Mr. Puppeteer
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mrpuppeteer · 5 months ago
Chapter 5 - Don't Breathe.
CHAPTER 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -CREDITS- Story/Writer: BigBox678 Editor: Yin-Yang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As soon as we heard the noises outside the door, we all knew something was trying to get in. We all moved to a blind spot far from the door. I noticed the rope that led back into the duct, and I looked at Emily and Theo, they both had the same idea as me. But as soon as I started moving, a giant monster burst into the room. I dashed back to the spot, and I peeked over a table to see what it was. But when I saw it, I wished I hadn’t. It was a huge, horrid beast standing on all fours. It had fluff like Doc, but its eyes were bulging red. Patches of its fur were ripped off, revealing bloody muscle. And it smelled HORRIBLY!!! And then, when I took a closer look at its bloody spots, I saw why. It was rotting, eggs with slimy maggots on the inside of it. Maggots! Burrowing into the beast! I wanted to vomit, but I held myself together to not alert it. 
We all knew we had to get out of the security room as soon as possible. So, we quietly and slowly made our way back to the rope. We inched closer to our freedom, and it seemed like we were going to get out. But as soon as we were right next to the rope, Doc came on the walkie-talkie from his radio. 
He whispered, "Hello?".The beast heard this, sparking it into a violent rage. It lunged at us, but we all quickly got out of the way. When we got back on our feet, however, we noticed something... The rope was gone! It had been ripped off by the beast when it lunged. Crap! Now what?! I looked around and noticed the opened door the beast entered the room through. Of course! We just needed to sneak out, and we are home free! But when I looked back at Emily and Theo, I noticed that Theo had been clawed by the beast and now had 3 big gashes across their torso. Oh no… The beast looked at Theo, ready to finish the job. But then, with all her might, 
Emily screamed “NO!” and leaped onto the beast’s back, pulling and tugging on its fur, making it run wildly around the room. However, Emily held on, not daring to loosen her grip. She wasn’t going to let one of her friends die. While Emily was wrestling with the beast, I went over to Theo. They were in immense pain, clutching onto my shirt with tears of pain in their eyes. I grabbed a piece of cloth off of a nearby shelf and wrapped it around Theo’s torso. The beast finally shook off Emily and sent her slamming into a wall. 
Emily then looked at me and yelled, “RUN! TAKE THEO!”. I then hoisted Theo onto my back and ran out of the room, with Emily running out shortly after. The Beast then let out an earth-shaking roar, beginning its chase. I followed the signs leading back to the theater. 
Emily realized what I was doing and called out once more. “DON’T GO THERE! GO TO A SPOT TO HIDE!” I didn’t know why I couldn’t go back to the theater, but I followed Emily’s instructions anyway. I took a sharp right, running as fast as I could. I didn’t know when I was going to stop, but I wanted to get as far away as possible. A few minutes later I found a closet to hide in, I ran into the closet and slammed the door shut. I was pretty sure I had lost the beast, which I did. I had just assumed it was chasing Emily, but I wasn’t worried because I knew she’d be okay. I set Theo down, they looked very tired, as to be expected, but they were holding on.
 “Are you good for now?” I asked, they nodded. 
“We need to stay here for a bit, you okay with that?” They nodded once more. I let out a sigh of relief. I looked around the closet and spotted a med-kit. I took it off the shelf and opened it, then I started to treat Theo with actual medical supplies instead of dirty cloth. After I was done, Theo sighed and started to relax. Theo then drifted off to sleep. It didn’t take long for me to meet the same fate.
I woke up to pitch black darkness. It was so dark that I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of me. 
“Hello?” I yelled out into the darkness. I heard nothing but the echo responding back to me. I took a step forward, but my foot didn’t land, that was because there was nothing in front of me.  So I started to fall. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t hear myself over the sound of the intense wind. Then before I knew it, I woke up. In the closet this time. 
