mspmonroe · 2 years
piper monroe​:
˖°˖ ☾  ♡  ☽ ˖°˖
Often when Ezrak found himself going through activities with Kiraz, he wondered how they would be if Alara was part of it. Mundane activities such as grabbing donuts with his child were part of said list. He was focusing on his phone for a bit while Kiraz would twirl and dance right next to him, before he heard someone talking behind him in line. But before he could say something, Kiraz did it before. Are you sad? The young girl asked, and he shook his head. “Kiraz. I’m sorry, she’s just–” curious? Inevitably eager to talk to others? A little bit of both. “She likes to talk.” But if she’s sad, donuts will help, dad. They make me happy. What’s your favorite flavor?
Kiraz being talkative was a reminder of who he used to be, the same curious child that would make sure to engage in conversations with whoever was willing to listen. “I’m sorry about it. I’m Ezrak, by the way. And this is Kiraz,” he held her close, making the young kid giggle.
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Tilting her head to the side, Piper offered the child a serene smile. She crouched down to the child's eye level and put on her cheerful voice. "Hello there, Kiraz," Piper waved hello to the tiny person. "I'm Piper and I am sad." She playfully pouted her lower lip out as she placed a hand over her heart. "Being all grown up is not all that fun. I'm sure you can understand that, Ezrak." She glanced up at the adult by the child and winked. 
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mspmonroe · 2 years
Gideon hadn’t anticipated having to speak to anyone before ordering. Consequently the by-rote script he had carefully prepared for when he got to the till of the Donut Hole, thanks to a spontaneous visit on his way home from the gym (definitely not for himself, the treats were for his ma, because he never touched the sweet stuff and certainly not right after working out), stalled. He stared at her out of the corner of his eye and weighed the pros and cons of letting the odd exclamation float in the store like baffling cigarette smoke or respond to it. 
Silence suited him fine. It likely would have suited him even better than conversation. But the employees were taking an unfortunate amount of time to get everyone’s order taken. At this time of night he was bored.
“A depressing one,” he ventured finally, eying the woman as if she might try and make it a vibe. Not that he necessarily expected a random donut shop patron to whip out a curse of eternal suffering and blanket the rest of his fellow donut-seekers with it. One could never be too careful. “Is this a vibe you’re experiencing, intend to inflict, or smell on the evening air?”
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Piper arched a brow at the stranger for a minute, trying to make sense of his question. Once she finally processed what he said, she let out a dark cackle. "Dude, just chill." She snorted, taking a quick sip of her tea. "I literally woke up like less than twenty minutes ago. I'm only spouting bullshit over here." She waved her hand, taking another sip of her drink. Piper cocked her head to the side and squinted her eyes at the stranger. "Wait, you a cop or something?"
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mspmonroe · 2 years
night meetings had stopped being such a hassle to dasom ever since she had gotten her daylight ring, yet, she didn’t mind them. in fact, she knew that night classes were necessary for some students, whether they were vampires or not. people had lives. some worked in the morning and had to study at night, which was why for some of her night classes, dasom normally would take some coffee. this one in particular, had some single parents and full-time workers, so it felt like some coffee and donut bites would be enough to raise some spirits of some kind. first, the bites, then, the coffee. hot coffee was a must this time of year to the mortal kind.
she was waiting in line just like everyone else when someone stepped beside her. the scent of their tea hit dasom’s nostrils and immediately gave the vampire that homey sensation. maybe because that was one of dasom’s favorite, it always put the vampire in a good mood. however, the words escaping the other’s mouth didn’t exactly match that homey sensation. it did, however, show a familiar face. “you seem mortal enough not to know much about eternity, though… is everything alright, piper?” 
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Piper closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. She imagined a little light switch in her head. She pretended she could just reach out and just flip the switch. "It's a pleasure seeing you too, Dasom." The human woman replied, making her voice sound more chirpy. She opened her eyes and flashed a large grin. Piper hadn't expected to see someone she knew from her job. It was a likely chance, but a low one at that as well. She didn't try to be her usual weird self at her workplace. It wasn't the wisest thing to do if she wanted to make it far or to help her clients. She needed to be perky and upbeat to seem approachable. That was the grand plan. 
"Everything is…well." Piper hesitated, her heart rate increasing. She tried to calm herself down by slowly taking a deep breath through her nose. "Just still a little grouchy from just getting up." She forced a laugh. "Nothing to worry about." 
