moultinmush · 1 month
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moultinmush · 8 months
6# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: The Aftermath, The Anti Server.
I'd lose contact with numerous amounts of people over the coming weeks, all for varying reasons: It started with Yums, who after the raids had grown apathetic ‘’The situations over [Deadname] Stop talking about it so we can all move on.’’ Had seemed to be their own and others consensus. I believed he deep-down hadn't changed their view of me after thinking me a Farmer. I'd see myself as toxic too, that my being around him was hurting them: So Yums and I came to a mutual agreement not to be friends anymore. Recently we reconnected, and I discovered my perceptions were wrong. To start with, Mandi originally was the leader figure who brought everyone together—But after the leaking of her own server, she'd retracted that role. Yums attempted to take up the mantle to bring order, and due to their own chaotic life it became a welcome distraction. When they couldn't manage the role anymore, they tried to pull back: But Mandi would drag them right back. Yums, at a point of exhaustion—Wouldn't actually think I was a Farmer. They wanted to take a neutral stance, but didn't feel safe doing so as everyone was actively tearing each others throats out. So in order to not bring attention to themself, they merged into the crowd, pretending to agree: It's why later they'd come across as so dismissive. Second was Mandi, who honestly was likely looking for an excuse to drop me. What led to us actually cutting contact was something unrelated: Before the raiding of my server, they knew someone who’d become their Ex (Who before becoming their Ex) I’d meet due to a call with them and Yums/Mandi. He’d been discussing his MLP oc, and sharing artwork—Which I pointed out as looking traced, and the story cliché—I'd get told of for that, not great memory that one. Ironically, later it would be proved that yes, it was traced work.
After their breakup, I’d not understand the gravity of the situation. I’d not known he knew where she lived, nor how far his harassment had gone. I assumed he wasn’t someone to take seriously, and he’d soon get bored—So I spammed him with crocodile images as ''Payback'' For how he'd treated Mandi: I couldn’t see how in doing that, I could’ve put her in very real danger. Look, at the end of the day it was Mandi’s business; She didn’t owe me an explanation. Everyone has a right to decide who they allow in their lives, and what they tell them: So when she blocked me, she had every right to do so. I’d just thought our friendship meant more than a teenagers poor judgment.
Scary and Possum were a whole different story. I believe I cut contact with them as we no longer talked, and I'd thought if I cut them of somehow the trauma I'd sustained would magically go away. Doesn't matter how we lost contact really, as we'd reunite half a year later.
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It was 2020 now, late June. I’d freshly turned 16 only days prior, and Scary was now 17. I’d re-entered one of my dissociative episodes, which had developed after I’d lost contact with everyone involved with the servers. During these episodes, I’d believe I was 15 again, stuck in that fateful day—Searching for my friends so I could beg for forgiveness all over again. (These episodes grew in distance between one another over the years, I just get depressed in September/October now.) It's why I'd search for a Reitanna server, and soon find Scary's Anti-Reitanna server.
Finally we move onto when, why, and how the YouTube harassment started. As I discussed in (This) Post, they already felt betrayed—So the later events were the final nail. This is where it gets a bit mercy, events in the timeline could be in the wrong order; There isn’t any real way to know. What I am sharing is the best I could gather from what sources I do have, so forgive me if I get something a bit wrong:
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(Art by Reitanna Seishin for the LAR video.)
Scary and Mandi were like a haystack soaked in gasoline, all they needed was for someone to light the match. Reitanna had begun tweeting about wanting to lose weight, as she wanted to be around 110 pounds. Scary was of the assumption that weight was unhealthy, so tried to discourage her. This would become a back and forth between the two, where Scary would attempt to disengage the conversation—Only for Reitanna to respond ‘’So, are you done yet?’’ This was when Scary discovered the infamous ‘’That’s your fucking fault, you moron!’’ Clip in Reitanna’s abortion LAR. He’d create a video response, the assumption as to why he made the video to begin with—Was to call her out for the blatant victim blaming, and to get her to leave him alone.
(If you do want to know more about Reitanna specifically, I'd recommend watching the bellow video.)
The harassment over Twitter would continue (And Reddit, from what I recall.) Past a point it wasn’t constructive, and Scary would continue with his unscripted videos—Except, many would be live streams—And he’d make a video about every single transgression, which resulted in watering-down the more serious accusations.