“Oh… just a bad dream…” I whispered to myself. I looked over to Theo. They were still asleep. It felt like hours had passed, so I decided it was time to go. I nudged Theo awake and told them it was time to go. They picked themselves up and they managed to stand. I opened the door just a smidge and peeked outside… It was safe. Me and Theo slowly walked out and looked around. I then looked up at the direction signs, and we started to follow the way back to the Theater. It was very quiet, to the point where my breathing sounded like a huge gust of wind every exhale. Theo then tapped me on the shoulder, pointed to my walkie-talkie. 
“Oh right!” I responded. I then turned the walkie-talkie on and said “Hello?! Doc?! Emily?! Are any of you there?!” … No response, try again. “Hello?” I said with concern. … Radio silence… 
 I looked at Theo. They nodded. We both then started to head back to the theater. After a long jog, we finally made our way back to the theater. I pushed the door open to the stage and saw… nobody. I started to worry even more, so I started to look around. I went into the weapons room, nobody. The only other room was the medical room. Me and Theo made our way into it. Once we entered, we saw Doc on a chair.
 “Oh my god!” Doc exclaimed “I thought you two were dead!” Doc got up from the chair and embraced Me and Theo. 
“Woah, woah.. We’re glad to see you too but… where’s Emily?” I asked Doc. 
“Well.. She was just here… she looked pretty bruised though… She just stopped by and then went out again to look for you two,” Doc replied. 
“I hope she’s okay… What am I saying.. I know she’s fine.. This is Emily we’re talking about” I answered back. 
Doc then said, with tears in his eyes, “I…I’m so sorry.. I thought I had gotten you two KILLED! I heard the roar on the radio a-and… It was too much… so I shut off the radio.. Thinking you three had perished… It was too much..!” Doc then bursted into tears, and hugged Me and Theo again. 
Doc then looked at Theo and said “T-Theo! You’re hurt!! But.. who applied these…” Theo then pointed at me. “Y-..You patched up Theo?” Doc questioned with his hands on my shoulders. I nodded. Doc beamed widely, whispering, “You are the best puppet we could’ve found to join us…” Doc hugged me and Theo for a third time. This… is where I’m meant to be… TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 6
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mrpuppeteer · 5 months ago
Some News!
Hey guys! Just some news on why Chapter 5 hasn't come out yet- I just haven't been that motivated as of recent... And I know that sounds lame but I've just been doing some other stuff recently. AND my school starts soon... so that sucks. That means that writing Chapters is gonna take WAAAY longer than usual. But I promise I'll get the chapters out when I have time! That concludes this little news post! See you soon!
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mrpuppeteer · 5 months ago
Chapter 4 - The Mission
As Emily led me to yet another room, she showed me a map of the studio. "This is a map of all known locations in the studio, where we are right now is the "Theater Storage", but we call it the "Planning Room"" I then sparked a question. "Wait... What are we planning right now?" Emily then looked at me and said "Let me break it down for you, our current mission is to try to disconnect The AI from all the security systems in the studio, we can do this by going into the vents and arriving at the security control panel, from here we can erase all of The AI's backends and we can roam about the studio without the threat of The AI watching us and sending one of it's creations after us." I thought about it, and said "Alright, let's get right to it then!" Emily then stopped me by saying "Woah woah slow down! This is a very delicate thing, and we're gonna have to be stealthy and quiet the entire time, got it?" I then nodded. Then a question came up.. "Why can't The AI see us in these rooms?" Emily then responded with "Because these are the only rooms without cameras, the reason that is, is because these rooms are the oldest ones that the humans built, so when they added the security system, I suppose they got lazy and just didn't hook it up to the old rooms due to the old power system these rooms have, which also causes the power in these rooms to go out sometimes but... Doc always fixes it since he's got the most brains!" I understood the situation. But talk about tell don't show, amiright? No? Got it. As the four of us prepared to head out, I noticed Doc was staying behind, And then I found out why, Doc had a little radio that he could communicate to us with, He then attached walkie-talkies to us, and before Doc could explain, I said "I understand" Doc chuckled then moved along. One Doc was done, he explained "Now remember, move quietly, The AI sees everything till we get rid of that backdoor. Now go, and be careful" We then set off into the vents, we slowly moved through the ducts, making sure we didn't make any noise. Once