange eyes. Apprentice, Cloudpaw
WINDBRIAR: Windbriar is a slender gray and white tabby she-cat with green eyes.
BRINDLELEAP: Brindleleap is a pretty cream and brown tortie and white she-cat with blue green eyes. She is fluffy and short.
LITTLELAKE: Littlelake is a small cream and white tom with deep blue eyes.
DAWNRIPPLE: Dawnripple is a large cream classic tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.
IVYLEAF: Ivyleaf is a long haired fawn she-cat with yellow green eyes. Apprentice, Daisypaw
CLOUDPAW: Cloudpaw is a fluffy dark gray, almost black tom with slightly darker classic tabby stripes.
DAISYPAW: Daisypaw is a long haired tortoiseshell she-cat with bright amber eyes.
RAVENPAW: Ravenpaw is a sleek, long haired black she-cat with amber eyes.
FLAMEPAW: Flamepaw is a long haired ginger spotted tabby tom with amber eyes.
SHEEPPAW: Sheeppaw is a fluffy black and white tom with tufted ears and blue eyes.
AMBERPAW: Amberpaw is a long haired gray and white she-cat with strikingly yellow eyes and tufted ears.
NETTLEBRANCH: Nettlebranch is a fluffy ginger and white she-cat with green eyes. Mother to Skykit, Sunkit, Cloudkit.
PALEFUR: Palefur is a silver classic tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
STORMYSKY: Stormysky is a huge muscular black tom with green eyes. Certified den dad. Father to Shadowkit and Shadekit.
SKYKIT: Skykit is a pale ginger and white she-cat.
SUNKIT: Sunkit is a ginger and white tom.
CLOUDKIT: Cloudkit is a dark ginger and white tom.
SHADOWKIT: Shadowkit is a black tom with white markings.
SHADEKIT: Shadekit is a black she-cat. l
MOSSTOOTH: Mosstooth is a long haired brown and white tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
LIONFUR: Lionfur is a huge tan tabby tom with amber eyes.
EAGLEHEART: Eagleheart is a dark brown and white she-cat with green eyes.
ICYTAIL: Icytail is a silver and white tom with pale blue eyes.
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murphydreamswarriors · 5 years ago
The territories are shaped roughly like a rhombus and split into four pieces.
Northclan resides in the northern slice, EastClan in eastern slice, etc.
Gatherings are held in the Mooncopse on WestClan territory, though it is still close to the center.
NorthClan’s territory is primarily rocky outcroppings and plains. It is colder in their territory than others, but not significantly. NorthClan’s border with EastClan is marked by an outcropping of rocks that commonly harbors snakes. NorthClan’s border with WestClan is marked by a large meadow.
Prey: Lizards, lemmings, mice, small birds, moles, voles, rabbits
Predators: Birds of prey, venomous snakes
•Basking Rocks: A collection of large rocks that sit out in the sun. In the right temperatures, warriors can lounge around on them comfortably.
•The Meadow: The meadow is a huge stretch of grass bordering the WestClan border. It is commonly trespassed on, accidentally and intentionally, and is a great spot for hunting.
•The Cliffs: The cliffs are, well, cliffs that mark the northeastern border NorthClan shares with no other clan. Below them rages a wild and unpredictable river, and apprentices are warned away from that part of the territory until they are older and calmer.
The NorthClan camp is circled by jagged rocks that take practice and knowledge to pass by without injury. The rocks near the back of the camp are much taller and more unsurpassable than the smaller ones near the entrance. The entrance is a gap between two rocks leaning against one another, and the fresh-kill pile is to the left of the apprentices’ den. Cats usually share tongues and lounge to the right of the warriors’ and apprentices’ den.
The elder’s den is in the back of camp, and was created by a huge tree falling that has since decayed to a log. The log is propped up by one of the outer rocks and the leader’s den, making a shelter under the lifted trunk. The outer rock is taller than the leader’s den, causing the trunk to sit at a slant. Plants have been hung from the log to make a curtain protecting the entrance from the elements.
The leader’s den is in a rock hollowed out by generations of rain. The same plants shielding the elder’s den cover the open side of the rock. Announcements are spoken by the leader from the end of the trunk that is tipped upwards.
The warriors’ den is directly in front of the entrance and only a couple tail lengths back. This way, warriors can meet any intruders coming in head on. The den itself is a large bush with high branches, allowing cats room to rest and hang out underneath. The branches curve downward, so that only the paws of cats inside are visible.
The apprentice’s den is attached to the back of the warriors’ den and is also a bush, but is slightly smaller. There is a gap in the wall between the two dens that allows warriors to enter the apprentices’ den directly from the warriors’ and vice versa.
The nursery is a cave made by rocks falling into just the right places. It’s big enough to fit several cats at a time and is to the right of the leader’s den. The entrance is uncovered, but small enough to be overlooked. There’s a hole in the ceiling a tail length wide at the top to let in light.