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Moving backwards in the timeline, Mandi had began creating her own videos for two presumed reasons: The biggest was that Reitanna had promised once her channel was back up and running, she’d post the next Muffins part—This promise was broken. And resulted in a bigger sense of betrayal than before. Because of this, Mandi would create her first video responding to Reitannas ''It's 4/20? oh. No, I don't celebrate Hitler, you nazis." Tweet, fuelled by the broken promise.
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(Thumbnail by Here For Nothing.)
Nearing the end of the posting, Mandi would reach around 14 videos about Reitanna—Whereas Scary would reach a whopping 40. They weren’t the only ones posting either, there was Here For Nothing (Known as Rose, they co-wrote Brownies—Which was Mandis own spin of series from Muffins.) Along with many other small channels that made normally 1 or 2 videos in whole about Reitanna, all having been inspired by Mandi and Scarys own uploads.
2020 housed a major explosion criticism towards Reitanna, it all so overwhelming no one could possibly hope to keep up or so much as consider anything in-depth—Not even the critics themselves.
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I want to establish, I wasn’t a hater—I no longer was a fan, but hadn’t joined the Anti server because I wanted a part in the hatred. I was only trying to get back in contact with who I thought would give me closure, that’s it.
One thing to bear in mind during this time period as well, is that it was Covid era. Many were in quarantine, and were becoming stir crazy. People were looking for places they could socialize over the internet, and where ever they could be accepted. Save to say, mental health was on the low.
Onto the matter of the server—Anyone who joined that server knows it was an utter mess. It was encouraged (As it was seen as ‘’Therapeutic’’) to vent unhealthy amounts of anger there, along with general ideations. The top channel housed a bot that would repost directly into the channel and notify the server members whenever Reitanna would post a tweet. Over the short period I was there, I’d not interact often. Generally, I’d be in privet VC’s with Scary and his then boyfriend, Possum.
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(A witness recount from an ex-member.)
In the following screens, these were the last time I interacted with Scary. I was at the worst I’d ever been with my mental health, and was actively self-destructing. Things that are too personal are censored, so please respect that. But basically—An Anti-server member @everyone’d in the server, saying he was going to kill himself and didn’t want to be stopped.
I was unwell myself, and so unstable at that point that this trigger made me deeply frustrated. All I could think to respond with was ‘’Why is he everyoneing? This is an overly dramatic situation that’s been created.’’ It’s one thing to look for help, but actively announcing that is not the way to go looking for it—The way I reacted wasn’t the best, but how Scary treated me after the fact definitely wasn’t right.
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Bellow is the last interaction I ever had with him.
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When I joined the server, Mandi hadn't been there. I am decently sure she left and later re-joined long after I'd left, Mandi herself allowed the server to get out of hand, no one abided the rules, and she never enforced them either—Which led to more escalations.
Below is another Ex members experience:
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The downfall of the Anti-server came about due to murmurs of Kiwi Farmers potentially raiding it—Reitanna had gotten doxxed, Mandi had gotten doxxed Scary had gotten doxxed... It was simply time to call it quits for them. The Farmers had been suggesting creating them their own boards too, saying they had potential to be bigger ‘’Lolcows’’ Than Rei herself. And so, the Anti-server would be shutdown a week before new years in 2020. It had a revival attempt in 2021, but didn't stick.
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It's been a long journey, but we've made it to the very last post. If I learn of anything, somehow find new screens, ect ect—I'll add them to old posts and don't have any plans for new posts. My ask box is open for whoever may find this blog, and want some more explanation about anything I've shared.
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moultinmush · 9 months
5# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: Nothing Is Scary
Mandi's reaction to what they thought to be betrayal was horrific, if not sad. But Scary's reaction was downright demonic—He'd led the charge to destroy my server, all in order to gain what he perceived to be justice.
When it comes to Scary, I would still prefer a certain amount of leniency in his emotion reaction to the situation. Although he never changed throughout the years—He still was a late teenager and near young adult in these. He wasn't (Still isn't I'd wager) Well, I'm sharing the below to explain where his obsession with hating Reitanna spurred on from—Along with offering proof that he has a history of harassment and spamming pornography.
Now, there is censored loli beyond the ''Keep Reading'' Once again, it's censored. But I am strongly emphasising the warning here because it’s still grim and clear that what’s being depicted is of a minor. I do vaguely remember what it looked like pre-censored (I did not keep the uncensored version.) And apart from boobs being slapped on it’s so clearly a child/a very young teenager.