we got above the security room, we lowered a rope into the room and slowly slid down it. We then noticed there was a camera in the security room, because of course there is. We hid under the tables, just out of the camera's view. We noticed the security terminal and hopped from blind spot to blind spot, ever getting closer to the terminal. Once we were there, Emily got up to the keyboard and went into the main system on the screen. She then typed in a few codes, and a loading bar popped up, saying that it was getting rid of "An Unknown App" I then begun to make my way back to the rope, but Theo stopped me, putting up their hand to signal "Wait." I then saw Emily looking at the screen from a blind spot . I then understood, we needed to make sure this worked. But then, we heard a deep growling noise coming from outside the security room's door. We then heard scratching at the door. Something was trying to get in. TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 5
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mrpuppeteer · 5 months ago
Chapter 3 - The Situation
As I looked across the papers on the wall, Emily explained to me the situation that was happening within this place. "I'm assuming you have seen the... bloody sets?" I paused and looked at Emily, "Yeah.." I replied. "That was the doing of "The AI".. A being that lives in the studio's electrical system... TVs... security system... etc.... We don't know for sure what happened but.. The theory is that The AI possessed some kind of electrical box in that room and... slaughtered all the humans there..." I looked at the papers, then back at Emily. "There were humans here?" I brought up. "Yes... This place was once a recording studio for a kids puppet TV show called "Our Wacky Life"... But once... that happened... this place was locked up... no one can get in.. or out..... We have no clue what the show was about or... anything like that... Or why The AI did what it did... All we have is speculation.." I paused and looked around. "Do you... Know why WE are alive?" I asked. "As I said.... We know almost nothing... All we really have to do is survive The AI's creations..." Emily replied. I thought about it for a moment, taking it all in. "Is there a... creation that has spider legs?" I asked. "You mean The Carpenter? Did you encounter it?!" Emily blurted. "...Yeah?" I replied, with a bit of worry. "How did you survive?! Nobody encounters The Carpenter and survives!!" Emily shouted. "I... kind of caved it's skull in.. with a wrench?" I cautiously replied with. "This is huge... You can help us!" Emily said. "Help you with... what exactly?" I said with confusion. "Well... Escaping!! Duh!! Oh and... figuring out why we are alive and all that... so yeah!" Emily shouted with excitement. Emily then ran into the stage area to tell Doc and Theo. I stayed in the paper covered room, looking at everything. It was so confusing... yet.. I understood at the same time... such a... weird feeling.. I looked at the big table in the middle of the room.. and I saw a paper saying "SO MANY QUESTIONS!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!" With a picture of the bloody set from when I was chasing that "Carpenter" thing. I looked at it for a bit, trying to piece together things. It just... doesn't make sense... But still... nothing makes sense... I then went into the stage area once more, and saw Emily, Doc, And Theo celebrating me as their new team member. I felt... happy.. I'd never been loved like this before, nor have I ever been loved. Doc then called me over, I made my way over to the group and Doc said "I want to give you something." Doc then lead me to a new room, called the "Weapons Room" Doc then explained "These are weapons you can use to defend yourself. Not to brag but I made most of these with my own two hands!" Doc chuckled, he then handed me a fire axe with a little cylinder metal container attached to it. "This is a "Smoke Axe", It's just a regular Fire Axe with a smoke bomb mechanism attached to it. Use this to defend yourself if you ever are in a pickle." I looked at my new weapon, and then looked back up at Doc and said "Thanks for looking out for me." Doc then smiled and said "Anytime! It's my job after all." Doc then led me back to the stage. Emily then said "Nice weapon! Hey wait a sec.. Doc how come Oliver's first weapon is really sweet while my first weapon was a flimsy old knife?" Doc then chuckled and said "I didn't have a lot of experience back then." Emily rolled her eyes and snickered. Theo gave me a thumbs up, and I gave another one back. "Anyway, we should get down to business, Oliver, Follow me!" TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 4
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mrpuppeteer · 5 months ago
Chapter 2 - Chase
