Kokus Boo Thing
38 posts
I write fluffs, angst and (MOSTLY) smuts 馃. I ALSO RP!!! 馃樆馃構
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
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I NEED HIM 馃様馃い I just felt the need to post this 鈽猴笍
I wish he was real so he could show me where else he has eyes 馃樋
Credit to the artist by the way I couldn't find the original artist sadly so if you know them let me know
No tags cause I hate them 鈽猴笍
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
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I much enjoyed doing this picrew 鈽猴笍馃 thank you for the tag
Sadly I cannot tag anyone though because the only person I know I can tag has already been tagged 馃槄
But anyone can do it and please let me know if you wanna be in my tag list it would be much appreciated 馃槉
Found a pretty cute picrew here if anyone is interested! Tagging, but no pressure 馃┑
@doumadono @dynamars @dabihawksluva @dabislittlebeaniebaby @the-milk-anon @bubblegumsblog @kelin-is-writing @asgoodasdead666 @sour-patch2000
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She nodded her head showing she was acknowledging every word he said continuing to look forward, it wasn't until they stopped that she glanced at him but continued to have her eyes forward after the mention of the bandits*
*She nodded her head once more before taking her katana and leaping forwards chopping the bandits into tiny pieces making sure to avoid any bones*
"I prefer bite size meals, not sloppy ones."
*She smiled picking up one of the pieces and popping it in her mouth*
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She got out of her bowing position and began stretching trying to adjust more to her new body*
"I would say I am quite hungry, I could perhaps take a few bites."
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
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"His Moonlight."
(name) kibutsuji is the daughter of muzans kibutsuji and out of all his off spring she has proven herself worthy to him. Kokushibo always saw her as distraction since muzan has actually taken a liking to her and actually loved her, he was almost always busy spoiling her and giving her his attention. Kokushibo never understood why until he finally saw what he saw his heart taking it's first beat in 500 years.
This whole story will be in kokus pov. Unless said other wise in one of the chapters!
WARNING: The story itself WILL contain suggestive scenes, and/or sexual encounters. I will put a warning before the scene so you can skip if you're not comfortable. Anyways enjoy the story lovelies 馃
(Also I know demon don't exactly sleep but please just go with it ALSO! 鈿狅笍 NSFW 鈿狅笍 A wet dream at the beginning nothing too big)
Chapter 2
"K-koku~ please!~"
Her voice sounds broken, and raspy. The suns about to go down and I haven't stopped pounding her since sunrise. I've shaped her cunt to my liking. The futon covered in sweat and juices, and by the way she's squirming under me I can tell she's about to have yet another orgasm. She looks so weak under me and I love it, I love feeling powerful, having control, and making others feel weak and vulnerable.
'hm? Who was that!' I thought as I slowed my pace earning a desperate whine from the female under me.
"Kokushibo, wake up!"
'wake up? I am awake.'
I jumped from my futon, panting slightly trying to understand what exactly was going on and if I'm still dreaming or not but my thoughts vanished when I saw muzan standing in front of me.
"kokushibo, I have put my trust in you to fulfil this task for me- well more of a favor." My master had said and I knew what he was about to say. "I would like you to watch my daughter while I am out."
I sighed rubbing my nose temple before standing up and bowing to my master showing I understood. I got up from my bowing stance and began to put my clothes on since I chose to get comfy.
"[Name] darling you can come in now!" Muzans said as his daughter walked in with a suit case, she smiled happily and looked around admiring the beautiful house. "What a lovely house you have!" I bowed showing my "gratitude" when in reality I didn't care what she thought, her thoughts were a mere ant.
"I will be on my way now please take good care of her." He said to me before going over to his daughter kissing her on the forehead and telling her to be safe before disappearing.
I could tell she already missed him by the way she was acting and her small frown but smiled anyways and looked at me. "Ehe- do you perhaps have a spare bedroom." That's when it dawned upon me, I do not. My guest bedrooms are pretty much used as feasting rooms. "No, I do not." I said sweat dripping from my cheek, because even though I hate her she is still the daughter of muzan and is extremely powerful. "Oh no worries is it ok if we share a room? I'll stay in the furthest corner if you don't mind of course." She said nervously, it's always surprised me how she's muzans daughter but yet so gentle and kind. Must be her moms genes, pathetic.
"I do not mind, you may sleep in my room." I said trying to sound as nice as possible. "Ah! What lovely news thank you! Where is your room so I may set my stuff down?" She had asked and I turned to show her where my room was.
She followed me, her smile never once faltering it was disgusting, almost as of though she has more human in her than anything, her heart beats and she shows emotions it's a repulsive sight.
We made it to my room as I slid the door open allowing her access to my room and do as she pleased. Just like she said she went to the furthest corner and got all her stuff situated.
I walked off deciding I'd leave her be to do her own thing, I wandered off into the living space sitting down on one of the tatami mats.
I couldn't recall how long she was in there for but it felt like an eternity, I was starting to get hungry so I made my way back to the room to see if she was too.
