murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently as well. A lot of people think of tarot as just “foretelling the future” but in reality it’s more like an actual, reflective conversation.
A lot of witches talk about Tarot, about the questions you can ask, how to cleanse your cards, how to memorize their meanings, and more.
However, rarely have I seen any witch talk about just sitting down with your cards and chatting with them.
In this way, I mean not having a question to ask them beyond, “Whatcha wanna say today?”
This, unbelievably, is how I developed a relationship with my Tarot cards.
To read Tarot, you don’t have to have a question before you begin. Sure, if you have a client then having a question is the best course of action (and is needed); however, if you’re having a one-on-one and are trying to develop your relationship, sit down with your cards and treat them like you would a friend.
Start a conversation.
Ask their opinion.
Tell them about your day.
Let them tell you about their day.
(And on and on and on, ya know)
Your cards are more than just cards. They are more than a business proposition or venture. They are more than just a tool for you to use whenever you deem them appropriate.
You grow, they grow. You stop talking to them, they will become silent too.
So, talk to them. About nothing, about everything. And watch your relationship grow exponentially.
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
Witchcraft & Geekery
5,000/50 Tumblr Apocalypse Giveaway!
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Hello fellow witches -
Since joining the tumblr community, I have been blown away by the amount of love and support I have been given by the community (even though I primarily post memes). I’ve been trying to build my platform so I can start to offer other witchcraft info and services. And I recently reached (and well surpassed) two big milestones: 5k followers on my blog and 50 subscribers on my youtube!
In order to say a HUGE THANK YOU to those who have helped me get this far, I have decided to host a giveaway!  (And possibly as one last hoorah before tumblr implodes in on itself).
1st Place will receive:
your choice of 1 “Magic Spells” Notebook, either yellow or pink ~ $15
3 spell candles - blue, cream, and pink ~ $1 each
30 sticks of Wildberry Incense - 10 Apple Cider, 10 Frankincense, and 10 Myrrh (for the holidays) ~  $15 altogether
a stick incense burner ~ $2
a quartz pendulum ~ $6
your choice of 5 crystals total (from 1 opalite heart, 1 ruby in kyanite, 2 bloodstone, 2 purple fluorite, and 3 orange calcite) ~ $7
a stick of palo santo wood ~ $1
a bundle of sweetgrass ~ $1
a free 3 card (past, present future) reading from me** ~ $6 
2nd Place will receive:
the other “Magic Spells” Notebook ~ $15
a stick of palo santo wood ~ $1
the other 4 crystals ~ $6
a free one card reading from me** ~ $3
**I do not do readings about romantic relationships or medical advice.
The notebooks are kind of quirky – I’m not sure if they were misprinted or designed that way, but they say things like “This magic book is gonna help you,” “Purebook” (not sure what that is), “MAGIC DIABY WITCH ANB WILARD” (my personal favorite) and “Write Dawn Your Wish.”  But, I don’t know, I think that makes them rather charming. 🧙‍♀️
Giveaway Rules:
This giveaway is in no way affiliated with tumblr (do not tag as a giveaway)
Must be 18 or older
Winners must contact me within 24 hours of being notified or I will select another winner (have your ask box or dm’s open)
Like/reblog as much as you want, but do not spam your followers (i will be looking)
Winners must be following me
How to Enter:
Like/reblog this post (do not tag as giveaway the post will get deleted) 
You can subscribe to my youtube channel for an extra entry (if you are already subscribed, tell me your name - your subscriptions must be public).
You can leave a comment on any of my youtube videos for an extra entry
If you are entering via youtube, please message me with your youtube name so that I can check.  Your subscriptions must be made public in order for me to view them if you enter through this method.  Likewise, if you leave a comment, please tell me your name, what video, and the comment so I can double check.  I really want youtube entries to be from people who are actually interested in and have subscribed to my channel, so I’m going on an honor system for you to please not use that feature just to get extra entries.
Last day to enter is Thursday, January 10th, 2019 at 9pm EST.  
I will be at a convention that weekend, so I will be picking the winners by January 13th, expect to be contacted around that time.  I will do my best to ship to you within that week, provided the winners have contacted me and made their selections.
Thank you all so much again for your love and support, and keep on keepin’ witchy.
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
my two moods are:
- glitter - death
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
“Often true in both art & the Craft, the quieter the work/worker, the deeper & stronger it goes. Thought can be far more powerful than words.”
Laura Tempest Zakroff
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
I wanna be the weird lady who lives in a small house and grows lavender and wears sundresses with straw hats and always has a book to recommend
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
The four different types of tarot readings
1.) You ask your deck a question. It gives you the complete opposite of what you want.
2.) MTV Roasts: starring you and your tarot deck.
3.) Me: hey tarot, I need to know what steps I should take in order to do the thing.
Tarot: You should do the thing.
4.) You draw five death cards. You only have one deck.
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
Ultimate curse:
Take the full and correct name of someone who’s harmed you.  Go to a Catholic church, give the priest a small donation, give him the name, and tell him that it’s the name of a dear loved one who has recently passed away and you’d like to have their name included in prayers for the newly deceased.
On Sunday, an entire church will affirm your enemy’s death.
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
Reblog if your blog is a safe space for:
•LGBT witches •Young witches •Old witches •Male witches •New witches •Experienced witches •POC witches •Disabled witches •Witches who discovered magick on their own •Witches for whom magick is a family/cultural tradition •Solitary witches •Witches in a coven •Witches who practice “dark” magick •Witches who practice “light” magick •Witches who practice a little bit of both •Witches who are religious •Witches who aren’t religious •Witches who do magick on a daily basis •Witches who just use a bit of magick now and then •All witches in general
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
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3K notes · View notes
murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
“Familiars are spirits who intimately work with us. Not particularly invested in the enrichment of our souls, they are more interested in being friends and partners in crime.”
— Devin Hunter The Witch’s Book of Spirits
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
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The ancient Egyptians believed that the buzzing of bees was the humming of souls come back from the afterlife. Similarly, in Scotland it was believed that, should your soul leave your body whilst you sleep, it would do so in the form of a bee.
A couple new pin designs! Still in concept stage, but you can find my other pins here
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
im looking for witchy mutuals!
hi, im looking for some more witchy mutuals! like/reblog if any of the following apply to you/your blog so i can follow you :
witch tips
spirit guides/familiars
divination of any kind
i promise i’ll look at everyone who reblogs/likes! 
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
Reblog if you’re a witch 🔮🕯
Looking to follow witchy blogs ❤️
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
“She knew the power of her mind so she programmed it for success.”
— Carrie Green (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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murmaiden-blog1 · 6 years
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The Evenfall
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