As the monstrosity leaned over me, I got a better look at it. It was a puppet... like me! But... one of it's eyes was sticking out more than the other, it's jaw was completely gone, and it had metal spider like legs coming out of it's back. I tried to get up and run, but it pinned my leg down with one of it's spider legs, piercing my leg in the process. I screamed but the monster used it's regular arms to cover my mouth. It then pulled out some duct tape from it's pocket and wrapped me up in it, and covering my mouth as well, so no one could hear my screams. I struggled and struggled to get out of the duct tape, but I wasn't strong enough. It put me on it's little working desk, as I looked up on the wall I saw rows and rows of tools, it was like the devil's workshop. As it reached out it's hand to grab a tool, i was trying to think of a way out. I tried to use my hands to break the tape, as the monster prepared a buzz saw. I then created a little hole in-between one of the loose gaps in the tape, I then realized I didn't have enough time to get out. I was losing hope, just as I noticed that the monster was marking a dotted line across my forehead. It was going to cut my skull open! I started to panic, but then I came up with a plan. So I stayed still and waiter for the monster to lower the buzz saw to my forehead, and as it did, I kicked myself off the table using my feet, the buzz saw then cut the duct tape off, as I picked myself up, the monster screeched. It started wildly swinging the buzz saw at me, But I ducked and crawled into a nearby vent. And as I pulled myself through the labyrinth that was the vent ducts, I looked behind me to see the monster was chasing after me! I then tried to shuffle through the ducts faster, but the monster was hot on my tail and was screeching like it was a demon. I then spotted a way out, and I leaped out of the duct, planting face first onto the ground, I then spotted a wrench on a table, I grabbed it, and as the monster fell flat on it's face, I started relentlessly beating it over the head with the wrench I grabbed. After 30 seconds of bashing it's head in, I looked down at it's limp body, it's skull was caved in and it was... bleeding? I looked down at my leg to see I was also bleeding. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. PUPPETS DON'T BLEED. Puppets... should not.. b l e
d... As I gathered myself.. I realized I was on the floor, I looked around to see that the monster was still there. Still there. Ah, I get it... I passed out... I picked myself up and limped out of the small room we were in. I looked into the hallway to see that it was empty, as usual. I limped through the hallways, hoping to see something.... maybe.. someone....
As I limped through the hallways, wishing there was something other than these gray walls and this grey floors, I started to lose hope. "Maybe... the reason there isn't anyone... is because I'm meant to die here... or... maybe.. I'm already dead.. and this is hell.." I think to myself. As I lose energy by the second, I feel like collapsing and just accepting my fate as bleeding out... and then... I hit the floor, passing out once more.
I then... once again slowly open my eyes... It's so bright... Is this heaven... "Oh! You're finally awake!" I hear someone say. I get up and realize I was placed down on a operating table, I look around to see who was talking. I noticed another puppet! I then proceeded to scream and fall off the table out of shock. The other puppet picked me up. "Sorry about that..." I mumbled. "Oh it's no problem! I acted the same way as you when I was taken here!" She said. "There's more?" I said as I looked at her. She looked like me but green, had a blue nose, and long hair. "Oh well... There's just two others here. But you'll meet them later. Hi! I'm Emily!" She said. "Hi... I'm uh..." I paused. I then remembered I don't HAVE a name... "You don't have a name, do you?" Emily said. "Yeah..." I replied. "Well that's not a problem! I'll name you.. Oliver!" Oliver... That's.... Nice? I guess? "I suppose I could roll with that" I replied. "This is my and other's home! Well... not just this room.. but... Well why don't I just show you" Emily said, as she leaded me to another room. "THIS is the main place!" Emily shouted. I looked around to see it was a theater for plays! And me and Emily were standing on the stage! "Wow... This place is... huge!" I said "I know right?" Emily said. "DOC!! THEO!!! WE GOT A NEW PERSON!!!" She Shouted. From the other side of the stage, Two other puppets stepped out. Emily then introduced me to them. "Oliver, This is Doc! He's the one that found you!" I looked at doc, he was a fluffy puppet with a lab coat that didn't fit him. "Nice to meet you!" He said. "Nice to meet you too!" I replied. "And this is Theo! They don't talk though.." "Oh... It's nice to meet you Theo." I then proceeded to shake their hand. "I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends!" Emily said. "Wait... Shouldn't we teach him about... what's going on?" Doc brought up. "Oh right.. Follow me, Oliver." Emily said. Emily then leaded me to a big room with papers covering the walls... "What... Is this?" I said. "This... is what's happening here..." Emily replied.