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He spammed between 10-20 images (It would've been more if Discord didn't have an image limit.) And they consisted of Loli/Furry content—Of which I won't be going through and censoring because 1) Why would I subjugate myself to that, I already feel disgusted including the above at all. 2) He spammed, a lot of pornography. Far to much for me to sort through.
I want to emphasis I will always prioritise the truth, and the facts of the matter over my own emotions. It's true Scary hadn't done the raids alone, hell he probably wasn't the one to suggest the idea (It was more likely to have been Mandi, who was in her mid 20s.) When it comes to the matter of the type of pornography he was showing, he apparently had just left a relationship that started when he was 14 with an adult that stemmed of Omegle. He was groomed, and unlike how he'd decide to treat me half a year after this, I won't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
(Below Scary briefly discusses being groomed.)
At the end of the day, he was one of the main raiders. He instead of thinking for himself and considering what his friend was like—Lashed out, and proceeded to after the raids themselves, harass and emotionally guilt them. That wasn't Mandi, that wasn't Yums, that was Nothingisscary.
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The screenshots above were Scary’s attempt at comparing the writing style between me and Ma7chsticks. First off, for fucks sake it was literally so incredibly obvious Ma7chsticks was attempting to copy me. I am dyslexic, certain spellings of words was hard for me, but you could tell why—I write phonetically (As in, how words sound.) not so much anymore as I’ve got many words memories now—But you could still see a pattern and logic to the chaos.
you will also notice I say ‘’Huh, why are you showing me a screenshot from the politics discussion? That couldn’t be less relevant if you tried!’’ Dyslexia isn’t just about spelling, but comprehension of a text and linking things together to create a picture of meaning. Half the time I barely understood what people were saying, so putting together one part of a discussion and another was difficult. Straight up, I had no idea what he was trying to say.
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Meanwhile in Mandis server people were consoling him, and saying how they knew we were close. Course later on things would be sorted, in the second screen (It's dated I think a week later?) Mandi says it's old news, and I cannot word how deeply both upsetting and cruel that is. She was apart of the bullying, and harassment of a minor. And it's old news.
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Eventually it finally got out it wasn't me. And all I wanted was for us to be friends, I didn't want revenge or a lengthy apology. Just a sorry, and for us all to be friends again.
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A good amount of people knew what kind of images Scary was sharing. Pearl was one of them, and I'd have to guess she saw them during the raid. (Wouldn’t know, as I wasn’t there—Can only guess. Does make me question why Mandi nor Yums said anything.) At that point in the timeline, Scary had also been relentlessly harassing Pearl as to if they were the Kiwi Farmer or not.
Also Pearl is completely right here, being underage yourself isn't an excuse or pass for sharing the images he'd been. As Scary said, he's not into Loli, his earlier perception of that developed due to being groomed. Is that true? Not my place to say, at the end of the day he was a minor too. And unless more recent evidence surfaced, I'm not willing to entirely support that narrative.
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When I had my new server up and running, Scary still wanted a channel for graphic content. At that point, I had a bit more of a back bone and said it wasn't something for me to decide (Ah yes, a diversion.) Now as of writing this, Scary creeped into my DMs to "Apologies" And clarified back then he was the kind of person to beg to be allowed in NSFW channels because he genuinely couldn't see how it was wrong.
Which makes me think perhaps my only option back then really had been to pretend to be on his side, that it was "out of my hands" because he would've kept trying to pressure me otherwise.
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Another thing was he hated Tara. She was the only person actively trying to do anything and stand up for what was right. Obviously, Scary who had a porn addiction, didn't like that.
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You'll see in the end screenshot I snapped and finally had enough. I told him to get over himself, as I'd only been pretending to agree with him because I assumed he wouldn't attempt to drag someone else into this to defame Tara when she did nothing wrong.
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moultinmush · 9 months
4# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: Growing Up Early Isn't Enough—Suicide Baiting & Loss Of Sense
When I woke up the next morning, it was a slow start. The room was freezing (Not having curtains or consistent heating does that.) And my tablet was across the room, charging. I crawled out of bed, and picked it up. Turning it on, I sniffled—Last night was horrible, but I was going to apologies properly for being such a horrible person, now that I had an internet connection: I was determined to make this right.
