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mournfully-begotten · 2 months ago
brooding men who cannot communicate their feelings if their life depended on it are only hot when they're fictional. if i have to deal with one in real life i will curse him and pray for his downfall every night before i go to bed
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mournfully-begotten · 2 months ago
PIDW fanartist Shen Yuan seeing a beautiful man at the art supply store who looks just like the protagonist and trying to (not very subtly) take reference pictures. He starts coming to the store more often, memorizing the clerk’s schedule. While hanging around this part of town he accidentally stumbles upon the other locations the beautiful clerk frequents.
Luo Binghe couldn’t be more excited about his beautiful, mysterious stalker, and starts dressing more provocatively, putting himself in more compromising poses, dropping some of his things from the stalker to find. (Insane)
Shen Yuan is becoming very concerned about his favorite model. He’s wearing less clothing than usual, and what he does wear tends to be ripped. Can he not afford new clothes? He more clumsy than before. That could be caused by a brain injury… IS HIS FAVORITE MODEL IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP????? Oh god oh no, and he dropped a napkin with his number on it, that must be a cry for help!
Next time they meet, Shen Yuan pulls Binghe behind the store. Oh my, what does he wasn’t this privacy for~~~~
“I know a lot of DV shelters don’t accept men, so if you need somewhere to stay you are welcome to live with me for as long as you need.”
This is the first time they’ve exchanged more than pleasantries.
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mournfully-begotten · 3 months ago
Danny, The Hunter And The Kryptonian
Danny accidentally finds himself in the middle of a fight between Lobo and Superman and is not pleased at all. He had assignments due and these two idiots decided that a royal rumble was just the thing he needed at 4 a.m.
So he may have said a few unsavory words towards them which resulted in them halting completely and listening to him in shock.
Now they both think a child from their species survived and has been hiding here on earth because Danny was unaware he gained omnilingualism.
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mournfully-begotten · 3 months ago
Danny, The Hunter And The Kryptonian
Danny accidentally finds himself in the middle of a fight between Lobo and Superman and is not pleased at all. He had assignments due and these two idiots decided that a royal rumble was just the thing he needed at 4 a.m.
So he may have said a few unsavory words towards them which resulted in them halting completely and listening to him in shock.
Now they both think a child from their species survived and has been hiding here on earth because Danny was unaware he gained omnilingualism.
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mournfully-begotten · 3 months ago
frisk is just a fucking baby. and everyone just monologues at them
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mournfully-begotten · 3 months ago
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code fucking red okami sequel in development this is not a drill
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mournfully-begotten · 3 months ago
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(dungeon meshi narrator voice) fullmetal alchemist
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mournfully-begotten · 4 months ago
"Jimmy is a well written, awful character" and "everyone who kins jimmy should be kept away from women" are two statements that can and should coexist in the mouthwashing fandom but nooo cause weve got weirdo greaseballs who think that reading mid level r#pe fics on ao3 makes them the next patron saint
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mournfully-begotten · 4 months ago
This is actually just their high-school years, I fear
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mournfully-begotten · 4 months ago
Shallow Graves.
Danny would like to state, not on the record or anything, that shallow graves are the easiest to crawl back out of. So if these mercenaries could keep using them instead of the deeper ones, he might just thank them the next time they try to kill him.
He always gets back up, pretty firmly stuck in between life and death rather than ever being on one side or the other. They're never going to succeed, no matter how hard they try. Even things that used to hurt aren't really anymore.
Ectoranium? He built a tolerance to that a long time ago. Blood Blossoms? Those lost efficacy after his twentieth(?) exposure.
The amount of terrible lines he hears is just getting old, as well. "Dead men tell no tales." Classic. Epic. Wrong. Especially when you can't even kill him properly. The dead love to talk, you jerks firmly on the side of the living just can't hear them.
All things being equal, though, nothing brought more joy than the look on the face of one Lex Luthor when Danny showed up at a press conference with a microphone and a question after the former went through all the trouble of having Danny dropped off in the middle of the ocean in a concrete box.
