mrsbabie · 7 years
I Said Goodbye To Disposable Period Products
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I wanna talk about something most females can relate to—struggles of using period products. We all know this… Aside from cramps & bloating, we still have to deal with blood-stained undies (& sometimes pants/skirt), rashes & that awkward noise your pad makes when you peel it off of your underwear! Also, there is this one thing that most pad users never really realized. Commercial disposable pads have chemicals in the absorbent layer that cause serious harm to our body. You can Google it for your own information, or just take my word for it.
I’ll be sharing some eewie details here that I’ve never even discussed with my husband. Don’t scream “yuck, TMI!”, okay? Pull up your big girl skirt for now. I promise this post is very informative. You might even thank me later. Anyway, for years, I’ve hated having my period. First, I got rashes from disposable pads. I never entertained the idea of using tampons, because it intimidated me. I had to deal with rashes almost every month, especially during hot days. Imagine having rashes & still needed to wear a pad that rubbed on your painful rashes. Second, I hate changing my pad in public bathrooms (like office bathrooms). IDK, I just hate (indirectly) telling everyone I’m bleeding. Lastly, I had serious cramping almost every month! I even had to take meds to stop the pain.
Fast forward to motherhood, I discovered that there’s a whole new world (*cue Alladin, Princess Jasmine & flying carpet) of alternative products that we can use, practically for anything. When I began our cloth diapering journey, I found out that there are reusable cloth products for women. Apparently, this is a hipster thing, literally, since in the 70’s, women made cloth pads with cute prints. Our lolas known these pads as “pasador”. Materials that were used then were mostly cotton fabrics, with no layer of barrier to avoid staining the underwear. Years later, the old cloth pads were updated to use modern but still organic cloth materials to make them more absorbent & have a leak-resistant backing.
Since I was already sewing cloth diapers back in 2014, I decided to make my own reusable cloth pads. I made a few pieces for myself & tested them out. IT WAS LIFE-CHANGING.
I never had rashes again & never felt sweaty down there. It was very comfortable. I can’t remember the last time I bought a disposable pad. It’s a great way to save money for more important things, like FOOD & Korean skincare products. And the best part about my switch was my cramps got better. I think my menstrual cycle even regulated. I’m a stay-at-home mom, so I can easily change when I have to. I just rinse out the blood under running water & hang them on the clothes line to dry until laundry day. (EDIT: If you're often out, you can simply fold them & keep them in a waterproof bag. Just rinse them when you get home.) Come laundry day, I put all pads in a mesh wash bag & throw them in the washing machine, together with other undergarments. Just regular wash, without bleach and fabric conditioner. IMPORTANT: Don’t use bleach & fab con because they can irritate your delicate skin & affect the pads’ ability to absorb.
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A year later, I also learned about menstrual cups through the Facebook mom groups I’m in. I purchased a MeLuna Size 1 with stem through a Facebook shop. Honestly, it was very intimidating at first. It’s very tricky to use, and it may hurt if you insert it incorrectly. But once you get the hang of inserting & removing, you’ll enjoy your period more. I know I have. Pros:
Menstrual cups + cloth pad is a bullet-proof solution for heavy flow & overnight use.
You don’t feel anything. You may even forget you’re having your period. Srsly.
You can swim, pee, ride a bike or do yoga while wearing it.
You can wear it up to 12 hours.
Absolutely no period odor!
But for most Filipino women, we’re still intimidated by anything that requires us to insert anything in our lady parts, this is why pads are more popular than tampons.
