multifandom-madness · 9 years
Coffee Shop Soundtrack- A Zack Merrick Imagine
After years of waiting, and months of counting down, the day was finally here. You were finally seeing All Time Low in concert for the first time. You've been a fan of the band for years, but every time they toured, they either didn't come to your area, or you had prior commitments. But the stars finally aligned and you got tickets to see them in a city close to where you lived. The entire night before the show you were absolutely buzzing. You spent far too much time searching for the perfect outfit to wear, clearing up space on your camera, and blasting their music. You tried to go to sleep early, but that failed. Eventually, you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning full of excitement because “today's the day”! You got ready in the outfit you laid out the night before and made sure you had everything before heading out the door. After a short ride to the train station and another short ride into the city, you realized that you were a lot earlier than you originally planned. You were walking around a quiet part of the city when you spotted a hole in the wall coffee shop and decided to head in to get a drink. You bought your favorite kind of tea and chose a table towards the back. You dug through your bag and pulled out the latest book you were reading. As you opened it up, you heard the roll of thunder in the background. 'Oh no. It better not rain. Not today.' You thought to yourself. The venue for the show was outdoors, and while you would gladly stand in the rain to see the show, it was not something you were in the mood to deal with. As you read, you heard the pitter patter of rain on the windows. 'Of course it's raining right now, why wouldn't it be?!' Just as that thought crossed your mind, you heard the door open and a string of hushed curse words flowing from the person's mouth. You listened and couldn't help but giggle as a realization suddenly hit you: you've heard this voice before. You slyly looked up from behind your book and your jaw dropped. Standing at the counter of this coffee shop was none other than Zack Merrick. He looked like he was out for a run and got caught in the storm. By this point, your book was flat on the table and you were full on staring. You shook your head, pinched your arm, and even slapped yourself in the face but he was still there. You weren't dreaming. Just as you were about to look away, he turned around and saw you staring. Your head couldn't have dropped any quicker as you picked up your book and tried to make it seem like you weren't just gawking at one of the most attractive men you've ever seen in your life. You heard him giggle and muttered a few hushed curse words of your own under your breath. You weren't even reading anymore, just listening to the sounds around you and trying to steady your breathing. You decided to peek up from your book and realized that because of the rain and the small size of the coffee shop, most of the seats are taken. You look back to your book because there's still a couple of hours until the show.
“Um excuse me,” you hear the oh so familiar voice again and look up, realizing that Zack is standing at your table “is there any way I can sit with you? There are no other seats and its still raining pretty hard.”
“Uh yeah sure that's cool” you somehow manage to say back to him.
“Thanks. I was out for a run before my show and it started raining so I stepped in here to avoid the rain. And the lightening” he said with the giggle that you've fallen in love with over the years.
“Oh?” you tried to act like you weren't freaking out on the inside. “What kind of show do you have?”
“I'm in a band. But I'm gonna guess you already knew that” he said with a smirk as he pointed to your shirt. You looked down and realized you were not only wearing an All Time Low shirt, but one with all of their faces on it.
“Oh...that's embarrassing” you said as you threw your face into your hands.
“Hey, don't be embarrassed! Its the first thing I noticed about you. Well, besides you staring and your pretty eyes. Actually, you are just really gorgeous” Now it was Zack's turn to be embarrassed. You looked at him, with your mouth slightly hanging open and noticed he was blushing as he looked out of the window.
“M-my pretty...my....gorgeous...really?!” You were genuinely surprised that THE Zack Merrick just called you pretty. You didn't mean for it to come off as rude, but Zack must've taken it that way.
“I'm sorry that must've sounded really creepy I didn't mean to offend you I'll just go call my ride now” he said so fast it took you a minute to comprehend it as he started to stand up.
“No no no you didn't offend me! I was just surprised is all. Its not every day that someone in your favorite band compliments you.”
“Your favorite band? We kinda suck, are you sure about that?” you giggled and that made him smile. You started talking about music, which led to talking about your career, which led to talking about hobbies and you realized that you actually had quite a bit in common with him. And you were also very surprised that you were able to keep your cool for this long. You two continued to chat for what seemed like minutes before Zack looked at his phone and realized that the show was going to start in about an hour and a half.
“Shit, I'm going to be late for soundcheck” Zack said as he looked at the time. “Are you going to the show tonight?” he asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“Yeah, I was actually really early getting into the city. That's why I was sitting in here”
“Do you want a ride to the venue? Our tour manager is on his way to pick me up.”
“Are you sure? I mean I could walk there”
“I insist! You kept me company during this storm. Plus, its still raining a little and I don't want you to catch a cold. That would ruin the show.”