He watched on in silent humor as he had divers swim for his concrete prison and bring it back up. Inside was a perfect impression of Danny, down to the folds of his clothes, but no Danny.
Neither man was a fool, but Danny was having fun with it. Subtle, but pointed, as he needled Luthor and protested every action his company took. Messing with Mortal megalomaniacs is a favored past-time.
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mournfully-begotten · 4 months ago
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like father like daughter
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mournfully-begotten · 5 months ago
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celebrate the wifi you wont have for over a year with...surprisingly not a mouthwash joke?
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mournfully-begotten · 5 months ago
The more I think about the cocktail scene the funnier it gets.
Like he did not even remotely try to convince Swansea to help. We know he never would have let him in there, but he didn't even bother to explain that Anya and Curly were in danger. He just gave up at the slightlest resistance.
He was just like, okay that didn't work, only poison will fix this.
And he really had to use the WHOLE BOTTLE of isopropyl.
"Daisuke, you're gonna have to trust me. If we're going to save Curly we might have to kill Swansea. And You. Anya too if there's time."
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mournfully-begotten · 5 months ago
Hey, so, what if their was a third transmigrator but they got a character that was just so out there that they never found about the other two well into post cannon
Imagine a avid reader of PIDW, (heck maybe they'd beta read for airplane or translate it to a different language (probably English)) dies and ends up as one of the wives. The only catch is that this wife lives far away from the main plot. Maybe she's a ruler of some small kingdom of the PIDW world that Bingge wives up so that he can own every conner of land (that mentioned in PIDW, I'm not diving into the concept of weather that includes the entire world (ex. All of aisa, Europe, the America's, ect)). She wakes up and knows that one day her kingdom will belong to Binghe and that she'll be thrown into a harem, forgotten. So she trys to ignore the impending doom but it still claws at her stomach at night.
Once the year comes that it's supposed to happen she's a nervous wreck. Nothing happens. Well, that's just a miscalculation, airplane never was consistent. More years past and still nothing. Something must have gone wrong, though it means she can still hold power and not marry a stranger, she'll take it. In the meantime she uses her modern knowledge to improve her kingdom.
Skip back to Sqq and Lbh who decided to do a bit of traveling. Sqq probably wanted to see some of the PIDW world and Lbh, being the loving husband he is, picked up on this. So they decide to travel and eventually come to a small kingdom by the coast. It's a lovely kingdom and seems to be thriving. Sqq vaguely remembers this kingdom from PIDW but something is different. The way things are run, the laws, some of their inventions... they all seem so modern. That can't be right, this isn't how it was written???
Cut back to our third transmigrator and she's freaking out. Why? Well she just saw Binghe! But where's his military powers? Sure he's strong but- IS THAT THE SCUM VILLAN????!!!!
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Might post more about this later
(Ignore the fact that she low-key looks like sqh in the low effort drawing I did, I'll post a real design later)
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mournfully-begotten · 5 months ago
i have many thoughts on how Mouthwashing handles the themes of abuse and the symbolism around it especially as a survivor ... im not gnna hold back so -
first of all i think since its clear the point Jimmy is dismissive of Anya´s personhood and his perception is warped towards what he does as a Captain rather than what he does as a man, it makes sense she doesnt get her own labyrinth or such , i cant argue around that because its realistic he´s so male focused he cant even bother to truly think about what he did to her, i would love it if Wrong Organ decides to do a side story vignette of her own perspective and view in the future if the game proves its successful enough for side content like that.
Assault is something usually not handled with subtlety in games, i think what struck me the most was how real the dialogue of her coping and suicidal ideations and how Curly responded to it felt , the dancing around the subject, the deflection, the "whats next" of the ever impending consequence of pregnancy, how Anya pleads for help from the person she trusts but nonetheless a man unequipped and too emotionally attached to the abuser to be able to confront him, its so real, Curly´s lack of initiative is something Jimmy fully takes advantage of the moment things dont go his way, he turns everyone against him even as a helpless body on a bed because he needed to be in control of the situation, thats what abusers do.
