Koni the kitty (And Murphy sometimes)
19 posts
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Mom and I want to remind you that no matter what, you are valid, your gender is valid, your sexuality is valid, and we love you lots!
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Everyone! Check out my new cosplay for SDCC 2024! Come to meet me at the Artist alley table CC-10 and get a surprise gift if you take a picture with me! Can't wait to meet you all!
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Hi Dr. Tingle, have you ever considered writing a kids book? I think your combination of earnestness, whimsy, and a keen sense of the weird and wonderful would be a great combo for kids lit. Keep on being awesome!
yes i think it would be really nice to do a childrens book about a nice bigfoot or a space raptor but i would not want any buckaroos who were too young to accidentally stumble onto my other tinglers before that is appropriate.
solution i have come up with is that i could use a new pen name that is ALSO basically my name i already use maybe something like CHARLES T or something like that.
so yes i think i would like to do that someday i am just really dang busy at the moment but i think that would prove love and be very dang fun
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Mom doesn't know I stole all the shrimp from her wok :)
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Because Koni is not the only one who is around this account, Me, the great Timegoat Murphy, got the Tardis to go back to SDCC 2023 and met this amazing Loki Variant! We're going to take over! Look out!
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Guys. I can feel it already. THIS is the year. This is the year that Jonathan Harker will go on his business trip with no issue. Just a lovely train ride through Europe where he collects paprika recipies for Mina, meets some friendly, living people looking to buy properties in England, and then returns home safely.
Free him from the time loop.
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I vote that he would try (Because if it's a MISSION, Alluri Rama Raju will stop at NOTHING to fulfill it) and he COULD assemble it well, because, again, Alluri Rama Raju.
HOWEVER, I also add that at the end, he'd just set it on fire because that's why he was assembling it in the first place because it was part of a bigger plan. (That man needs NO furniture. That man needs a bed, a desk, and a chair, and that's IT. Every other inch of his home is either Books or Exercise equipment he uses to drape himself over gayly and dramatically)
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Assume they have access to ikea furniture
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Today is International's Worker's day. We're celebrating by not letting mom work.
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This is my older sister Hei hei (Mom says she's not very bright but I think she's the coolest cat in the universe, after my other older sister Serenghetti). She said the Tardis wasn't big enough for both of us now, even when I used to sleep there with her when I was younger (that was all of four months ago!)
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But she has also taught me that where we fit? We sit. So I did that!
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Hei hei is still my most comfy pillow!
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Mom says her Wacom tablet is not for me to sleep.
I say it is.
Who is right?
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And I've killed them ALL!
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Help me Boop Jon Stewart! I like his voice a lot and he makes me purr!
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My friend Castiel and I are going to get a handsome man out of hell! And he loaned me his angel blade so I can defend myself from demons! I'm a hunter in training now!
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Murphy here! Konidela is not the only one who will post in this account you know!
I meet this lovely Loki Variant last year! I really have to finish posting my photos of SDCC2023 (Which was before Koni was born! Gotta take her there in the Tardis one day!) before SDCC2024!
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Konidela the Kitty here! (my mom is typing but I am dictating!)
This was the very first photo my mom took of me! I was so litol! I was barely a month old (They told my mom I was two, but that was a big fat lie! I was born in October 22!) I was very, very scared and I was singing the song of my people because I didn't know where I was going.
And I was smol.
I tried to make myself BIG in the bag, but mom only cooed at me.
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I was also not amused at the backpack. I like it a bit better now, as long as we don't get inside a car. Cars are EVIL.
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I was even a bit scared to get out of the back pack when we arrived at my new home.
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But you can see that five months later I'm very much at home making a mess of my mom's knitting and not letting her work in her keyboard!
And now I'm BIG!
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Oh I totally love this! "I love penguins, penguins are my starter pokemon" works PERFECTLY!
Spirit Animal is racist.
Patronus was invented by a transphobe.
I think it’s time we all suck it up and say what we mean: fursona.
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@atlinmerrick you need to see this.
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