When discord loaded, I saw I had a few DMs from people I didn’t talk to much. Opening one I saw ‘’How could you.’’ Scrawled in the text. I felt instant guilt, believing this was about me being a bad mod—So I'd begin typing them an apology, and tried to send—Oh... I was blocked? My memories blur, I think I talked to some people—Maybe I asked what was happening, or begged for forgiveness?—I don't know. Someone would tell me to check my server, and I would. It was completely, and utterly, whipped clean: All the channels, its name and even the icon—All gone.
Frantic now I went threw all my recent Dms. I kept trying to beg for answers but—blocked, blocked, blocked—I go back to my server and stared at it, sitting there for a long time. no one was on the server, all except one person. In a moment of euphoria, not even in tears yet as the event was still too large for me to comprehend—I typed:
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The events I have pieced together go as follows: At some point I realised I could have proof of what had happened threw the audit logs, although this was far later on in the timeline. What I concluded (Threw some word of mouth, too.) Was that the group (Mandi, Scary, Yums...) Mutually agreed to destroy my server in vengeance. Scary would invited his mutuals onto my server, and in an act of revenge spammed it with porn. Along with that, there was a lot of name calling such as ‘’[Deadname] Is a bitch.’’ Along with the worst of it: He renamed the server to ‘’[Deadname] Kill yourself.’’
I was suicidal at the time, and he had known. Most did in fact—It’s why Yums had snapped, and told him how despite the circumstances, that was still to far.
As the night continued, the Reitanna community would see themselves as something new. This was stupid, and the betrayal to deep not to be hilarious—So they'd spam the clown emoji, calling me and themselves all clowns. It's why the Ex-Fans would later represent themselves and Reitanna threw clown imagery.
It's almost comedic if not painfully ironic that I was not here for any of this. They'd made an entire show of their betrayal, and I wasn't even there to witness any of it.
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This would be when hatred for Reitanna would begin to fester, Nothingisscary—Mandi (Who made a spin of series from Muffins called Brownies, Rose known as "Here For Nothing" was a co-writer apparently for that. Never met her though.)—Yums—All of these people admired Reitanna and believed in her (To an unhealthy extent I’d say.) So when the situation calmed slightly, Yums sent an email to Reitanna herself about what had been happening, asking for guidance. She’d say to ignore and block, which if you’ve noticed—Is very hard to do when you do not know who is actually harassing you.
It came of as condescending and uncaring of the fans predicament. This would really be when hate began to bubble, Scary and Mandi were serious die hard fines—Which would inspire spite in them later on. But we’ll return to this part of the timeline later.
I apologize that I cannot give all events with complete clarity. Not only was it years ago, but I know the events in my mind aren’t in order due to their traumatic nature. For example, I don’t recall how I got back in contact with anyone after the attack. I remember talking to ‘’Tomiesghost’’ Begging them to call me, because if they did they’d hear me in hysterics—And maybe realize this wasn’t a joke. All I recall is begging for help to prove myself innocent, and them snapping at me to shut up.
I remember becoming so frantic, I made my own Kiwi Farms account in an attempt to confront Ma7chsticks myself. This went horribly, as I had no idea how to use the website.
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I'd end up having a brief conversation with Ma7chsticks. Nothing was revealed, it just made me feel worse. But you know, I was right. Both I and Ma7chsticks were forgotten. Everyone remembers Mandi and Nothingisscarys uprising, but no one recalls how they got there in the first place. Although, I suppose as they said—The point wasn't to be remembered, but to effect the fandom as a whole. And they did, congratulations Ma7chsticks, you bullied a group of disabled people into a now ingrained sense of distrust.
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(I think what their implying is they were either my best-friend, or one of my closer at the time friends in that group like Yums or Nothingisscary. Obviously that wasn't true, and they were just trying to stir the pot.)
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Bellow was one theory a still friend of mine wrote up a couple days after the incident. They were one of the people with some sense to think a bit deeper, and not jump so fast to conclusion. Much of the bellow isn't entirely true, but I am including it because it's one of the only bits that's as heavily detailed as this—Also later it’s explained better.
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Sorry about the bellow being a bit of a mess, Tara did their best to explain. I lost contact with them, I think they just stopped using discord. I still miss them. They were one of the only actually genuinely good people in this situation.
Tara had requested on the thread whether they could message Ma7chsticks or not, they would then get a message from them. After they would tell me their personal theory.
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We will continue on with Tara, and then need to go backwards to discuss Nothingisscarrys reaction to this situation—Not only because he would end up as one of the prolific Reitanna haters, but because his reaction was so hanus it needs to be mentioned.
