mrthought · 5 months
You're stressing again. Take a deep breath and stop injecting yourself on stuff that you know you can't be doing. Maybe you can try and talk to her or him again. But they might not care now. Just let them go and stop stressing. It's hard at first, but you're hurting yourself. You don't want to, but you have to.
Find happiness. Happiness isn't that relationship. Happiness isn't that job. Happiness is about getting to know yourself. Your likings, your favorite food, your favorite songs. Your favorite genres. The moment you realize that. You'll find happiness. But not temporary. Find yourself first and you'll understand.
Forgive. Forgive them. It's not about them. Don't hold grudges. It's going to eat you slowly. Don't try and have revenge. It's a fools game and it will hit you back hard. But before you can forgive them. Go to your bathroom and look at the person in the mirror. That person needs to be forgiven by you. That person is hard to itself. Talks horribly to itself. Insults himself. Tell him or her. That I am sorry. I forgive you. Learn to embrace him or her. That person in the mirror is learning new things from the world. Each day it gets easier to embrace yourself. But you have to do it everyday. That's the hard part.
Doing it everyday.
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mrthought · 2 years
Drifting. The world goes forward and why do you go back? It's not easy when you're not the most motivated. The most discipline. The most popular. It's not that easy. I can give you the list of all my failed attempts and man oh man. It's truly not that easy. Getting looked over. Laughed at. Not even a message from friends or places you go. If you feel like that I feel you, man. You feel alone, but want to be loved by someone, but what happens when you finally find one? You are stuck in this loop that all those years that you have been alone and getting rejected left and right. You're scared, you convince yourself that nobody loves you, and when you finally get that love you just don't truly feel it it's like you're in this loop over and over again like you can tell her you love her, you can tell him you love him. But he or she has been so alone and getting looked over by anyone when they finally get that love they truly wanted. They will try their best until they realize it's real. Love is scary, but that little push that the person does to you. Like courage the cowardly dog used to say "The things I do for love" it's such a stupid line, but once you get older. You will do so many things for love. When you find her or him.
Alone. First, love yourself. Because he or she will only love a hollow heart. When you are still trying to find a purpose in life that individual will never see your mistakes your embarrassment, or your failures. They will tell you to believe in yourself, but it's hard when you were the kid in school who had big dreams back in the day but was shut down by your own family. By your mother, father, the list goes on. Being alone is a must to understand to love yourself because one day. That person that said he loves you or she loves you forever will be gone. As much as they promise. As much as you try it will not be enough.
Dreams. Those dead dreams have been shut down by everyone. Because you were not the biggest, the strongest, or the fastest. You were just there. That's called an underdog. You'll get bullied. By the team, by the people, by your family. Blaming you for those little mistakes they make every single day. But I guess you're the exception. Always remember to ignore them. Fuck them. But always remember that you have no enemies. Just jealous people think they can play with your head. A man must have a destiny to fully accomplish life. It may be that diploma you want. That sport you always wanted to do. Maybe it's that house you want. That car. That business. Go for it. Go for it. Don't drift. You may stumble, you may fall, but the biggest regret of a man and woman is to stay on the ground. Are you the chosen one? No. Are you the strongest? Probably not. Are you disciplined? Maybe. Do you get tempted by the smallest things? Absolutely. You must be worthy of the thing you truly want.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they were right. You can say so many things. You can make so many excuses on why this wouldn't work because your thoughts are the things that every person told you. Getting "the talk" by those toxic parents that gaslight everyone in thinking they are supporting you. They are only humiliating you to the point of being stressed, anxious, depressed, and so many things In your mind that you can't even think about because there are so many. Until those toxic parents win. Those parents are the worst. Complaining about every single thing you do and once you let all that frustration at them. They want you to go to therapy. Like they haven't done anything.
Hope. You feel paralyzed. You feel overwhelmed. You feel lost. You feel that you haven't done anything in your life. But the road is different for everybody. Don't rush it. Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. Look at yourself in the mirror and say I love you. Forgive yourself. Love yourself. But please. Don't follow the path of those "villains arc" be kind, forgive, and enjoy life. You have no enemies. You must find peace in life and must always be worthy of the things you want. Study, work out, grind for that job, for that sport. Do what makes you alive. Do what makes you. Be you. Don't be the next person. Be the first you.
Become worthy of life. Become worthy of the things you want. Don't give up. Because there's hope on those nights you were crying, you were fighting, you were cheated on. Those nights that you were alone and wanted to leave the world behind. That night that you wanted to change. That night you wanted to be different. That night you push everyone away. It's okay. It happens. We are not the popular kids in school. The person that everyone wanted. The person that the coach saw was making it big. The son that our parents were proud of. We weren't the chosen ones. The failures we did. The mistakes we made. It's okay. That's how life works. There's always hope in the end. There's always hope. Be worthy. You are not chosen, but you must be worthy of the prize you want.
You may be stubborn, you may be a hothead, or you may be ignorant. Always remember to think before you act. Write everything that you truly want and execute it by thinking about your next move. Be worthy. Your friends, your parents, those people that mock you, laughed at you, looked over you, humiliated you, and rejected you. Those people are nothing. Always remember to enjoy life.
You are worthy of it.
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