she/her ESFP HG/TIG/HP Real Madrid JB5 | JB8 🇧🇩/🇺🇸
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 3 months ago
Holy shit it's literally been a month since I last opened tumblr and I'm kinda over it. I decided that I will be removing the app from my phone. It's just not the same as it used to be and life has just been getting harder and harder everyday. I just opened the app and I saw that @banilikesfictionalpeople is also leaving. It's been so much fun meeting so many of you and I hope that maybe in a couple of months I'll log back on and see you guys. Thank you for the amazing times, I'll make sure to yall in my prayers, and I hope you guys do the same for me. I've been struggling a lot lately and I'm seriously done with life. I need a break from everything and I honestly believe that removing distractions will be the best for me and my well-being.
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
my school was participating in a basketball tournament and my crush is on the team. I went all three days because my bsf is in the girls team as well, but today they had matches at like 7am and it was just me and another guy from our class that went to watch from our school. Like, we were the only non player viewers there and when I entered the school the games were being held at, he looked at me when I walked through the gate and quickly walked away from the side walk. Then he looked at me multiple times while I was there cause I was sitting behind the players area and we made eye contact so many times. I was out the rest of the day so I wasn't able to go to the final, but he dropped my bsf, her cousin, and one of the guys from our class of at their houses. While they were in the car, I called my bsf to ask about the matches and I heard him asking who it was in the bg. She told him it was me and he asked why I didn't come to see the match, but as soon as she handed the phone to him, I didn't know what to say and just stopped talking and hung up.
What they heck should I do now? Why does he keep looking at me, but wont talk to me??
Btw, he looked so freaking cute in his jersey and his black hoodie
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
Guess who just went to their school's basketball game to see their crush and bsf play? And when their crush scored, he looked over at her and smiled?
MEEEEEEEEEEE (I'm begging my parents to let me go again tomorrow morning at 7:30 am because his game is the first one, then it's my bsf's game)
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
Just got my PSAT scores and I'm going to cry, I did so bad. Like, I've been practicing since summer and I practiced the most out of all my classmates and I still did horrible. I'm honestly so disappointed with myself
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
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When will Ancelotti learn...
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
Personal question, it’s okay not to answer but what’s your age? 💖
No worriess, I'm 15
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
the guy in your pfp (pretty sure its jude bellingham from what you've gushed) could easily pass as xander hawthorne tbh
Ikrr, I remember telling you about him and I said that he gives off xander vibes
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
I really want to cut my hair, it's about medium length right now and I want short hair
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
The PSATs are tomorrow and I'm freaking out. I've been practicing since summer, but I took a practice test this morning and did horribly. I want at least a 1200 to 1300. This isn't my official PSAT, I will be retaking it next year to apply for the NMSQT but it's still so scary.
If you guys have any PSAT advice please let me know and pray that I do well <33
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
Remember that crush who called me his elder sister in korean and sister-in-law in bangla? Well, both of us were absent on Monday so we missed two tests. Yesterday we gave our korean test online and my teacher and I were waiting for him to join the meet but he wasn't so my teacher asked me if I had his number and I said yes. But the thing is, I didn't so I just went to our class gc and added him to my contacts and then messaged him, but he wasn't replying. After 10 minutes my teacher started asking if I could call him and I started FREAKING OUT. I called him and just prayed that he wouldn't answer and he didn't and then i called him from WhatsApp, he didn't pick up. 5 minutes later he joined and the entire time he was staring at the screen and smiling. I ALMOST DIEEDD. HE WAS SO FREAKING CUTE. After the test he messaged me and said sorry and asked me how the test was. From that topic he started making lame jokes and I'm obviously very inexperienced in this so I messaged my bestie and she literally made me send lame jokes to him as well. Today at school he talked to me so much and we gave another test together after school and guess what?! HE WAITED UNTIL I HAD MY BAG PACKED AND EVERYTHING AND WE WENT DOWN TO THE COURTYARD TOGETHER. After I came back home, I sent him a message because he replied to my message with just a stupid "bruh" and my bestie told me to leave him on seen which I did and then we just started insulting each other.
There's actually more to his story because a lot more happened today but I already wrote a huge paragraph
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 4 months ago
Thanks for the tag <3
I have way too many scars from my dogs (above my lip, my left hand, and two on my thighs), but the biggest one is from when a small metal shelf/photo frame thingy fell on my foot and caused internal bleeding and the huge lump filled with blood erupted and split open. I actually didn't have to get stitches for it cause my dad believes in nature doing its work first and then going to the hospital (he's a doctor) so I just stayed home and bandaged it up real well and now I just have a giant scar on my foot.
@obsessedwithjude @jkriordanverse @two-braincells-in-total @judes-baeeee and anyone else who wants to join!!
Tag game? Tag game. Tell me about your most interesting scar. Mine is a dog bite from when I was very young. It Hines in my smile line and under my chin so you can't see it unless I point it out. My aunts dalamtion bit me for running in the halls and I had to get stitches.
No pressure tags @you-know-that-i-caught-it @dog55teeth @dumb-zombie-girl and anyone else that wants to join!
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 5 months ago
Why do I randomly look at a word and realize that the spelling is so weird or that the word in general looks weird? Or maybe even how the word's spelling doesn't suit it's meaning
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 5 months ago
Thanks to Beyoncé I got a hundred on my bio test!! I don't know what I'd do without her 🥲😌
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 5 months ago
🌿🌱Trick or treat! 🍁🍂
thank you for stopping by!!!
i have another treat (i'm a giver, what can i say). this is a song near and dear to my everlark heart- it reminds me so much of them and i think of them every time i hear it. enjoy!!!
most everlark song to everlark
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 5 months ago
Thought I'd create one of these cause I haven't seen/done one in a while
How Does Pinterest See You?
-Song Lyrics
-Famous Painting
Search each topic and put the first picture that shows up
Here are mine:
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Make sure to tag your moots!
@f4iry-bell @jkriordanverse @clarissaweasley-10 @obsessedwithjude @never-enough-novels @s-rosie @myfairkatiecat @reyreadersblog @x-liv25-jamieswife @jamcarven @pinkishpearls @bklynbrat @judes-baeeee @shutupbani @shuhuaspookie @mollywog
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 5 months ago
Random question, but does anyone click on the “get notifications” from your mutuals when they post? I just have tumblr and idk how use it🙃
Yeah, I usually use that setting for certain people I follow or my mutuals and you get a notification whenever hat person posts
Hope that answers your question 🙂
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mrs-hawthorne-bellingham · 5 months ago
What’s your fav Jude blog? If you have one of course
@obsessedwithjude @malabamiss @everythingaboutjude @judesbelligol @anadiasmount @judes-hoe @judesbelligoal @judes-baeeee @pinkishpearls @latin5mamii
I have a couple more, but I can't remember them
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