mukkan · 7 years
 「 ??? 」 :
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     “You alright, hun?” Mitsuki bent down and held a hand out to the poor girl. Those assholes had just bashed straight into her without a thought, leaving this nice girl on the floor. So, of course, she had one by the scruff of his shirt, ready to force him to apologize. All with a pleasant smile on her face. 
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「 ☆ 」 Mika got to her feet slowly, her legs shaking as she tried to stand up straight. Blood trickled down her shins from where she’d scraped her knees falling. “I-I’m fine,” she attempted to reassure the woman, but her voice trembled, so it probably didn’t work that well. “I sh-should’ve, um, been looking where I was going.”
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mukkan · 7 years
「 @delawaresmash / ☆ 」
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「 ☆ 」 “I wouldn’t be great on a stakeout mission,” she admitted, hanging her head a bit. With any luck, anyone who assigned missions would know not to give them to her. “I’m trying to get better. I fell asleep during training once and almost got hurt. It was scary.”
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 scary 」 :
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“Alright, girlie, you need to be more specific,” Hands on her hips, Aimi leaned forward inspecting the girl. She was definitely a UA student, based on the uniform alone. Huffing, she pulled back and corked her head to the side, “You can’t just come to my door and say you need help. With what? What do you need help with? legs? Arms? Glutes? Speak up!”
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「 ☆ 」 Mika flinched back at the response, wringing her finger together nervously against her stomach. “W-well, um...” She hadn’t expected such an intimidating person to be the one who greeted her ( not to mention that something about the elder reminded her of a cat ). Ah, but she came here on a mission, so she couldn’t back out now. “M-my arms--er, upper body strength. To, uh, to start with, a-at least. It’s to help with archery...”
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 tanaka 」 :
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“I’ll be sure t’ try n’ keep it quiet!”
Upon touching the play button, the music boomed making several students in the hall startle. Panicking slightly, Yuu fiddled with the speaker attached to her hip. She took a shaky breath once it quieted again, having scared herself as well.
Damn it, she’d left her music up all the way last time she had listened!
“Jeez, sorry ‘bout that! I forgot I had it up so loud!” Yuu looked over at the girl, “You alright?”
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「 ☆ 」 While Mika expected the music, she didn’t expect it to be so loud. She flinched back at the volume, reaching up to cover her ears, though her hands only got halfway there before the other turned the speaker down. ( Vaguely, she felt bad for the other students in the hallway who hadn’t been prepared for that at all. ) “I’m fine,” she assured. “I didn’t expect it to be so, uh, loud.” She glanced ahead of them. “The cafeteria’s just up here.”
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mukkan · 7 years
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「 ♔ 」 Like this for a starter!
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 !!! 」 :
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                 they huff under the weight of a tall stack of books, head peeking around its corners as they grin apologetically. well, these files weren’t going to move themselves…   “    i’d love some help, thank you very much! can you carry about… hm, what about all of them?    ”    unprompted, the teacher moves closer to drop the heavy mound unto the girl’s waiting arms, sighing at the relief of a burden lifted.    “    thank you sooooooo much! phew!     ”
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「 ☆ 」 That... was not the sort of help she expected to give. She held out her arms instinctively when they started their request, only to regret that decision. Having expected maybe half at most, she stumbled back and almost fell before she managed to shift her weight to accommodate for the books. Her arms trembled, muscles strained. Would it be too rude to back out now? “Where, um--where are we taking these?” she asked anyway.
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 medic 」 :
treating the cat scratch isn’t difficult , just like dealing with regular cuts after all . noticing the vaguely uncomfortable expression on her face , he makes sure the process is swift && carried out thoroughly . ( although he does admit coming to the infirmary for a simple scratch is baffling considering what people assume is normal these days , he has really no room to question since this is his occupation . ) he cleans && disinfects the wound from bacteria with rubbing alcohol before taking the bandaging gauze && wrapping it around her hand firmly but not tight enough to halt circulation . EASY PEASY ! 
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❝ there . ❞
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「 ☆ 」 If Mika had gotten the scratch from anything else, she would’ve just treated it on her own instead of coming to the infirmary; however, she’d always been paranoid when it came to cats, so she wanted to make sure a professional took care of it. She couldn’t help but be curious, though, when he showed no sign of using a quirk. Maybe the cut wasn’t serious enough to warrant that? It wouldn’t surprise her ( even she realised how insignificant the wound was in comparison to others ). 