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mspmonroe · 2 years
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mspmonroe · 2 years
Esra had been standing out the shop for a bit, wondering if she should go in. Real food didn’t really have that much appeal to her anymore but she figured maybe she could give it a try. She sighed and glanced down before someone called out. She turned around and offered the other a small smile. “Eternal suffering, huh?” She asked with a light chuckle. “Unfortunately, I know a lot about that.
She stepped a side a little bit to make room for her new friend and waved them forward. She smiled. “If you want, you can come stand here with me. I’m not even sure I can eat this stuff anymore.” The vampire told her honestly with a sad smile. “You know… So many things I didn’t think I’d miss… Donuts weren’t really on the list but here I am. Wondering if they’re going to make me sick or kill me.” She told the stranger as she shook her head. “Sorry… I am recently infected with vampirism.” She joked, offering a wink. “Not sure if I’m ready for real food.” Esra admitted. 
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Piper took a sip of her tea as a corner of her mouth twitched. Taking a step next to the vampire, she began to dig through her simple black purse with one hand.  For a moment, she completely forgot how fatigued and drowsy she was. Her mind immediately started to kick into social worker mode. It was a habit. A very bad habit. She tried to hold back from going full social worker mode. She needed to save that later for the office. 
"Name and pronouns?" Piper asked the vampire in a monotone voice as she pulled out her wallet. 
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mspmonroe · 2 years
Mai had done the thing she kept telling herself to stop doing. She kept staying late at the research centre, hoping to catch a break and never getting very far. She didn’t know why she was in such a rush to make a difference. She’d only been in the city for half a year. It wasn’t like she could expect to just show up and suddenly answer the problems that other scientists had been trying to figure out for decades, centuries even. But, she wanted to feel like she was adding something and she still hadn’t quite gotten there yet. It was frustrating. 
She could’ve gone straight home. Hell, she should’ve. It would’ve been good to go home and sleep instead of staying up fretting over what wasn’t working. But, Mai found herself driving into North Valley instead and soon was in the donut hole. Maybe it was the smell of fresh baked goods that had beckoned her there. Maybe she just wanted an excuse to stay awake a little longer despite how tired she really was. And then she heard the woman who had just walked in speak. On any other day, Mai would probably have asked if she was okay. Instead, the fatigue had set in and Mai found herself humming in agreement, “But at least there’s cheesecake,” she murmured, staring at the options in front of her. Would it be wrong to just buy an entire cake? Could she justify buying a whole cake when she knew she’d just take it home and not even bother cutting herself a slice. One big cake and one little fork was so very tempting. 
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"God, I'd kill for some cheesecake ice cream now," Piper hummed, imagining the taste of the sweet icy treat. Though, the stranger did have a point. Suffering may exist, but sugar also exists. They obviously canceled each other out. Or, at least for right now.
Skimming at the cheesecake section, Piper furrowed her brow. "Pumpkin Spice cheesecake?" She blurted out. "Jesus, it's everywhere."
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mspmonroe · 2 years
There was a part of J the really hated waiting in line at most places. He assumed most people shared the same sentiment, due to the crowds of people and how long everyone seemed to take, but it wasn’t exactly Jacksons reason for feeling this way. He felt too much pressure to have to interact with other people and the young werewolf still had a difficult time trying to get out there and make friends. He had spent too much time on his own when he was younger that the urge to know other people was a complex situation. If there had been no one in the shop, J would still feel a bit out of place. 
There was an easy solution to the problem, which was to just not go to public places to eat, but J didn’t have much of a choice at the moment. He was still getting used to his place and his kitchen was only about ten percent functional. He had bought all broken kitchen appliances with the reason to repair them when he would get home from work. He just didn’t have much time to do such a thing after a long day. Time was a construct and apparently J had no time for anything. 
As he stood in the line, he had sort of blocked out everything around him until a voice cut through the light chatter that seemed to pull his interest. He hadn’t heard the words fully but stopped in his tracks taking a bit too long to register the words before responding. “Wait…..what?” he asked turning to the other person. 
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"Eternal suffering," Her expression showed no emotion. "It's a vibe." Piper shrugged. She took another sip of her tea, but this time it was a more overlong gulp of the oolong brewed tea. Piper had grown accustomed to being the center of someone's attention. For years, strangers would stare at her whenever she was all decked out in gothic attire. So, the fact that a random scruffy-looking man just heard whatever her drowsy mind had her just blurt out didn't faze her at all. "It makes one really learn to appreciate the little moments of life, you know? Too much of a good thing can ruin things. Everything needs to be done in moderation." She rambled in a monotone voice and took another sip of her tea. "But sleep. Fuck, I wish I was still sleeping right now."