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Bellow is some interactions with Pearl and Mandi. Do I think it was Pearl? To be honest, I don't know. If it was anyone, it could've been Denoriel again. It could've been anyone. In the end, it doesn't matter at all. Its been 4 years, and knowing won't change what happened. Either way, Pearl seemed to genuinely be having a god awful time. Then and even now reading the old screens they sound so incredibly frustrated and it does NOT sound fake.
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We are at the least at the half-way point now, hopefully I won't have to write to many posts now.
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moultinmush · 9 months
Part 3# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: Before Betrayal & Contempt
We all thought it was over. The Kiwi boards were silent, and things were going okay—Except no, they were not. A 15-year-old teenager, had no place in running that server. The fandom was built upon MLP horse-girl cannibalism fanfiction—And surprise, surprise—That attracts some very unwell people. At this point, I was manning the server alone mostly, and Mandi/Yums had entirely stopped interacting there—Which at the time, had been for no discernible reason.
I’d been so sure I could recreate what Mandi had, that everyone could go back to how we were. But none of us were mentally stable, especially after what had previously transpired. Reitanna’s fandom was built on expressing mental illness, the majority of her die-hard fans were people from 12-16 looking for a place to feel understood. Like it or not, Reitanna’s content was raw and honest of her own experiences—Of others, not so much: But it meant something to a lot of people, it was acceptance and normalisation of the horrors of mental illness the internet didn't retain just yet.
But it meant a lot of people who couldn’t bounce back so easily from high-stress situations were there. It’s why when the raids did happen, there was such a large explosion of reaction. And why later on, things would continue to escalate.
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I want to stress my age again, I was 15. I had no discord before the hack, and only made one in order to find out what was happening. Because everyone else was my own age (Apart from the literal adults.) I struggled to see why something like a NSFW channel wasn't a safe idea, for myself or others. Nor did I understand fully the legality either.
The channel was made mostly because Possum (Who was 18) And Nothingisscary (Who was 16) Wanted somewhere to spam their pornopgraphy collection. I didn't understand it then, nor now why they wanted that. All I remember is Mandi and Yums didn't speak up despite knowing both these people, and wouldn't mention the channels creation to me until much later on.
Now the glaring question is—Why am I showing someone who would've been a victim? Nothingisscary was 16, so what's going on? My main reason is he's been showing this pattern of behavior for years. What I am about to show he's continued despite being in his 20s now. I've been hearing some murmurs about him continuously being abusive towards others, and believe a trail is needed to validate others who may have been victims of his.
Moving onto the below screens: Never was I comfortable with the NSFW channel, but I wanted to keep the peace. I believed unless I had a good ''excuse'' I couldn't justify anything. I had considered Scary a friend, and was fearful that would change if I said something. If put in the same spot now, I'd of spoken up friendship be damned. It was disgusting, and wasn't safe.
When Tara had put her foot-down, and gone ''This is weird, stop.'' I felt I was finally free, that I had a way out of it. I still feel disgusted with myself that it took her doing that for me to feel like I could do anything, but I'm still grateful she did.
FYI: I never brought up graphic content in Scary and my DMs. I'd engaged if he did (Because once again, I felt if I didn't he wouldn't like me.) He was always the one to bring it up and I'd just go along with it despite my discomfort.
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The next transgression arose due to Possum insisting someone else on the server was faking their disorder. This person didn't have a diagnosis, and never claimed they had said disorder due to lacking a diagnosis. Quite obviously there was nothing wrong with that, no one should have to prove their experience just because they don't have access to healthcare.
It's fuzzy, I don't remember exactly what happened—But I'd been the one to bring up their disorder. This had been on the server, so Possum was able to just hop into the conversation and say they were clearly faking. I wasn't exactly open-minded at the time, but I'd never wanted to kick this person over it—But Possum had been insistent, and I felt I had to: Yeah I kicked this person. It's genuinely horrible, I know. Despite how long it's been, I still feel guilty.
For reference, this was what Possum was like:
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This event seemed to be the final straw for Mandi and Yums, who would call me that subsequent night after inviting me to a new server. I remember primarily Yums speaking to me, they brought up how I'd allowed a political channel (Which if you've been in servers with one, you know they're awful.) I'd be told everyone would be leaving my server, and joining Mandi's instead.
I'd been accepting it, and agreed it was for the best. I'd found running the server stressful, and had secretly been wishing for Mandi to take up the mantle again. But I never brought it up, her server had been raided and it was a sore spot.