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mrpuppeteer · 6 months ago
Chapter 1 - Dawn Of The Stage Lights
Darkness was all I saw. I wondered to myself, "Why can't I see? I'm awake aren't I? I can't move either..." I couldn't do anything, but then, and I don't know how, I had the power to fully wake up. I looked around, I was in a storage closet. "Ah, I'm back here." I thought to myself. I looked at my hands, they were still made of felt, I was still a puppet. But then, I realized my situation, "WHY AM I ALIVE?!" I screamed. Puppets aren't supposed to be alive! Yet I somehow am. This strange situation made me panic, but then I realized, "I HAVE FEELINGS?! WHY CAN I PANIC?! THIS IS TOO MUCH!" I clawed at my face trying to convince myself it was a dream, but puppets don't dream either, I wasn't normal, none of this was, I'm just supposed to be a... thing.... for the greater beings. In my panicking I slipped on a wet spot on the floor, falling into the door leading to a hallway, I of course knocked that door open, as i gathered myself and stood up, I looked around. "There's nobody here.." I said, It was quiet, so quiet that my heartbeat sounded like drums at a parade. I slowly walked down the hallways, carefully taking steps as to be careful to not alert any potential dangers, I made my way to a door with a sign above it that spelled "MAIN STAGE" I knew what this meant, as I had been there many times, at least I thought I had, My memory is all so fuzzy, it's like trying to remember something that happened in a dream, It doesn't all connect. But anyhow I slowly made my way into the main stage room, And I gasped in horror at what I saw, Blood splattering every corner of this room, It smelled horrible, And I felt dizzy, as I lost my balance I heard something, it came from above! I looked up, fully expecting whatever stained this room to drop from the ceiling and make me it's next snack, but no, I saw a duct, but it was shaking, Someone was in the vents! But this time, I didn't feel fear, I felt determination, determination to find out what it was, to figure out this mystery, to find out why I was ever allowed to live. So, I picked myself up and followed the sound, I was thinking to myself "Why am I doing this! I'm gonna get myself killed!" But then I realized, I'm probably going to die anyway, And I might as well figure out one mystery before I die, which is whatever is in that vent, So I kept following. The duct went behind the stage, which was non surprisingly also covered in blood, I almost slipped on a lung, I wanted to vomit so badly, But whatever was in the duct was my main priority, So I collected myself and kept running, a few minute later, I was still chasing the noise, I wondered to myself "How much longer of this?!" as I was running out of breath, but then the noise went into a new room, this time labeled "Storage #13" I had no idea what to expect, so I stopped at the door for a moment, then the fear came back. "Oh god." I whispered, I then slowly opened the door. I peeked inside, it was pitch black inside, with no noise as well, I made my way inside cautiously, Then the lights flickered, and I saw something horrid in those few flickers... I tried to run, but the door had closed behind me! So I just ran into the door and fell over, and when I opened my eyes, I saw IT leaning over me, observing me. "This can't be happening" I wondered. "God Help Me"
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mrpuppeteer · 6 months ago
Hi! Welcome to the Mr Puppeteer blog! This is where the chapters of Mr Puppeteer will be posted! Have fun reading!
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