A more sensationalistic game would have easily played Anya´s helplessness and assault for shock for sure, because it would be easy, she is the archetypical victim trope, shes modeled in Wendy Torrance likeness from The Shining, shes meek and unsure of herself and Jimmy shoots her down from the very beginning to make her feel unqualified and cornered, but the furthest the games goes is making Jimmy terror towards the pregnancy and the baby as a boogeyman that crawls and tramples over him. No sights of bleeding legs or her crying or screaming and much less present objectification of her body (which is something that i always think the horror genre has such a struggle not grabbing onto, sexuality is mostly always played up in assault stories especially if the victim is an adult woman), she remains a fully clothed figure and maintains the agency to her own demise, away from Jimmy and beside Curly, which is tragic and obviously still a symptom of horror´s proclivity to back female characters into corners of self inflicted punishment, but the alternative would have been that sooner or later, Jimmy would have killed her.
Its clear to me that the game used Curly´s state as a way to put a barrier between Jimmy and Anya, we dont objectify Anya, but we objectify Curly, Anya doesnt just feel pained and unable to handle Curly´s medication because shes in a sensitive state, her comments about his noises and such draws a line between her trauma and her perception of things as Her fault, she cant handle hearing his struggles and cries trying to swallow a pill because it reminds her of her own helplessness, so she leaves the task to Jimmy, someone who has no qualms in forcing someone down, the emphasis of every treatment as a repetitive process and the sound design is all very poignant and for me, a great way to handle assault as a metaphor, Curly did not consent to being in this position, it is very much still Jimmy´s fault and the fact that Jimmy is basically keeping him alive against his will even to the last moment of the game says everything, Jimmy doesnt love Curly the same way he doesnt love Anya.
The horses are not lost on me, i think horses as animals are often seen as "viril" symbols, strong and often volatile, they can be often hard to mount but when one does the rider and animal are seen as this one all powerful entity, like centaurs, which also carry symbolism of assaulters mind you, so while maybe not intentional on the dev´s part i think it still points to the Horse as a symbol still important in the game, the only spoken audio lines of dialog come from the Pony Express mascot Polle itself, and they are the first to actually confront Jimmy´s self centered line of thought and over-focusing on Curly, if the Tulpar is akin to a beast of a burden then Jimmy beat the dead horse way long ago.
All in this to say that Mouthwashing was a really good experience and i really hope the dev team is interested on expanding a bit more on it because i trust their vision.
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mournfully-begotten · 6 months ago
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I swear to Dura, I was not aware of the rabbit hole which came with the year-end power creep in a Chinese mobile game.
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mournfully-begotten · 6 months ago
Rok Soo's ability isn't Instant AU
Instead of being able to, very briefly and painfully, fuck with time; he got an ability based on all the absolute bullshit that's happened to him.
From the childhood, to his friends dying in front of him. All the shitty rumors that sprouted up, all the shit luck, all of it. Just, all of it.
So instead of Instant, he got Lament.
Lament is a scream capable of leveling buildings, at the cost of absolutely shredding Rok Soo's throat.
As a result of that power, Rok Soo doesn't talk often, and when he does his voice is hoarse and pained. He also refuses to speak at full volume, because while he's got a handle on his power, he's paranoid that he'll slip up.
So when he transfers over to the body of Cale, people notice.
The Young Master went to bed his usual talkative self, but when he woke up?
Barely a word, and when he did speak, a whisper.
Cale barely speaks a word to Ron beyond the single syllable required. Barely bothers to acknowledge Deruth. Relies on hand-speak and notes to talk to merchants.
Deruth is going crazy trying to figure out what the hell happened to his son, Ron is very close behind him because what the hell got past him? He's Ron Fucking Molan.
Then Cale comes home with a bedraggled punk that smells like the trash the killed Ron's family, and Ron has to listen in astonishment as he says more to this jackass than he's said to Ron in a week.
Basically; Cale's power of Lament is so strong and painful that everything Cale is paranoid of letting it slip, that he's selectively mute. This causes many misunderstandings, in true Cale fashion.
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