mossviol · 2 years
Find me on my art Tumblr!
Leaving my simblr online but I won’t be updating anymore. If you want to keep up with what I’m up to nowadays pls follow https://polypocky.tumblr.com - this is where I post my art - mostly low poly cute 3D stuff! 
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mossviol · 3 years
Hey Lovelies! As you may have noticed I haven’t been posting much lately. I guess I kinda went on hiatus without telling anyone! Whoops! Anywho, I’ll be back, but I’m not sure when. It could be next week or it could be next month. I’m safe and healthy and everything is fine - I just need a little break! ❤️
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mossviol · 4 years
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Before edit under the cut! ^_^
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mossviol · 4 years
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Final Girls Series
Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been M.I.A. I’ve been enjoying my winter holiday and playing a lot of Cyberpunk 2077.. I hope everyones having a lovely holiday season! I’ll be more active again next week - until then I’ll be resting and really giving myself room to breathe. I’ve also received some asks and I will answer those soon - hang in there!
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mossviol · 4 years
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Final Girls Series "In the woods no one can hear you scream..”
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mossviol · 4 years
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Final Girls Series
“Camp Crystal Lake is jinxed.”
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mossviol · 4 years
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Final Girls Series
“Don’t answer the phone.”
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mossviol · 4 years
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I’ve always loved 80′s slasher films! They just don’t make movies like that anymore. In the coming weeks I’ll be posting a series of edits inspired by these films as an homage to a genre and aesthetic I adore.
Slasher films contain blood, violence, and people in distress. My edits won’t be too graphic, but if you feel uncomfortable with any of the aforementioned themes please block the following tags:
blood tw
violence tw
horror tw
All posts in this series will carefully tagged. For those of you who, like me, love a bit of blood & horror - I hope you’ll enjoy what’s coming! 
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mossviol · 4 years
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So I’ve had some people express that they want me to upload my monster boys, and I am happy to do so! I’ve had the idea in my head since I started simblr 5 years ago to make like modern monsters, but HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THIS IS LITERALLY MONSTER HIGH??????? I really thought I was doing something huh? Anyways, I had a lot of fun making them and I’ll probably never use them again, so here y’all go! 
Download Here <3 
They are all in one group because I didn’t know that I had to save them separately when exporting their tray files. Oops. Also, the cc list is included in the zip as well as two pieces of cc that is no longer up for download </3
Please don’t reupload them or claim as your own, you can use them as a base, and tag me if you use them <33333
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mossviol · 4 years
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It Came From The Multiplex
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mossviol · 4 years
I was tagged by @mandy-sims and @i-eat-pockey-sims - thank you!!
@mandy-sims was one of the first people I followed on Simblr - you’re such an inspiration to me! To see you tagging me in an appreciation post made me feel almost star struck! You’re amazing!
And @i-eat-pockey-sims! I remember when I first found your blog! I nearly choked on my coffee because your characters and your edits are simply out of this world!
The following simblrs are massive sweethearts, insanely talented and are all huge inspirations to me! My heart skips an extra beat when I see you in my notes! ❤️:
@alelelesimz @boogey-studios @goldenhour-s @castawavy @moonclover @hazelsnakes @ladykendalsims @simbience @evellsims @evoxyr @honeypoticns @bonecoil @pixiegal @glimersims @livinginalandfill @terrahji @wirefiish @tartiish @simpeachie
I hope I didn’t forget anyone! 😘
Let’s start a simblr love chain:
Reblog with the name of a simblr that you really admire, and why. It can be a friend, a stranger; anyone, for any reason!
@rusty-cc - I love how classic all of their pieces are. They take MM to the next level with their textures. 🥰
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mossviol · 4 years
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Little Devil Tattoo Set
I hit 1000 followers a few weeks back and I’m *SO* thankful that you want to follow me! I’m not always great at interacting with simblr, but I see you all and I appreciate you all! Here’s a little gift as a thank you for all the love and support you guys have shown me! It’s a tattoo set perfect for your cute yet bad ass sims! Full credit for the artwork goes to ihatesally! I hope you like it! <3
4 Swatches of varying opacity
Found in Upper Arm Left Tattoo category
Super cute! :3
DOWNLOAD: Mediafire / SFS 
Please don’t re-upload or put behind paywalls/adfly! Tag me if you use it - I’d love to see! :)
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mossviol · 4 years
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I've buried more than the men in the graveyard A grim priest at a funeral pyre So if I end up 'six deep' in the desert I guess I'll see you in the afterlife
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mossviol · 4 years
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Maman Brigitte
Amazing Simblreen treat/face paint by @solistair!
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mossviol · 4 years
Im so sad i only just found your blog, its so beautiful and inspiring! ❤️
Aww, thank you so much for your lovely words! I’m glad you found me! You are too sweet! <3
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mossviol · 4 years
hi! is there a WCIF of the front and back cover of your work in SMAG?
Hi again! If you’re asking for a cc-list, then no there isn’t one. There is A LOT of CC used in both the cover edit and the back cover edit of S Magazine so if you’re looking for something you’ll need to be more specific for me to be able to help ya!
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mossviol · 4 years
Hi! WCIF of your simstober Day 17: Creep?
Hello! This has been answered here.
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