Once he finished, she bowed her head in gratitude. “Thank you.” Then, she hesitated, and before she could talk herself out of it, she continued, “I was, um, w-wondering... what your quirk is?” She expected it to be something heath-related, given where he worked.
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 tanaka-san 」 :
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“Okay,  cool!”
Yuu got into step beside the girl, humming to herself. After a moment of walking quietly, she began flipping through the music on her phone. She just couldn’t stand the quiet, even if the halls were still filled by the voices of students doing club activities.
“You don’t mind if I play some tunes, do ya’?”
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「 ☆ 」 If Yuu didn’t mind wandering around a bit more than necessary, Mika could probably show off some places that were more interesting than just the cafeteria. The gyms and training areas were impressive, although there might’ve been some rules about accessing them without permission. “I don’t mind,” she assured, tilting her head as she wondered what sort of music to other liked. And, well, she supposed she wouldn’t have to wonder too long.
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 kirishima 」 :
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    The redhead, as social as he could be, had not become well-acquainted with members of the other classes. He was aware of those who were finalist during the sports festival, and he considered that metallic ‘copy and paste’ guy his friend after completing his first internship with him. (They traded quite a few sparring tips and had quite a bit in common outside of their quirk.) The boy couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for not being able to place a name to her face. Thoughts aside, he rocked on his heels to stand up straight and offered her his hand to help her stand up. 
   “Yeah, that’s me!” He said, followed by one of his signature toothy grins. “Though I’m feelin’ bad that I can’t remember your name. I think I’ve seen ya around before, but don’t know when or where –– are you a hero-in-training, too?” 
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「 ☆ 」 Mika stifled a yawn and rubbed at her eye a bit before taking the offered hand and pulling herself to her feet. Though she wobbled a bit at first, she gained proper footing after a few seconds, and at his confirmation, she nodded, relieved that she’d remembered him right. It wouldn’t be embarrassing if she didn’t, of course, because they’d never officially met, but given how far he’d made it in the Sports Festival, she’d feel bad for forgetting. ( That said, she didn’t blame him for not remembering her, if only because she didn’t do much to make herself stand out; she preferred staying in the background. As long as she got to help people, the spotlight didn’t matter to her. )
“I’m in class 1-B, with Tetsutetsu.” She picked a name she knew he’d recognise. “I’m Mika Tsuji. It’s nice to meet you.” Belatedly, she noticed that she’d yet to let go of his hand... which she remedied quickly, instead moving it to fidget with the pages of her book.
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mukkan · 7 years
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「 ♔ 」 Please consider: Mika is terrified of the Pussycats and hides behind the nearest non-cat person whenever they’re around.
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 saviour 」 :
He hadn’t expected that the little kittens would terrify whoever they found. With deft hand he plucks them off of her one by one, nestled now to his own chest. Two toned eyes scan each animal, scrutinizing any possible injuries. They were far from harmed, in fact they looked rather pleased, smug even.
“ — Apologies, I didn’t meant to cause any trouble. I would appreciate if you didn’t speak of them to any of the teachers. They’re only here until I can find a suitable home for them…” The desire to explain, comes to abrupt halt when he sees her face clearly. 
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“ — Are you okay?”
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「 ☆ 」 As he reached over to take the kittens off her, Mika tensed, only to relax once they were in his arms rather than climbing all over her. Fortunately for the animals, she wasn’t one to lash out even when terrified; while she tried to get away from them, she didn’t try to throw them off or otherwise do anything that could lead to them getting hurt. She almost noted that it was good, then, that they’d found her, but remembered that most people weren’t afraid of cats. The thought ( more specifically, her embarrassment over being afraid of the small animals ) brought a slight blush to her face.
“They tried to kill me,” she responded, as deadpan as possible. And, sure, she could feel welts start to swell up from where their claws had dug into her skin, though even she could admit that they hadn’t tried to hurt her on purpose. She shook her head. “It’s fine. I won’t tell anyone about them, I promise.”
From her tone alone, it sounded like a matter of life or death.
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mukkan · 7 years
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 tanaka-san 」 :
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“Uh, y’know what? I didn’t actually think about that…”
Yuu paused and chewed on their bottom lip. They couldn’t exactly remember what was what in the school. They couldn’t even remember what classroom they had been in during their last year here. Granted, it had been three years, but their memories were still muddled. They suddenly felt really embarrassed.
