mother-natures-fav · 1 month
In the ER reading Marauders fanfic because even a 108° fever and covid won't stop me from reading about Remus and Sirius
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mother-natures-fav · 3 months
i hate that every time i look for color studies and tips to improve my art and make it more dynamic and interesting all that comes up are rudimentary explanations of the color wheel that explain it to me like im in 1st grade and just now discovering my primary colors
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mother-natures-fav · 3 months
This is litterally just me
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mother-natures-fav · 4 months
Me I fear 😔
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i love this type of post
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mother-natures-fav · 4 months
This man is a mess, thank you
jason the kinda guy to be like "this one's for you" while playing basketball then by surprised when he makes it in the hoop
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mother-natures-fav · 4 months
Jason is so happy on the Argo 2 and so happy to be on this dangerous death murder mission because all of his previous quests have been full of older kids who hated him or alone or with people who still didn't quite trust him after years of service. Where's that tumblr quote?
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That's him
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mother-natures-fav · 6 months
defending jason grace online isn't enough i need a gun
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mother-natures-fav · 6 months
Callback to when I wore knee-length rainbow socks into the ocean
Somebody kill 2020 me for the love of god
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mother-natures-fav · 6 months
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My friend just showed me this book. Literary masterpiece.
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mother-natures-fav · 7 months
solangelo fic awards 2024 - winners!
happy valentines day guys!! <3 wanna thank everyone again for their participation and hype for this year!! just a reminder that this is all for fun, and if you were nominated but didn't win, there's always next year!! :)
and with that, here are our 2024 winners!! <3
nominations post
best angst!
1st place: When I Get Home to You by @2nd2ndalto (14 votes)
2nd place: work and play, they're never okay to mix the way we do by @buoyantsaturn (10 votes)
3rd place: if anybody asks, i'm taken (he is too) by @buoyantsaturn (9 votes)
best au!
1st place: IT'S A SCREAM, BABY! by @rosyredlipstick (25 votes)
2nd place: Doctor Doctor, Give Me the News (I've Got a Bad Case of Loving You) by @buoyantsaturn (6 votes)
3rd place: just an animal, looking for a home by @ikeasharksss (5 votes)
best canon compliant!
1st place: august by CordeliaRose (@cordelia---rose) (34 votes)
2nd place: three-in-one soap by @thelordofshrimp (8 votes)
3rd place: a handful of almosts by @thegoldenappleofdiscord (7 votes)
best fluff!
1st place: And now I have to act like I can't read your mind by @sunflowersandscreams (9 votes)
2nd place: good old-fashioned lover boy by brainrot247 (8 votes)
3rd place: just desserts by @thegoldenappleofdiscord (7 votes)
best oneshot!
1st place: buoyantsaturn by @buoyantsaturn (12 votes)
2nd place: cupid? more like stupid by @thelordofshrimp (11 votes)
3rd place: i love you more than i've ever loved myself by @thebhorror (7 votes)
best wip!
1st place: FAR GALAXIES by @rosyredlipstick (26 votes)
2nd place: kiss with a fist is better than none by @sunflowersandscreams (10 votes)
3rd place: it never took much convincing by penandblankpaper (@kiarrahatesboys) (5 votes)
best misc!
1st place: nico di angelo's autistic swag by @buoyantsaturn (14 votes)
2nd place: "it's so hard to hear over the sound of all the honking clown noses" by @buoyantsaturn (10 votes)
3rd place: up to speed by @solisaureus (8 votes)
best series!
1st place: The Ballad of Ladon Creek by Gates_of_Ember (@gatesofember) (15 votes)
2nd place: travel youtuber nico + some guy he's dating by @ethannku (11 votes)
3rd place: 1987 runaways au by @ikeasharksss (10 votes)
and...... (insert drumroll)
our author of the year for 2024 is @rosyredlipstick with 33 votes!!
runner up is @solisaureus with 12 votes!!
pls let me know if theres any broken links or anything wrong with the post! congratulations to all our winners! and we'll see you all next year <3
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mother-natures-fav · 7 months
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mother-natures-fav · 7 months
Reblog if
A) you're panromantic
B) you like cats
C) you wish you were a dragon
D) you're hanging on by a thred
But don't say which
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mother-natures-fav · 9 months
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mother-natures-fav · 9 months
What if ur sister writes heart-wrenching poetry about your shitty poetry of not feeling good enough and she confirms that because she had to raise you it's your fault that she doesn't have good enough talents in her own eyes and u don't know how to apologize because you guys never actually talk but u feel horrible because you've always known you ruined her life for being born. Like what if?
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mother-natures-fav · 9 months
tips for writing a southern accent
contractions are everything. just smash some words together and i guarantee you, someone out there’s said it
y’all = you guys. functions as a plural you.
all’a y’all = all of you, makes sure people know you mean ALL of them
you can get wild from there with things like these:
y’all’re = you all are
y’all’d’ve = you all would have
how’d’ya = how did you/how do you (meaning is implied by context)
and of course, y’ain’t = you are not
ain’t is the same thing as isn’t
you can use ain’t like ‘ain’t it funny?’
but you don’t use isn’t it, it’s usually ‘innit funny?’
wasn’t branches off into weren’t and wudn’t cos we have a tendency to drop the ‘s’
weren’t is usually used with a double negative = “weren’t nothing we could do”
wudn’t is when there’s no double negative = “wudn’t much we could do”
doesn’t branches off into don’t and dudn’t but there’s no rule that i can see for what to use when
‘don’t seem like much of a problem’ is used as often as ‘dudn’t seem like much of a problem’
going back to innit, there’s a tendency to tack an ‘it’ onto the end of words that aren’t already southern slang, this gives you things like innit (isn’t it) and lookit/lookat (used like ‘lookit him over there’)
also you can just straight up drop words if you the meaning can be understood without it
s’okay = it’s okay
‘m = in place of i’m (don’t use this all the time)
s’not = it’s not/is not
dropping more letters! if you can drop the ‘g’ at the end of a verb, that’s good. also, you can drop the ‘d’ from and if you wan’t to use ‘an’ but don’t over saturate your work with it. you can also occasionally drop the ‘t’ from the end of just, ending up with ‘jus’
you can smush together anything that’s asking a question with either you or to
hafta = have to
howta = how to
don’tcha = don’t you
won’tcha = won’t you
or if you want to get REAL southern ‘ain’tcha’ (used like ‘ain’tcha got something else to do’ = isn’t there something else you can do)
also, we have a tendency to not use the word ‘really’ to describe something, instead we use ‘real’
i.e. real big, real mean, real cute as opposed to really big, really mean, really cute
another phrase you can throw in is ‘and all’
used like ‘ain’t safe cos’ of the floodin’ an’ all’
ALSO I FORGOT: you can change anything that ends with a ‘ve’ except for i’ve into an a
shoulda = should’ve
coulda = could’ve
woulda = would’ve
i’da = i would’ve/should’ve/could’ve depending on context
uhh that’s all i can think of for now. if anyone has something to add on, feel free to do it bc i want to help fanfic writers write real southern accents.
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mother-natures-fav · 10 months
Just remembered that time during P.E. where my friends friend who was into Percy Jackson before me told me I would be a child of Hades and reminded them of Nico.
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