If you are curious about choosing organic cloth pads & would like to try them out, there are some up for sale at the PooppeeTrap store. Each pad is 9-inches long (same as regular disposable pads). These are not only super absorbent, but also very cute! The top layer is a wicking jersey that soaks up liquid fast, stain-resistant & very smooth. Visit the store at pooppeetrap.weebly.com/store
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If you have questions about using cloth pads & menstrual cups in general, leave a comment below. ;)
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mrsbabie · 7 years
It’s Not You, It’s Me: Sensory Overload of a Mom
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When I became a teenager. I was either stuck in my bedroom or out with my friends. I rarely spent time with people I live with. Like most normal teens, my bedroom was my sanctuary. It was a place where I could do whatever I wanted to do, control my space & just be at peace. Don't get me wrong, I also loved going out with my friends, texting, long phone calls, and all that. But for me, staying in my bedroom was satisfying, especially since my allowance was meager & I couldn't afford to spend much on food or movies.
When I got into adulthood, it became better. I was able to afford stuff & sustain my hobbies. I was this girl who was constantly out with boyfriend/friends or locked in her bedroom. But what exactly did I do in my bedroom that kept me so occupied? Well... I paint, take pictures, play guitar, sleep, sleep some more, write blog posts, read, etc. I had my own thing, you know. And being stuck in my bedroom always helped me think. Helped me stay 'sane'. Just by simply being on my own (even for a few hours per day), made me think that I was in control.
But when I became a wife & a stay-at-home mom, EVERYTHING changed. Like my personal bubble popped. Everything is shared---my attention, my space, my time & my body. There was rarely a 'me time'. Me Time's were only for a few minutes which I carelessly & lazily spend by browsing Facebook. You are constantly being talked to, touched, called & forced to listen. And for the longest time, I thought my irritability was caused by postpartum depression. (Yes, moms can still have it, even if their kid is beyond infanthood.) I even have moments when I shout really loud to get my point across or when I'm really angry. Which I NEVER USED TO DO when I was single. I am passive aggressive & shouting used to be so terrifying to me to the point that my body & voice starts to shake. And now, here I am, with my angry face & loud mouth trying to control the situation.
Then I stumbled upon this & this, and it explained exactly what I was experiencing---sensory overload. I am a very happy wife & mom, but I have times when I want to quit everything. I hated being touched, I hated listening to sounds (especially loud music), I hated being talked to. And my husband & child are often my ‘victims’, who are also clueless why I was being mean to them, when they’ve done nothing wrong. 
I used to think sensory overload only happens to kids, mostly on newborns or kids with special conditions. But now, it makes so much sense to me that adults can also experience this, especially us moms, who stay at home & deal with clingy children & then still have intimate activities with our husband. I mean you don’t have to have a diagnosed disability to experience it, it can happen to anyone. It just happens that moms are most prone to sensory overload because we almost never have personal space anymore.
For normal adults, their day begins with breakfast & getting ready for their day. For SAHMs (stay-at-home moms), it’s usually breakfast, feed the baby, deal with dirty & stinky diaper, dealing with the kid’s morning grumpiness, etc. That’s a lot to deal with early in the morning, every single day. It also explains why we always have cold coffee.
For normal working adults, they commute or drive. They have a few minutes or an hour to reflect on their life while staring at the busy streets or browsing on their phones. Then they get to work, do their tasks, chat with other normal working adults, eat lunch quietly & then leave work. For working moms, they can conveniently use their smartphone to call home or Skype. They don’t have to physically deal with dirty diapers or tantrums until they get home.
I know everyone gets tired, but nothing compares to feeling tired & being over stimulated at the same time. It’s like someone constantly pokes you & say “whatcha doin’” while several balloons are popping, except that it’s worse, and often even physically painful. (While I was typing this, my daughter & her heavy wooden blocks fell on me.) And you can’t even get a sick leave.
By the time my husband comes home, I’m too tired that a simple kiss on the ear can make me angry really quickly. He’s often confused & hurt, because he’s a very sweet & touchy husband. And all he wants is be welcomed by a happy “welcome home!” & a warm hug & kiss, when he comes home from a tiring day at the office. Instead, he comes home to a grumpy wife that will only allow a simple hug, and nothing more.