Their tour manager's car pulled up and Zack offered you his hand to stand up. As you reached the car, he opened your door for you and you thought to yourself 'He's attractive AND a gentleman?! Of course. Why wouldn't he be?!' You two continued to talk during the ride to the venue, and their tour manager also joined in the conversation. You pulled up to the back of the venue after a short ride and after you got out of the car, you started to walk towards the front to stand in line.
“Hey wait a minute!” You heard Zack say as he jogged towards you. “Listen, I had a really good time talking to you today. It isn't often that I find someone who knows who I am who actually wants to talk to me as a person, not a rockstar. I just wanted to thank you. It was really nice.”
“Well, you may be a rockstar, but you ARE a person. I think some people just tend to forget that. It was nice talking to you, Zack. Thanks for the ride” you said as you waved at him and turned around to walk away.
“Wait! Can I have your number so we can get together next time I'm here? If not that's completely ok I under..”
“Yes Zack, you can have my number. I'd like that” You two exchanged numbers and Zack said,
“You know, I kept you from getting a good spot in line. I feel really bad. It'd be a shame if you couldn't see the show. If you want, you could stand side stage. I have connections since I'm in the band” He said this as a question and you were surprised at how quickly you said yes. He laughed and led you backstage where you met the rest of the crew and band. You were also met with a lot of raised eyebrows and innuendos from Jack. That is, until Zack threatened to kick his ass. After a little bit more time and talking, they were ready to take the stage. Zack gave you a quick hug and they ran on stage. You didn't know what was causing the electricity flowing through your veins: finally seeing your favorite band live, standing side stage at their concert, or the smiles and winks that Zack kept flashing at you.
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multifandom-madness · 9 years
So you know how Ashton has big hands, like really really big hands with really really really long fingers that I would like inside me am obsessed with? I thought I’d make a masterpost dedicated to them.
Prepare yourselves.
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fucking hell is that a normal sized phone or a fucking tiny one? I’m 99% sure his little finger is the same height as the fucking phone
Keep reading
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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5SOS and their nice fingers
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
ok AY LISTNE!!! ! !
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
"guitarists finger faster, bassists do it deeper, singers do it louder, drummers hit it harder"
friendly reminder that ashton irwin can do all of the above
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
Just press play and scroll through the gifs
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not my gifs
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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hello hi how are you my lovely friend hope you’re doing alright :-) i saw this masterpost by alexgaiskarth and i liked the idea of it, so here is my masterpost of 5sos videos and stuff, enjoy!
゚・: ,。★iconic moments★,。・:・゚
"let’s play titanic, yOU’D BE THE ICE BERG AND I’LL GO DOWN"
"pretend i’m a girl"
5sos acting out Mean Girls, Twilight, and Harry Potter
selfie wars
"you ate your babies?!"
ashton having a boner B)
this whole video is just
"i’m half Irish, i can’t twerk"
when they went fucking mental ft. niall
target 5sos
"i’m sorry, Calum. i can’t hear you over the size of your ego"
"i do what i want i’m punk rock" "no you’re not"
(◡﹏◡✿)concert moments i wish i saw live(◡﹏◡✿)
when calum screamed in 18
when muke were rapping Lose Yourself
when michael wore a snapback
when they crashed a one direction concert with their masks on
when ashton played the guitar in Teenage Dream
when ashton broke his drums ft. michael being a cutie
when calum ruffled michael’s wet hair
and many many more, but who has the time
bromances are beautiful (⊙ω⊙✿)
muke cuddling (2) (3) (4 ft. cake at the end)
basically michael being mean to luke
me and luke are growing a penguin
how many times did michael talk about luke’s legs that ashton had to say “here we go again”
"did you just spank me? do it again"
"aw you look cute" "are you cracking on to me?" "yes we should make out"
aw grumpy ash
"calum is like cuddly little bear"
such cuties
luke’s 17th birthday and calum is being a cutie
"it’s you calum it’s actually you"
luke is in love with calum ft. jealous ashton
banana party
“he’s the youngest in the band, so i kinda feel like a brother to him”
he’s such a dork with ashton
almost kissing on stage B)
*hugs calum after offending him*
"mount me" me too michael
i find this face to face video extremely adorable
piggy back rides :((((
ashton comforting michael because he bit his tongue and calling him baby
unappreciated videos~(•ε • ~)
mtv cribs and a horror movie ft. model luke
i think i know what i want for Christmas
the harmoniES
i really want to play with michael’s hair in this vid
don’t ever let this die
i cannot deal with luke in this video
the ashton witch project
towel adventures
luke’s accent gives me life
they started doing a Michael Jackson acapella ???
for sad michael girls(✿^-^)
this dork lip-syncing to Boyfriend
two dorks lip-syncing to One Thing
michael screaming in Voodoo Doll  god bless whoever made this
"you make us the luckiest people in the world"
you little shit
for sad calum girls(✿^-^)
what’s up with this band and lip-syncing?