Walking into the room I saw she was just sitting there on her futon not moving an inch as if she didn't exactly know what to do, it was a little awkward if I'd say so myself. "Would you like to go hunting with me?" I asked trying to get her attention and it did, she nodded excitedly as she got up from her futon. "May I get into a different outfit? this one may prevent me from moving the way I wish." She looked away awkwardly and I nodded. "If you'd like, I'll be out in the living room." I slid the door shut rolling my eyes and walking out into the living room. 'A very strange girl.'
After a few mins of waiting she finally came out wearing a loose kimono that was cut short, and under was a pair of loose pants. An outfit made to trick any opponent in battle, it's difficult to determine her next move. 'Strange and smart.'
"Ready?" I asked as I heard my stomach growl loudly once more, she looked at where the sound came from and snickered nodding her head yes and walking outside. "What... what's funny?" I questioned, she shrugged and looked at me. "Nothing really, but I guess I don't need to ask if you're ready by the sounds of it." she smiled and began walking towards the shoji door and I followed her.
It's when she acts like this that I totally forget she's even muzans daughter, her bubbly personality. the part that makes her human. The part that makes her attractive... I mentally slapped myself. I'm disappointed in myself and the way I think. but how can I not. she does something to me, she's put a spell on me, and I wish she'd undo this horrible spell. not even a spell. A curse.
The curse that sends my sins crawling up my back. the gut wrenching feeling I get when she speaks. The urge to throw up when she looks at me with her eyes. I can't stand this horrible feeling. I want nothing to do with this repulsive feeling and these throat twisting thoughts.
But now I have to watch her for god knows how long.. and i'll be stuck with the thoughts for that long.
I just hope muzan-sama comes back soon.
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
I am so sorry for my absence on tumblr but I haven't been able to get on my account and have been super busy as well! I will continue working on his moonlight! once again I am so sorry.
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She smiled and happily accepted the blood that was given to her*
"Thank you, my lord."
*She could feel her veins bubbling and her body becoming stronger it was a delightful feeling*
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
"I wish to be of better service to you, my lord."
*she kept eye contact with him never looking away*
"I believe I am strong enough to serve you in such a position."
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
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Demon Slayer Oc!!!
I finally decided to draw her in my style and not the demon slayer style 馃
I also added some random facts about her on there
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
"My name is shikio."
*Her hand moved away from her neck as she wasn't nervous anymore but more calm*
"Nice to meet you kokushibo."
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She smiled softly bowing in respect*
"Thank you...."
*She took a long pause before getting up from her bowing position, she nervously rubbed her neck*
"I never got your name.."
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She realized she needed to act quickly and began dodging all the crescent moons, she almost looked like an acrobat for how she was dodging, sometimes deflecting them with her blade*
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She dodges the crescent moons never letting her eyes leave him as she knows to never take her eyes off her opponent*
*She quickly jumped to a different part of the room after finding way a out of moon graveyard, and immediately went in for another attack*
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She pulled out her katana, the katana that once protected the weak, but is now covered in the weaks rich red liquid, and without any second thoughts she was gone in a blink of an eye, she took no time to move, in a position like this you have to think while attacking*
'Star breathing, 1st form: Aries rage.'
*Small stars formed into the shape of a larger version of her katana it was her symbol of war, her thoughts soaring as she moved closer to upper one looking for any opening that may weaken her opponent, she swiftly pointed her katana to his legs ready to strike*
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
"I'm sorry to inform but I don't know anyone by the name of douma."
*her eyebrow raised as she looked the man in front of her in the eyes*
"Ah! You're upper one I've been looking for you! Akatsuki told me to come to you about my interest in becoming the new upper 6."
*She said confidently bowing to the man in front of her out of respect since he's an upper rank*
*She was wandering through the infinity castle looking for upper moon one*
"Akatsuki never told me his name so it seems I am left to just wander mindlessly."
*She said to herself sighing at the end continuing to walk around in search*
*Kokushibou heard someone say 'Akatsuki', accompanied by an unfamiliar presence in the Infinity Castle. He scans them out and teleports over to them.*
Hm ... I have never seen ... you ... around here before ...
*he eyes her up and down*
Ah ... are you connected with ... Douma's cult ...? You look like a ... lost woman ...
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
*She smiled brightly and looked away getting all shy because of the wink and the amazing news since these interactions with others were scarce*
"Thank you so much you don't know what this means to me!"
*she bowed multiple times wishing to show all her gratitude*
"I won't disappoint you!"
*She was mindlessly running through the forest having the time of her life until she had bumped into someone almost knocking them over*
"My dearest apologies! I didn't even see you! Are you alright?"
Yes, yes...I am fine...
*She adjusts her kimono*
Are you ok? Who are you?
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mrstsugikuni 2 years ago
"I don't think, I know so."
*her smile widened with joy*
"Thank you Akatsuki!"
*she bowed once more to show her respect to the women in front of her*
*She was mindlessly running through the forest having the time of her life until she had bumped into someone almost knocking them over*
"My dearest apologies! I didn't even see you! Are you alright?"
Yes, yes...I am fine...
*She adjusts her kimono*
Are you ok? Who are you?
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