The medicine den is technically outside of the camp. It’s an old badger set that hasn’t been touched for generations upon generations. The entrance is inside the camp next to the fresh-kill pile, but it stretches to just outside of the rock border underground. The original tunnel has been widened out so that the entire space outside of the camp is as open as a normal den.
NorthClan celebrates their resilience and pure blood more strongly than any other clan. They throw hunting and fighting competitions on the first snow, first orange, first bright, and first rain of every year.
Battle scars are badges of honor and are considered attractive in NorthClan. The most scarred and respected warriors’ nests are decorated with the bones of prey and rare stones.
It is common for prey- the bigger and more dangerous the better- and skulls to be exchanged between mates during both courtship and relationship. It is uncommon for friends to exchange such personal gifts (sharing food is different than gifting it). It is also, sadly, not rare for warriors to die attempting to bring down deadly prey to court a mate.
EastClan territory is half plains and meadows and half pine trees. There is a stream that marks the border between EastClan and SouthClan, and an outcropping of rocks infested with snakes marks the border between EastClan and NorthClan.
Prey: Squirrels, mice, moles, birds, water voles, rabbits
Predators: Foxes, badgers, birds of prey
•The Burrows: The burrows are a field a large rabbit warren resides in. It’s a great place to hunt for multiple predators, making it dangerous as well.
•The Eagle Tree: The eagle tree is a huge pine tree towards the northern end of the territory. A family of eagles has made their home there, making it a very dangerous area from cats.
•The Pond: The pond is a small meadow near the southern part of the territory. A pond scattered with lilypads sits in the middle, making it a popular place for dates as well as hunting.
The EastClan camp is located in the shelves and cracks of a short, slanted cliff. The ground falls away at an angle, causing the edge of the cliff to jut out further than the base. Cracks that lead into larger caverns and protruding rocks litter the cliff face. The camp is hidden to the untrained eye due to the tall pine trees in this part of the territory shielding the dips in the cliff from view. The freshkill is stored in the highest and smallest crevice a couple tail lengths down from the top. Warriors share tongues in unclaimed spaces in the cliff. The leader makes announcements from a sharp ledge arcing just above the leader’s den.
The leader’s den is just below the freshkill pile. It also has the smallest entrance, but is still accessible to any cat. The crack widens out into a space that is four tail lengths wide and slightly longer than it is wide.
The medicine cat den is directly to the left of the leader’s den. It is around the same size and contains a small pool of water in the back corner that filled when it rained back when the clans first moved in. The leak has since been patched up, but the water has remained.
The warriors’ den is the largest and the closest to the bottom, only a tail length above the ground. It can easily fit around thirty cats, though there have never been that many cats in one single clan. The den is accessed through a ragged hole rather than a crack.
The apprentices’ den is only a kitstep above the warriors’ den. The space inside is also less than half the size of the warriors’ den, although it still provides plenty of space.
The nursery is below the leader’s den but above the apprentices’ den. It also is nearly as big as the warriors’ den to give new kits space to run around in. A clear path made by rocks jutting out provides an easier way up and down than from the other dens.
The elders’ den is directly next to the nursery, though the chambers aren’t attached. It is medium in size because, unfortunately, most cats don’t live to be elders.
EastClan cats celebrate agility and dexterity. Long legs and willowy bodies are the pinnacle of beauty, and tall, slender cats are admired. However, cats who aren’t slender and graceful looking but are agile and swift anyways are valued just as much.
EastClan cats hold climbing contests and races every half moon. It is not uncommon for apprentices to be injured trying to show off. Consisten winners and respected warriors have feathers tucked in their fur and their nests decorated with the like.
Birds and bird feathers are common gifts exchanged between mates. Bird feathers are more common during courtship and special occasions, and prey itself is more common once cats are already mates. The bigger and more vibrant the bird or feather, the better.
SouthClan territory is primarily pine forest, but a portion of a huge lake takes up 1/4 of the territory in the southernmost corner. A stream marks the border between SouthClan and EastClan, and a strange flimsy twoleg fence made from trees marks the border between SouthClan and WestClan.
Prey: Fish, frogs, toads, squirrels, moles, rats, water voles
Predators: Sharks, rats
The Beach: The beach is a stretch of sand preceding the lake. The sand is pleasantly warm in the right weather and apprentices enjoy chasing around the crabs and prancing in the shallows.
Methuselah: Methusaleh is an incredibly giant pine tree near the center of SouthClan territory. Its trunk could fit multiple warriors if it were hollowed out. Apprentices and young warriors dare each other to climb it, but rarely can any of them reach even the second branch.
The Ghostplace: The ghostplace is a mysterious, abandoned house close to the EastClan border. It’s rumored that dead cats who don’t walk with StarClan haunt the area.
The SouthClan camp is a small island a few tail lengths from the shore of the lake. The fresh-kill pile is stored in a hollowed out tree trunk, and cats share tongues in the clearing encircled by the dens. The leader makes announcements from a straggly tree overlooking the camp.