it’s his microwave
calum’s cover of All About You
a never ending loop of sleepy calum
this makes me so happy ft. luke in the shower
this solo makes me emotionally unstable i fucking love his lisp
for sad ashton girls(✿^-^)
hear ashton’s laugh for 11 minutes
"damn it this fucking nipple"
really really important cover
when ashton got his wisdom teeth removed
ashton falling off a chair ft. cute fan giggling and luke not helping him
for sad luke girls(✿^-^)
hear luke’s laugh for 2 minutes
luke smiling proudly because everyone was singing with him
"if you don’t swim, you’ll probably drown" i kept watching this for ages
luke’s cover of Lego House
look at this cutie
luke rapping Lose Yourself
i hope this made you laugh or at least smile, if you’re ever sad just remember michael saying “you make us the luckiest people in the world” because you do.(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
if you want more check out this page by mukenope she did a really really good job wow and thank you again to alexgaiskarth for the idea! you can check out her post here.
if any of the links are not working, just tell me and i’ll do my best to fix them (◡‿◡✿)
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
are you daddy af?
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correct answer: Y!!E!!!S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
So you know how Ashton has big hands, like really really big hands with really really really long fingers that I would like inside me am obsessed with? I thought I’d make a masterpost dedicated to them.
Prepare yourselves.
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fucking hell is that a normal sized phone or a fucking tiny one? I’m 99% sure his little finger is the same height as the fucking phone
Read More
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
I couldn’t help it…sorry Ashton girls…
Michael video here
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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When you smile, I melt inside. I’m not worthy for a minute of your time.
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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I wanted to do one of these text post things
credit to gif owners// my edit // credit to text post people
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
Was Ashton on drugs during the dallas concert because holy shit
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this is literally the hottest thing
credit to gif owners
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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you can only pick between blink 182 or green day
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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Happy Halloween Ashton (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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multifandom-madness · 10 years
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Hiya! New to the 5SOS Family? Well here’s a little guide // masterpost about these four weird but very lovable Aussies. x
p.s. let me know if i missed out anything or if something is wrong with the link(s) and i will try yo fix it :) 
inspiration: x
LATEST UPDATE: September 12th 2014
5 Seconds of Summer are an Australian pop rock band. Formed in Sydney in 2011, the band consists of Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin.
About 5SOS
Band Facts
Luke Facts
Ashton Facts
Michael Facts
Calum Facts
5SOS on Michael
5SOS on Luke
5SOS on Ashton
5SOS on Calum
Official Website
Personal Websites
Luke:Twitter | Instagram | Vine
Michael:Twitter | Instagram | Vine
Calum:Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Vine
Ashton:Twitter | Instagram
- Luke’s Covers
Please don’t go - Mike Posner
Jersey - Mayday Parade
Just the way you are - Bruno Mars
Forget you - Cee Lo Green
Fireflies - Ron Pope
Opportunity - Pete Murray
A Drop In the Ocean - Ron Pope
You Found Me - The Fray
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
  - Calum’s Covers
All about you - McFly
Drunk - Ed Sheeran
Mistletoe - Justin Bieber
Irreplaceable - Beyonce
Many of Horror (When We Collide) - Biffy Clyro
Windows - Lewis Watson
  - Ashton’s Covers
Ordinary people - John Legend
  - Michael’s Covers
Boyfriend - Justin Bieber ;)
  - More/Other Covers
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5 (Luke & Aleisha Cover)
If It Means A Lo To You -by A Day To Remember (Luke & Aleisha)
LIVE @ The Hills Are Alive Final (Calum & Mali-Koa)
My Hero - Foo Fighters (Ash Irwin Music)
Change The World - Eric Clapton (Ash Irwin Music)
Crazy - Ray Lamontagne/Gnarls Barkley (Ash Irwin Music)
Slide - Goo Goo Dolls (Ash Irwin Music)
On My Own, Safe To Say - Playjerise (Ash Irwin Music)
Ain’t no rock (Ash Irwin Music)
   - Band Covers
