multiplicityrpc · 2 years
Hello! It seems that this blog still has 38 followers, which is great for a blog that has not been active in 2 years.
We might come back to this blog soon, we got really triggered with the start of the pandemic and no longer felt that having this blog was safe but we are in a better place now. What we will definitely be doing though is taking down our guide on writing characters with DID and the focus of this blog will no longer be on writing characters with DID.
We understand that this might be a disappointment to many of you, the guide has 187 notes after all, but it is what we feel is best. Though the community does not acknowledge it much, it is a fact that right now DID has become a trend, and something people are faking having. While our guide was meant to provide a place that writers can learn about DID in order to write a character in an inoffensive way (not like representations in Split), it has worried us for some time that people could also use our guide to figure out more about DID and how to fake it. This is not something we want.
We’ve been following a podcast that is hosted by two other systems that we enjoy, and there is an episode dedicated to the harms of faking DID. It should be linked in the source link, with the time stamp of when they start talking about it. If it is not, it starts being talked about at 12 minutes and 8 seconds into the video.
We hope everyone can understand this decision, it has been what our system has come to the conclusion is best.
Should we choose to fully come back to this blog, it will rather be focused on providing rp resources in other senses such as static icons and, since we have recently learned how to make gifs, gif packs.
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multiplicityrpc · 4 years
Below the cut there are 166 static base icons of Jacob Tobia (1991), a nonbinary (they/them) actor, tv host, and writer of Syrian ethnicity with pink hair. Please cast them correctly. Please do not repost. Please like and/or reblog if these are useful so we know to make more. Can fit with @tasksweekly task #018: Dyed Hair, task #046: Non-Binary, and task #088: Syria.
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multiplicityrpc · 4 years
another did system here, really glad you started this blog. but we're here to comment on the united states of tara. we'd say early united states of tara is on the positive side, but sadly season 3 went in a complete different direction. **tw: kidnapping & murder** tara's trauma is revealed through an introject that also serves as a persecutor. this introject/persecutor kidnaps tara's niece (an infant), attempts to murder multiple people, and successfully "murders" a little of tara's.
To the anon asking about our opinion on the United States of Tara.
Well, that’s sad. With this information in mind, we would have to agree this is a negative portrayal. We will get into this more in depth in our persecutors post but persecutors do not aim to hurt those outside the body. No matter how angry you make a persecutor, they would never kidnap someone, murder someone, etc., this is just part of the stereotype that those with DID are violent. Persecutors also tend to still be very protective of littles, even if they are not that way towards the host. This is unfortunate to hear, and it does change our opinion on the United States of Tara as one with a net negative rather than net positive.
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- Phoenix
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multiplicityrpc · 4 years
opinion on united states of tara?
Well, we’ve only seen three episodes because it actually caused us to dissociate a lot and all around it wasn’t entirely our favorite show so take this with a grain of salt. But from what we did see it is more of a realistic and positive portrayal of DID. Some aspects were exaggerated but for the most part we’d file it on the positive side. But if another DID system who was able to sit through it has a different outlook, please let us know! 
Note: We tried to look up reviews written by those with DID to answer this ask but weren’t able to find any (and one we clicked on was referring to DID as a “fake disease” which has not put us in a good space).
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- Olivia
0 notes
multiplicityrpc · 4 years
We have decided to remove this guide as we worry that this guide could be used to help those who wish to fake DID. You can read our full post about this, it is linked if you click anywhere in this sentence.
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multiplicityrpc · 4 years
Hi, a singleton here, who has been considering writing a story with a character with DID for a long time, and I'm happy to say hi and welcome you whole heartedly into the RPC. And I'm watching a lot of content from different systems just so I can learn more about it, and I'd love to see some written guides too.
We have been so happy all day seeing the support to our blog, but this is our first message and we really appreciate it! Of course, guides will likely be our main form of DID education – we already have so many in mind. From just simple DID terms to one we have drafted that’s called “So you want to give your DID muse a persecutor alter?”. Let us know if there’s any specific areas of DID you would like to see us write a guide on!
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- Olivia
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multiplicityrpc · 4 years
Hello rpc! We have no followers so likely this will not show up in tags, but we thought we’d introduce ourselves! We are a DID system -- we are The Eris System. We have 19 alters, we have a page for our alters here and will always sign off with the mascot and name of whichever alter is facing. This is currently Olivia, I’m the host of the Eris System.
We saw Anthony Padilla’s video about DID with one of our favorite DID youtubers, DissociaDID. We loved the video, and we love DissociaDID, but the video did spark us to finish working on this blog.
For the rpc, we’ll be offering DID education so that singleton members of the rpc aren’t afraid to play muses with DID. But we also offer the generic rpc assistance, with shoutouts, static base icons, opinions, and reviews being offered.
Singletons and multiples alike, feel free to reblog to signal boost our blog! We already have loads of ideas for posts and would love to see more around who are willing to learn about DID and play DID correctly! DID is not as uncommon as one may think and as a community, we deserve proper representation.
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- Olivia
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