The leader’s den is at the back of camp and is made up of large, thick ferns that create a canopy and surround the edges of the camp. It sits at the base of the tree announcements are made on.
The medicine cat den is on a peninsula to the left of the leader’s den. The den itself is at the end and is a huge hollowed out tree trunk that still stands a few tail lengths tall. Some say that it was once the ancestor of Methuselah.
The warriors’ den is under a very fluffy, high-branched bush with huge leaves that lays closest to shore. While the branches themselves don’t curve downwards, the leaves are so large that they disguise the cats inside anyway.
The apprentices sleep outside except in cases of severe weather to acclimate themselves to nature. They usually sleep in the center of camp in a tight ball- it is common for SouthClan members to be especially bonded together during training.
The nursery is to the immediate right of the leader’s den, as it is common for the leader to take a special interest in kits and spend time visiting. It is formed by a thick wall of foliage that grows in a loose circle. The ceiling is flimsy but generally waterproof.
The elders’ den is to the left of the medicine den. It is a long, hollowed out log that has ragged holes scattered about to let in light and fresh air. Despite having a den, many elders prefer to sleep outside when the weather isn’t bad.
SouthClan values closeness and independence. Personality is valued more than anything else, despite the leader and the deputy’s nasty attitudes. Kind, friendly cats who are popular with the clan often have their nests decorated with various eyes of prey, as SouthClan believes the eyes are the windows to the soul.
SouthClan cats are regularly trained and tested in swimming because they must swim to leave camp. All elders and apprentices must be helped across the water to shore if they wish to leave. Being water oriented, the first rain and snow of every season is celebrated with a feast and the chumming of water to attract sharks. While no doubt incredibly dangerous, they are a sight to see.
Common gifts between friends are crab claws, and competitions are held occasionally to see who can find the biggest one. Gifts exchanged between mates and during courtship are seashells and teeth- specifically shark teeth.
WestClan territory is filled with skinny birch trees and thick, towering oaks. There are a few clearings scattered about, but it is primarily thick woodland. A u-shaped stream trickles through the middle and meets the lake outside of the territories. A flimsy twoleg fence marks the SouthClan border, and a meadow that is admittedly often crossed is the NorthClan border.
Prey: Squirrels, water voles, mice, small birds, moles
Predators: Badgers, foxes
The Mooncopse: The Mooncopse is a pond surrounded by birch trees that are always orange and yellow. When the moon hits just right, the leaves and water turn silver. This is where cats exchange dreams with StarClan.
The Stream: The stream serves little to no purpose, since WestClan cats are not too great at fishing. However, it still serves as a pretty and scenic spot for dates.
Whistling: Whistling is an eery cave on the border WestClan shares with no other clan. When the wind hits just right, the cave is filled with strange sounds.
The WestClan camp sits just inside the bend of the stream. It’s in a strange twoleg house built into a huge tree. NorthClan especially believes they are strange for living in a twoleg structure and compares them to kittypets, though WestClan pay no mind. The leader makes announcements from the roof and the freshkill is kept in the corner of the largest room in the house, which is where cats share tongues as well.
The leader’s den is the smallest chamber out of the five in the delapidated structure. It is the first to the left from the entrance. Long vines and plants have been hung from all of the walls to create curtains to provide more privacy than the open gaps previously offered.
The medicine den is at the base of the tree itself. The thick, long roots make for great shelter and strong walls.
The warriors enjoy sleeping in the sprawling branches of the great tree. In events of extreme weather, they will shelter in the sharing tongues chamber.
The apprentices’ den is next to the warriors’ den and is significantly smaller, though it still provides plenty of space. The walls are more splintered than any other chamber, but it is still generally secure.
The nursery is all the way in the back and is the second largest den. It is also thoroughly patched with foliage and brambles to insulate it and protect it from rain and snow.
The elders’ den is the third largest chamber. It is directly to the right of the nursery. The roof has been patched with moss to prevent leaks, but the chips in the walls let in too much windchill at times, which the elders have no qualms with complaining about.
WestClan is stereotyped as shallow and superstitious. Odd numbered litters are watched with a close eye, and shifts in the clouds set the clan at unease. However, unlike the other clans, they have no unfair beauty standards. Cats are decorated both for being good cats and fine warriors. No body type is preferred over another. Nests of respected cats are usually decorated with leaves from the mooncopse, fish scales, and feathers.
WestClan celebrates new life fervently, and the birth of kits is always celebrated with a feast. WestClan also pride themselves on being a well rounded clan. They teach aporentices climbing, swimming, hunting and fighting. They may not be as good at any one skill as the other clans, but their knowledge and ability to do everything gives them an advantage.
WestClan celebrates love more than any other clan, and the first sunshine day of every year is essentially Valentine’s day for them. Gifts exchanged between mates aren’t set in stone and are often creative, as are public proposals. It is rare for couples in WestClan to separate.
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