I'd started crying and apologising for being a dreadful mod, and an awful friend—But before I could express my agreement with their actions, my wifi would go out, and the conversation would be cut short.
You see, every night my Wifi would get turned of at 11-12pm (Not entirely sure what time it was now, it's been years.) If I was in call, sometimes I could stay connected for a little longer (Or a lot, but it varied quite a bit.) Because of that, when the following events would transpire: No one would believe that my wifi really did ever go out.
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When I'd been dropped out of the call, they thought I'd left because I was pissed. So to them, it seemed like I had left, gotten an invite link to their server—And leaked it onto the Kiwi Farms board.
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The account ''Gas0lime'' Was Tara, but she made that account to confront Ma7chsticks—Not because she was an actual Kiwi Farms user. I will come back to this, but for now we must continue this linearly.
I no longer have the few bits of proof from what happened anymore. I thought if I deleted the proof, back when I still knew these people—We could be friends again, that they'd forgive me.
I admired Mandi, I adored Yums and despite how messed up Scary and Possum were I cared about them. I didn't have anyone outside of this group, and I would elaborate more but it's really not important contextually. Just know that I was isolated, and that they were my only friends.
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moultinmush · 9 months
Part 2# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: Server Raids & Targeted Harassment
I'd wake up the next morning to see I'd been kicked from the Reitanna fan server, and wouldn't know what had happened until informed by another fan. Someone by the tag of ''Denoriel'' Would make a server for the fans to flock to after the Kiwi Farms raid.
This is where a main group would develop: Mandi, the original server owner who largy was respected and well trusted. Yums, a person many genuinely liked and I am sure is still a friend of Mandi's.
There would also be Nothingisscary (Otherwise known as Scary.) He like myself, was eager to discover who was behind the raid. There was also his future boyfriend (Now Ex) Possum, who I am pretty sure was just there to point and laugh at everyone. And last, but not least—Cam, otherwise known as ''Powercord'' He more so passively floated through later events.
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(Screenshot from Denoriels server)
I'd joined the new server, but didn't like the sound of it. It wasn't being run by Mandi, and that had ticked me of—So I made the sour mistake of making my own server.
The thought process had been I'd be in control of who was and wasn't there, and I'd gotten it into my head somehow I'd be better at keeping whoever was raiding us out—If only i'd had the sense to stop there and then, and deleted the damned thing. Instead of leaving and never speaking to that group again, I'd announce my server on Denoriels own, and would soon after find her in my DMs.
IMPORTANT: Before you read the below screenshots, I am dyslexic. That will be made painfully apparent when you try and read these. I am also dyspraxic, which makes using a keypad very difficult for me—It's why you will see random letters in words.
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Continuing on with the timeline: I'd been interviewing people in my DMs who wanted to join my server prior as well, and after my above conversation would receive a message from a ''MaximumRide'' I did not know them—I had a bad feeling, but they seemed to be around my age and I felt guilty.
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In retrospect—I should've known Max was Denoriel because of how bad they are at pretending to be 14. But they knew I was 15, and likely that it wouldn't be that hard to fool me. And well they were right, so I let them into my server.
Often in the server we would have calls, of which ''Max'' would be in with a broken mic. They would record our conversations and upload them onto the Kiwi thread, although because they had absolutely nothing to do with Reitanna, they would be removed pretty quickly.
The below screenshot Denoriel decided to show on the board, was a conversation that happened after I'd been kicked from their server.
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What is being referred to in the above was a plan to make a fake server to invite people to, so we could figure out who kept leaking stuff onto the Kiwi board. What we didn't know was Max was Denoriel, and that ''Crystal Pepsii'' on the kiwi form, was also Denoriel.
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people were beginning to feel like rats dropped in a oil filled barrel—Infighting began, and it was ugly. Most were exhausted, and at a point where they wanted to remove themselves from the scenario completely. Emotions were already high from the first raid, so having information leaked like this had the group scared of what could come next.
Sadly for Denoriel, someone would leak their conversations. Bellow is evidence of them having been Crystal Pepsii and Max.
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Now you may be wondering, where did I get these screenshots exactly? Well, do you remember Dank Memes?
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Dank Memes was how I found out about the above at all. Unlike Denoriel, they knew this had gotten way out of hand and gone way too far. So out of mild guilt and some form of common decency, he spilled about what was really going on.