“Maybe the cafeteria? Sorry, I can’t really remember a lot about this place…”
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「 ☆ 」 “The cafeteria is a good place to start. It’s not far from here,” she assured, maybe because they sounded uncertain about their suggestion. Plus, the cafeteria was somewhere she knew how to get to, so they wouldn’t get lost on the way, which was good. For the most part, Mika traveled from place to place alongside her class, not by herself, and she wasn’t that confident in her own navigational skills. “It’s right this way.” With that, she led them to the cafeteria.
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 ??? 」 :
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    “Hey, you gotta wake up or else you’ll catch a cold. It’s getting chilly out,” he said, trying to usher the other awake. He gently nudged the other’s shoulder, crouching beside where she snoozed as he waited for her eyes to flutter open. The redhead was just returning from dinner, a grand-opening of a new korean style barbecue restaurant nearby, when he stumbled across her asleep on the grass between the university and the student dormitories. Her face seemed vaguely familiar, though – shame on him – he could not recall the other’s name. Once there were signs that she was coming to, he stopped his nudging and let his hand rest on his knee as he balanced on his toes, waiting. 
    “I didn’t wanna wake you, but I’m betting your bed’s a lot more comfortable than the cold ground. Whatever you were doing must’ve made you pretty tired for you to knock out here.”
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「 ☆ 」 At the nudging, the girl’s eyes fluttered open, and it took another few seconds to blink the sleep out of them. ( She’d been having a rather pleasant dream, right? Although upon waking up, she couldn’t quite recall what it was about, her best guess was that it had something to do with the book she’d just finished reading. ) “Oh, thank you,” she murmured as she picked up her book that’d fallen on the ground. She blinked again, registering the face of the person who’d woken her up. “...you’re Eijirou Kirishima from 1-A, right?” Mostly, she recognised him from the sports festival and from hearing his name elsewhere.
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mukkan · 7 years
Almost in a panic, the girl reached out to touch her in order to make her float. She almost fell flat on her face with a rush like that!
「 @zerogravi ☆ 」
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「 ☆ 」 While Mika had trained in close-combat enough, she  wasn’t an expert in it--not as much as other people she knew, at least--so it was only natural that she kept trying to get better; after all, she couldn’t rely on hanging in the background and supporting her comrades from a distance all the time. She wanted to be more well-rounded than that. And, after hearing that her newfound acquaintance was more or less in the same boat, she’d suggested sparring together as a way for them to sharpen their skills together.
Everything was going well until Mika tripped over her own feet. Just as she was accepting her fate of falling face-first onto the ground, she found herself floating instead. She blinked once, twice, and after repositioning herself, she found her feet back on the ground like they should be.
“Thank you, Uraraka. Your, um, quirk is really useful, isn’t it?” Mika patted at her sleeve as though trying to brush off imaginary dust. “I guess that’s my cue to take a break.”
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 ??? 」 :
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     “1-B? What a coincidence! I really AM your senior, I never thought I’d enjoy having someone directly under me! Ooh, that sounds vaguely dirty, I shall rephrase that, I’m from class 2-B. Isn’t that amazing~!” 
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「 ☆ 」 For a good, solid minute, Mika just stared at the stranger as though she couldn’t quite process what she was saying. How was she supposed to respond to that? Was it some sort of test? “That’s true,” she agreed eventually. She considered, somewhere in the back of her mind, that she’d rather not be referred to as directly under someone again, if she could avoid it. Maybe not, if she ended up being a sidekick. “I’m Mika Tsuji. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Somehow, it almost sounded like a question. “Have you enjoyed U.A. so far...?”
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mukkan · 7 years
 「 kendou-san 」 :
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     “Hey, us girls gotta stick together you know? Besides, it’s what classmates are for, you don’t gotta thank me.” Kendou places a hand on her shoulder and beams brightly. Mika’s expression, her WARM expression, was all the thanks she needed in return. “Hey, you know what, we should come back here and watch the sunset sometime – like you said, It’ll just be that much more beautiful. Plus, you’ve got a really cute smile Mika, you should show it off more!” 
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「 ☆ 」 “O-oh, um, th-thank you.” The sudden compliment caused her to flush in vague embarrassment. To be honest, she hadn’t even realised she’d been smiling, which made the comment that much more of a shock. Mika glanced up, meeting Kendou’s eyes for a half second before looking back out over the city. “I-I may end up... coming out here to study, maybe,” she mused. “The library can get kind of hard to study in.” For her, at least, and it was probably more being surrounded by people that distracted her, which she didn’t think would be as much of a problem for anyone used to social settings.
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