This is like a mom version of a toddler tantrum. You need an “adulter” adult (someone who’s better at adulting & is willing to adjust to make the situation better) who understands what you are going through. So as soon as I read the article about sensory overload, I sent it to husband to read. Now he knows why I’m often masungit. It wasn’t him being too touchy. Now I have a valid explanation why I get easily irritated by his touches or when I get so annoyed when the radio is on.
Don’t get me wrong, SAHM-hood is fun & fulfilling. It’s one of the best jobs in the world, and I have that job. A job that only pays me with lots of love everyday for the rest of my life. But just like any job & role, there are still trade-offs. I’m just happy, knowing that what I’m experiencing is a natural reaction to being at home all the time. And since husband understands it now, he’s more conscious of what he does when he senses that I’m tired. As soon as I’m done with my nighttime bath, Korean beauty routine, spraying my lavender spray on my pillow & the lights are off, I melt into his arms & ‘reset’.
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mrsbabie · 7 years
Play With Watercolors
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So in 2016, I was able to get back to painting. Since I decided to rest from sewing, I took it as an opportunity to explore watercolor more & invest in high-quality materials. I even created a public Instagram account so I can share my works & meet inspiring artists online.
Back in 2011, I wasn’t really serious about learning watercolors. I didn’t bother to find other interesting artists & research on different painting styles. Facebook groups weren’t a thing yet. I think the only artists that I loved then were Valeria Chua & Amy Sol. I think Val was one of the local artists that made watercolor painting mainstream here in the PH. Her artistry has influenced many young folks to try out watercolor painting on a serious level. A little throwback, I was able to view her first exhibit back in 2011. 
Now, there are hundreds of very talented artists that you can easily find on Instagram (#watercolorph), Facebook, Youtube & (I’m not sure if people are still active here) DeviantArt. Local publications are also featuring fresh artists too. Materials are easier to acquire now because a lot of painting-related online shops are popping up.
I happen to be Facebook friends with the talented Dianne Zaragoza (of DATZ). She was the one who inspired me to go back to watercoloring & purchase artist-level materials. She’s very helpful to beginners & her blog is full of honest reviews on various supplies, from paints to papers to brushes. Because of Dianne, I got convinced to pick Holbein as my first artist-level paints.
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2016 was very fulfilling. I saw my skills improved. I got to try out different materials & eventually came up with a basic list of materials & brands that work for me. (I’ll make a separate post about my recommended paint brands, pigments & brushes.)
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I don’t have finished artworks yet for 2017. But I do have one that’s been a WIP for 3 months already. Hoping to finish it this summer.
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mrsbabie · 7 years
PooppeeTrap: My Handmade Cloth Products
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A little background on my cloth diapering journey & why a somewhat uncommon career shift from an IT employee to a seamstress... Since I've never really talked about it here, here's the story. I resigned from my office IT job so that I can continue on being a stay-at-home mom. Along the way, I was introduced to the idea of using reusable stuff, specifically cloth diapers & cloth wipes. I had zero knowledge when I first bought my first cloth diaper from the mall. It was cute & that was enough reason for me to buy it. When I started researching & joined a mom group focused on cloth diapering, I got hooked. It was chaos & actually, laughable now that I think about it. But it was so much fun. It took out a little bit of the stresses of being a stay-at-home mom. Eventually, I learned that making your own diapers is actually easy (once you get the supplies). I bought a tiny portable sewing machine from Lazada & my husband was super supportive enough to buy me the rest of the things I needed since he was in the US that time. I was a make a few diapers for my prototypes & have moms test it for me before I formally launch my brand. It was 2014 when I finally opened a shop so I can make & sell handmade cloth products.