In My Head - Jason Derulo
Baby - Justin Bieber
I Miss You - Blink 182
Forever - Chris Brown
If It Means A Lot To You - A Day to Remember
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
Next to You - Chris Brown/Justin Bieber
Forever My Father - Go Radio
Rolling In The Deep - Adele
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheetus
Jasey Rae - All Time Low
The A-Team - Ed Sheeran
Year 3000 - Busted
Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran
What Makes You Beautiful/One Thing - One Direction
I Miss You - Blink 182 (Audio)
We Are Young - Fun
As Long As You Love Me - Justin Bieber
What I Like About You - The Romantics
American Idiot - Green Day
5SOS in London - Video Diary Part 1
5SOS in London - Video Diary Part 2
5SOS on Tour - Video Diary Part 3
5SOS on Tour - A Day In The Life…
On Tour in Australia/New Zealand (Part One)
On Tour in Australia/New Zealand (Part Two)
LA Tour Diary (Part One)
LA Tour Diary (Part Two)
#5Countries5Days Food Challenge
Billboard Music Awards 2014 (Part 1)
Billboard Music Awards 2014 (Part 2)
Dinosaurs, Unicorns & Big Apples (NYC Tour Diary)
Original Songs (couldn’t find some songs on youtube)
Beside You
Gotta Get Out
Gotta Get Out (Acoustic)
Out Of My Limit
Too Late (Audio)
Heartbreak Girl (Audio)
Heartbreak Girl (Official Video)
Try Hard
Bad Dreams (Calum’s song)
Heartache On the Big Screen
The Only Reason
Pizza(yes this is a real song)
She Looks So Perfect (Acoustic - Studio)
She Looks So Perfect (Lyric Video)
She Looks So Perfect (Official Video)
Don’t Stop; Lyric Video
Don’t Stop (Official Video)
If You Don’t Know
Voodoo Doll (One Mic, One Take)
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Good Girls (Are Bad Girls)
Kiss Me Kiss Me
Everything I Didn’t Say
End Up Here
Lost Boy
Social Casualty
English Love Affair
Long Way Home
Voodoo Doll
Beside You (New Version)
Never Be
Behind the Scenes
She Looks So Perfect
Don’t Stop
Track By Track (She Looks So Perfect EP)
She Looks So Perfect
What I Like About You
The Only Reason
Heartache on the Big Screen
Don’t Stop
Good Girls (That Haven’t Been Caught)
Kiss Me Kiss Me
Long Way Home
Everything I Didn’t Say
Vevo DSCVR Videos
DSCVR Interveiw
She Looks So Perfect
Vevo Lift Videos
LIFT Intro: 5 Seconds Of Summer
Get To Know: 5 Seconds Of Summer
She Looks So Perfect [Live]
Awesomeness TV Videos
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
A Few Interviews (personally my favs, most of them are new, sorry)
Love Doctor - Is It Hi Or Hey?
5SOS - Interview With Pop Scoop!
5 Seconds of Summer Chart Show Chat
5 Seconds of Summer in 5 Seconds
MTV PUSH: Introducing 5 Seconds Of Summer (Part 1)
MTV PUSH: Introducing 5 Seconds Of Summer (Part 2)
60 MIns Aus
Extra Mins
Extra Mins
Twitcams (credit x, x, x, x)
Hot30 twitcam - Aug 7, 2012
Hot30 twitcam - Sept 19, 2012
5SOS twitcam - Nov 18, 2012
5SOS twitcam -  Dec 20, 2012
5SOS twitcam - Dec 20, 2012(just luke basically eating cereal)
5SOS twitcam - Jan 17, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Jan 21, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Feb 6, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Feb 20, 2013
Malum twitcam - March 24, 2013
5SOS twitcam - April 4, 2013
5SOS twitcam - April 7, 2013
5SOS twitcam - April 21, 2013
5SOS twitcam - May 8, 2013
5SOS twitcam - May 29, 2013
5SOS twitcam - July 15, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Aug 3, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Aug 19, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Sept 9, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Oct 6, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Oct 30, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Nov 25, 2013
5SOS BDAY - Dec 3, 2013
5SOS BDAY - Dec 3, 2013
5SOS BDAY - Dec 3, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Dec 7, 2013
5SOS twitcam - Jan 18, 2014
5SOS twitcam - Feb 20, 2014
5SOSLiveStream - March 21, 2014
5SOS LiveStream - July 1, 2014
TV Performances 
“She Looks So Perfect” Live on Sunrise (May 15, 2014)
“Don’t Stop” Live on Sunrise (May 15, 2014)
Billboard Music Awards (May 18, 2014) [not televised broadcast]
“Don’t Stop” Live on The Late Late Show (May 23, 2014)
"Don’t Stop" Live on The Voice Italy (June 6, 2014)
5 Seconds of Summer FULL Today Show Concert (July 22, 2014)
5SOS on Jimmy Kimmel Playlist (July 24, 2014)
"Amnesia" Live on MTV Video Music Awards (August 24, 2014)
Photo Galleries (if you other photo galleries of the boys let me know)
5SOS Masterposts
5SOS Song List - dicksconnected
needed masterpost/list
Okay, again, if I did forget anything please let me know. I will update this when things pop-up. This took FOREVER! PLEASE DO NOT MESS WITH ANYTHING. Once more, if a link(s) do not work, I will do my best to fix them.
LATEST UPDATE: September 12th 2014
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