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''Santana Apologist'' Wasn't someone Denoriel even knew, but they dumped their server ownership onto them as their last harra to cause some more ruckus. We will not be discussing Apologist, as the shear amount of harassment they experienced was, yeah. I've heard past this they continued to receive harassment, which deeply shames and disappoints me.
I wish this was where we ended, that Denoriel ended up being the only abuser in this situation. But this isn't a story of how at 15 I was bullied by a group of adults, but of where Reitannas haters came from. So we continue on, albeit painfully.
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moultinmush · 9 months
Part 1# A Fandom Worse Than It's Content: A Reitanna Seishin Multi-Part Explanation
As of composing this post, it's been almost over 4 years since it began—The hate has long since simmered down from it's previous boil. The informed I do not doubt are lost on why I'm not letting sleeping dogs lie—Why on this God's green earth another person is discussing any matter related to Reitanna yet again.
To start off, this blog isn't a discussion on Reitanna—But one about the unspoken part of her fandom's history that's been left unarchived, and arguably, purposely buried. Threw a series of posts, i'll be going in-depth on where her loyal haters came from in early 2020. I will do my best to be brief, and to the point. This is a emotionally heavy subject for me, so apologies if I stray away from just facts on occasion. (Read Trigger-Warnings & Post Guide Here)
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(Art by Reitanna Seishin)
It was 2019, late September. Reitanna finds her channel hacked after clicking on a spam pop-up saying her channel was under threat of being shutdown. Reasonably, she panicked and clicked the link—But because of that, she found herself locked out of her own channel with a stranger posting Donald Trump propaganda videos on her account.
Following the hack, Detective Scary would make a video on the topic—Bellow is a reupload, left unlisted and with it's comments turned off: This is due to this purely being evidence of events.
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Another video created was by Here For Nothing, this video was just a general discussion of events and what at the time thoughts were.
We intersect here, and leave Reitanna behind—As during this period, none of the above was known by fans, or a fan creator who at the time went by Kara Mendoza. She would create a short 2-3 minute video announcing the hack, and the creation of a discord server for fans to join and offer support.
Many confused fans would join and try to peace together what had happened—And whether or not they could help. This included myself, who was 15 during that period. The server was a welcoming place, as fans were eager to get to know each other. You could often find discord calls filled with a good 6-7 people in them at a time.
I'd meet almost everyone i'll be talking about there, and despite my at the time anxiety at the circumstances—I was excited at the potential of getting to make new friends. It felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself, something important. I think many of us felt that way.
The server owner would continue with her Reitanna update videos—But Reitanna's channel would end up being a backdrop compared to the situation that would begin to rapidly unfurl.
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Most knew about the Kiwi Farms, Reitanna herself did too—No one agreed with it's existence however (no fans, anyways.) But they'd learn to care that it existed at all as the fan server would be raided, and everyone would soon need to server hop.
Detective Scary would be found out to be a Kiwi Farmer (See screenshot above) whether they had a hand in the server raid I do not know. All I can say is to me they seemed impartial and more of a spectator instead of an active instigator. They deleted the video above, and after that I never heard about them again.
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Clownfish345 was someone who went by the tag ''Dank Memes'' on Discord. I mention this, as they will be mentioned later. But for now just know them as the one who leaked the servers invite onto the forum at the beginning.
Before we continue, I do not stand deadnaming or misgendering. I do not care how much I or anyone else hate these people, everyone deserves respect. Mandi does not go by Kara anymore (At least that's what I've heard threw the grapevine) So in all the other posts that is how she will be referred to, I only said her deadname at all so people would know who I am talking about.
Along with that, if I am contacted about an event being misrepresented I will do my best to either exclude, or include information as needed.
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moultinmush · 9 months
Post Guide: Triggers in each posts tags.
Trigger-Warnings: There will be discussions of Ableism/Targeted Harassment, Loli/Adults exposing pornography to minors. There is a good chance I will need to update the trigger warnings, and most likely as I go on I'll need to go back and edit posts to include or exclude details as I go.
(A Reitanna Seishin Fandom Multi-Part Explanation)
- Introduction: Beginner contexts
- Beginning: Kiwi Farm Raids Part 1 & Targeted Harassment
- Before Disaster: Before Betrayal & Contempt
- Raids Part 2: Suicide Baiting & Loss Of Sense
- Nothingisscary
- The Aftermath & The Anti Server
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