*I will try my best not to use too many jargons, for those of you who have no idea (or maybe still trying to figure out) what cloth diapering is.*
I started with hybrid fitted diapers & some cloth menstrual pads. Hybrid fitted is a type of cloth diaper which aren't waterproof but are very very comfy & breathable. Cloth menstrual pads or most commonly called as mamapads, are cloth versions of disposable napkins. Eventually, I also made my own Lampwets, which are the first Pinay-made fold-in fitteds. They're basically like the lampin that our parents & grandparents used, but these diapers are 100% cuter, usually stay-dry & way easier to put on.
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Cloth diaper making is a serious science. I put a lot of effort on perfecting the combination of materials used for the absorbent part, fit, snap placement & of course, sewing. By the way, my husband bought me Brother portable sewing machine & serger on Mother's Day of 2014. I was a one-woman team handling socials, web design, production, marketing, packaging, inventory & customer service.
Since moms were also requesting for matching outfits, I also tried to learn how to make clothes. We had our own clothing line PooppeeTrap Duds.
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We've been closed for a while, ever since toddler started schooling. But I'm already preparing some stuff for a future stocking.
You can follow us on Facebook & Instagram, to know more & receive updates, especially on stocking dates.
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mrsbabie · 8 years
Hello, it’s me.
It’s the first time I logged in since 2012.
Not even sure if people are still going to read this blog. But I am still undecided if I should make a new blog home or stick with this one. I think it would be fun that people will be able to see how much my skills have grown/changed (?) & what new things I have been busy with. One thing that’s holding me back is my old email, which I almost never open anymore. And this blog is attached to my other old blogs that I really want to deactivate.
My Twitter has been inactive for years. I have no other secret blogs. Well, I used to have a private Instagram account, but have decided last November to create a new one & make it public. 
This blog badly needs a makeover. 
If you’re reading this, please say hi!
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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Still trying to create a post to finally upload photos from my HK/Macau trip last 2011. /Sigh
Haha My outfit kind of matched the Christmas color scheme.
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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Around Hong Kong
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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Vanity post. Just random phone photos of shoes, hair outfit etc.
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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“When people are insulting you, there is nothing so good for them as not to say a word -- just to look at them and think. When you will not fly into a passion people know you are stronger than they are, because you are strong enough to hold in your rage, and they are not, and they say stupid things they wished they hadn't said afterward. There's nothing so strong as rage, except what makes you hold it in -- that's stronger. It's a good thing not to answer your enemies.” ―Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Little Princess
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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superjoanne asked babypiggy: Hi! Can you recommend some good art materials, esp on watercolors and gouache? Thanks!
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. But I wanted to have photos of the materials I'd like to recommend before responding.
First of all, I've only started doing watercolor painting (I think) last year. Haven't attended workshops yet, but I'm planning to attend one soon. So the stuff I'm going to recommend may be very useful for beginners like me. I found out about them either through Valerie Chua or just randomly found them at the bookstore.
Prang Watercolors This one I use often because 1) it's fun to use, reminds me of Grade School art class 2) it's cheap considering the quality is good 3) it's easier to use & blend color. I sometimes think I've used a lot already, but I realized there's a lot of product there & it can last a long time compared to other kindergarten watercolors. You can get this in 8 & 16 colors here in Manila. See the last photo.
Reeves Acrylic I use this rarely because I always had a hard time using this. It dries out fast on the palette so I usually end up putting water every time I need to scoop some color. Also, it's difficult to use when doing wet-on-wet technique. *sigh* But I always doubt that I'm doing techniques right, so I'm pretty sure I need more practice with this. Colors on paper are really vibrant though, I'd give it that.
Faber-Castell Watercolour Pencils I like this because I use it both as filler & borders since you can use it dry & wet. What I like to do is put in the color, blend or put in more color because applying water, so I think you have more control with that technique. Don't wet the pencil before you write on the paper! However, I don't think the colors look vibrant once you wet it.
Hope that helps! :)
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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"It is a useless life that is not consecrated to a great deal. It is like a stone wasted on the field without becoming a part of any edifice." --Jose Rizal
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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Buhay commuter
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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mrsbabie · 12 years
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