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mspmonroe · 2 years
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May Calamawy | Elle | April 2022
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mspmonroe · 2 years
piper monroe​:
˖°˖ ☾  ♡  ☽ ˖°˖ 
“You could’ve said no. It’d crush part of my ego and make me sad, but you have every right to do so,” promptly Melina took the seat next to Piper. If any other day prior to that one, the concubus hadn’t had the chance of getting to know the other person next to her, now it would probably be the time. “The last thing I’ve done today was attend to another meeting, which was important but you know, old white man trying to show that they are more intelligent and better than I am, which, truth being told, it’s far from being a right statement,” with a light shrug, she had her light hues scanning through the menu. “What are you having today? It’s my treat.”
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Piper rhythmically tapped her fingers against her cheek and said with a smirk, "Blood Orange Margarita." She took the time to fully regard Melina's appearance. It wasn't a surprise that the woman was wearing something so chic and elegant, the complete opposite of the vintage and gothic outfit that Piper was wearing. Most would not believe that those had the same friend circle or anything in common. From a first glance, they looked like they both belonged to polar opposite worlds. "And this meeting you had was about what exactly?" She asked in her usual monotone voice.
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mspmonroe · 2 years
Who: Anyone
When: Oct 13 - Night
Where: North Valley's Donut Hole Bakery 
With the radiant sunlight starting to vanish away from the sky, it was time for Piper Monroe to arise. From her very, very cozy queen-size bed, that is. The blaring sound of her phone's alarm was an unfortunate reminder that she needed to depart from her glorious slumber. It was a horrendous tragedy. But it wasn't all bad, though. 
The reasons behind Piper slowly getting out from the covers and up on her feet was good enough. The first reason was that it reminded her that she was alive; she was walking, breathing pounds of skin, flesh, and bones. And being alive was one of life's many beautiful experiences. Her mother ensured she knew that with those inspirational quote text messages she'd send every morning. Today's text message was [The aim is to balance the terror of being alive with the wonder of being alive. ― Carlos Castaneda]. 
The second reason was her job. As a child, she wanted to be a teacher or actress. Working with those adapting to Nova Pangaea's standard protocols for vampires wasn't certainly something younger Piper had ever imagined herself doing. But things happen, and people change. She stared at the mirror for a little longer than usual. Her brown eyes weren't looking at her reflection. Her mind was somewhere else. Though, with a sharp inhale, she yanked herself to reality and flashed a smile at the mirror. Things happen, people change, and the world moves on. Another one of life's beautiful experiences.    
As for the last reason, the pastries at Donut Hole bakery were undoubtedly worth getting out of bed for. Right heading off to work, she'd turn up at the bakery down the street from her apartment building and grab a pecan and maple Danish to go with her homemade tea in her travel mug. Should she attempt to cook her own meals once in a while to save money? Absolutely. Does that mean she ever will? Probably not. The bakery's door swung shut behind her with its tiny bell above tinkling. Piper strolled over to the short line of patrons in her boring business casual clothes and tied-up hair, taking a quick sip of her tea. "Eternal suffering is just a vibe." She said aloud without realizing it.          
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mspmonroe · 2 years
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mspmonroe · 2 years
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mspmonroe · 2 years
Starter|| Ren Yamada
Settling:Silkwood Mall Availability: Open
Ren’s number one priority when he was off of work for the day was to spend money. The concubi could hear his father voice in his head telling him to just save his money for the future; save it for a family he didn’t have yet.  However the CFO worked hard to be able to waste his money and believed  it could all come to an end so why not live every day to its fullest. It was why he was buttoning up another shirt while he had a pile of clothes forming to the side. He stepped out to look in the mirror in the business and smirked softly to himself. “ This is a winner right? I think this one is it” He noted before glancing back. “ How about I stop wasting time, pay for this,  and we grab some food?” He asked, knowing he had spent way too much time looking around today.
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"Hmm?" Piper pulled herself out of her daydreaming and back to reality at the mere mention of food. "As long as you're paying, then you can waste all the time I have." She teased, getting up from the chair. "But no, seriously, you've hit the jackpot with that one. You look like a million bucks." She straightened her black ultra wide-brimmed boater hat. Piper was used to watching people shop for clothes for a lengthy time. For example, Sybil, the overzealous werewolf-born socialite friend of hers, would practically drag her to some ridiculous high-end store every other week to find the perfect outfit for their upcoming event. She never understood them, but they were her friend. "Now remind me again, are you buying for a special occasion or just wanting to spend that money?"
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mspmonroe · 2 years
Chan-Mi loved halloween because it had become such a big thing over the years and it was just another reason to overdose the foster kids staying at her place with sugar and watch them all run around like cats on catnip. It was fun, and it seemed to be fun for them as well. If she let them do as they wished, they would learn that sugar wasn’t at all that great, and that their little teeth couldn’t handle it either. She basked in the idea that they would all come to her the next day saying she was right. 
Of course, half of the time only one did. But she believed she would get them to learn the lessons she wished to teach them. 
She headed out of the grocery store with batch one of five, huge bags of candy and chips, ready to be placed on her front porch when Halloween came around. She looked at her watch to see if she had time to head home before making her way to the clothing stores to collect her outfit. But in her movement she almost walked into someone, using her unnatural speed, she backed out of an almost collision and threw up the bags as if she had just surprised herself. “Look at me!” She laughed then. “Jeez, you’d think with my life experience I know to not get distracted by things like phones and watches. My apologies for giving you a minor heart attack, I know I gave myself one.” She offered a wink.
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"Honestly, I can't accept your apology, " Piper laughed, grabbing her black leather fringed purse from the ground. "I needed the minor heart attack anyway. Nothing like getting that quick adrenaline fix that even caffeine can't give you." She smiled and placed a hand over her heart, feeling a rapid beating under her ribcage. Her smile widened. She looked at the bags that most certainly didn't belong to her. "So, a party of one or many?" She pointed at the several bags. "Zero judgment if this is just all for you, Chan-Mi."
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mspmonroe · 2 years
☾  𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱: 𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗮𝗿 ☽
— location: lyons bar — date and time: oct. 15 - night — availability: closed | @mspmonroe​
Melina had heard about the karaoke night the previous day, but it was far more important to be with her friend and make sure to celebrate Halime. Yet, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t make sure to enjoy her sunday as well. Heading to the Lyons bar to grab a non-alcoholic drink, she was eating a few fries once a familiar face reached her attention causing her to wave at Piper. Although Mel was comfortable being by herself, she wouldn’t pretend it wasn’t better to share her time with someone else. “Are you here by yourself? I could get you a drink in exchange for my company. At least today we can talk to each other, I’m sure yesterday this place was too loud and crowded for it to happen.”
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Despite the annoying migraine, a grin crept across Piper’s black lipstick-stained lips. She hadn't expected to see Melina of all people here, though seeing a friendly face was something she wasn't going to pass up. Especially not now. "How could I turn down such an offer?" She chuckled. Setting her phone face down on the counter, Piper gestured to the empty seat next to her. "Be my guest," She propped up one of her elbows on the counter, cupping her cheek with a hand. "I had just finished partying with a bunch of boring people, but a little chit-chat isn't going to kill me, now is it?"
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mspmonroe · 2 years
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LAYLA EL-FAOULY in MOON KNIGHT | 1.03 The Friendly Type
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mspmonroe · 2 years
(prologue): she’s alive
"Hey, I told you that I'll be there, and I'll be there." Piper chuckled into the phone, going up the stairs of her apartment building. The stairwell echoed with the sounds of clacking high heels with each step she took. "I am just getting home from work, so give me like an hour...or two."
She paused in front of her apartment door, looking up at the ceiling for a second. "Or three." Immediately, a high-pitched voice shrieked at her on the other end of the call. Piper pulled the phone away from her ear and rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face. "Uh-huh, okay, yeah, bye-bye now. See you soon." She pressed the end button and sighed. She knew she promised her friend that she'll be there for their special autumn celebration brunch party, though all Piper was thinking about on the walk home was sleep. Sleeping for hours and hours without a care in the world. But once she entered her apartment and beelined to her bedroom, she had to ignore her desire for eternal sleep. She needed to be like a cold-blooded reptile and shred off her skin, or what she likes to call the mundane outfit she wears to work, before heading off to the Hearthstone Bay area. 
"Let's see," Piper muttered underneath her voice as she skimmed through Spotify on her phone to see what to play while she gets dressed for this party. It was a must for her to have music playing for her getting-ready routine. There was no way she was going to get ready without music. It felt criminal. "I'm feeling a little Messer Chups today." She nodded her head, tapping at the play button of a playlist. Messer Chup's Electric Zombierella started playing from the black skull Bluetooth speaker on her nightstand. Piper swayed along with the spooky-sounding surf rock music before kicking off the bright yellow high heels from her feet and undoing her tight bun to free her curls. "God, it's so good to be home."
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