morgumint · 3 months
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Drew a minecraft dog in ms paint
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morgumint · 3 months
A snippet of transcript from a long conversation about disabilities and chronic illness from Joe and Cleo’s March 23rd, 2022 craft hermits stream:
Cleo: “-When you’re talking about, ah, specific people. Um. And say ‘they’re so great for what they do and they push through and I’ve got a lot of respect for that.’ It’s a case of, what if they, couldn’t? Push through?”
Joe: “Yeah, I spent three months on bed rest because I couldn’t push through.”
Joe: “I was in the best shape of my life. I could run an 18 minute 3 mile, do 20 pull-ups, in a minute, and do 100 sit-ups in 2 minutes. That’s like the minimum for being a marine core infantry officer.”
Cleo: “Mhm.”
Joe: “I was in the best shape of my life. I had gotten to college and I weighed 125 pounds, and there’s a joke you gain the freshman 15 because of the food or whatever.”
Cleo: “Yeah.”
Joe: “I gained 25 pounds of muscle. In one year. I was 150 pounds of muscle. And in the best shape of my life. Umm.”
Joe, reading chat: “Quarka says ‘thats a perfect 100 PFT.’ If you’re gonna be a marine core infantry officer you need to be able, to do a perfect 100 PFT. That is literally, that’s the baseline. You aren’t going to be a good leader in the marine core if you cannot do that. You’re not gonna make it through OCS. Um, if you cant do that. Okay.”
Joe: “And so, what I’m saying is uh. I was, I had every physical advantage in terms of, powering through, some sort of illness. Um. And like, when they were checking um- Cause they checked everything. This was like really like, this digestive issue manifested in a way that looked like it was respiratory.”
Joe: “And then when it wasn’t respiratory, and my body freaked out in response to the steroids they gave me for that, uh, because it turns out digestive issues respond very poorly to steroids. They checked a bunch of stuff. They did an ultrasound on my heart and the person was like ‘i don’t ever get to do ultrasounds on hearts this good. this is bizarre.’”
Joe: “Like-”
Cleo: “Mhm.”
Joe: “-Cardiac wise I was fine! I was in incredible cardiovascular shape. I was in incredible muscular shape. But my digestive system just decided one day, that it had been too stressed out, and it wasn’t gonna happen. And-”
Cleo: “It was done.”
Joe: “It was done.”
Joe: “And-and I was, I spent three months thinking on bed-rest, what if the rest of my life is on bed-rest? What if I’m struggling to get to the bathroom, dizzy, trying not to fall over, everyday for the rest of my life? I’m depending on other people to bring me food or to help me stagger to the dining hall on the days where I felt like I could maybe walk a hundred feet, just to see if I could.”
Cleo: “Yeah.”
Joe: “Um, and like yeah. So its like, I’m glad that you know, some people are like ‘wow joe, its really inspiring that even though you dealt with that you’re doing this now’ but like.”
Joe: “What if I couldn’t?”
Cleo: “Yeah.”
Joe: “What do I deserve in that case?”
Joe: “I think that it would be nice if uh, you know, I wasn’t just completely forgotten by society or ignored, because I might still be able to contribute something. Even if it wasn’t this.”
Cleo: “Mhm.”
Joe: “I don’t know what that is, and I was terrified the whole time to think about how… horrible a process it would be to find out. But. you know.”
Cleo: “So yeah its a case of- When you’re saying ‘well this person managed to do this and this and this so i respect them for pushing through.’ And I’m like. But.-”
Cleo: “You need to be aware that some people just can’t. And when you’re saying you’re proud of this person you need to- You need to actually say- Okay, you can be proud of them and that’s great- But you cant. Like. Even pretend that that’s the norm.-”
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morgumint · 4 months
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The ink bottle lying on your desk... begins to crawl away..???
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morgumint · 4 months
is anyone else having an issue where tumblr just doesnt show any notifs at all?? :0 like i don't have a bubble thing next to it but if i click then i see a bunch of new notes and stuff. without the bubble it loses its 'gift unboxing' vibe
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morgumint · 4 months
i forgot i had a neocities under this name and quickly cleaned it up so. maybe go check out :3
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morgumint · 4 months
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morgumint · 4 months
skizzleman's etho on a leash build appreciation post
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morgumint · 5 months
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morgumint · 6 months
all i've really drawn recently has been original characters and such, so
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morgumint · 7 months
Don't pay a single cent to Tumblr, its merch, or the checkmarks. 4 blogs erased in about 48 hours, fuelled by transmisogyny. If you want to read more about it, look up the usernames of the blogs involved and scroll through the posts. There's no shortage of explanations or perspectives from the transfems on tumblr. And tbh I'm worried that more will be deleted for speaking out.
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morgumint · 7 months
in spite of whatever hole resembling a grave our ceo is currently digging himself into i want to emphasize that trans women are invaluable to our communities and you enrich our lives just by being here. i know my life wouldn't be the same without the trans women in it and the same goes for hundreds of thousands of people. i'm horrified thinking about what predstrogen and every other trans woman on this site is going through right now and i cannot stress enough that regardless you are loved and my support for trans women will always be unwavering
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morgumint · 7 months
what if i actually started drawing and posting art again <- insane sentence
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morgumint · 7 months
also I know I've been reblogging but like. I love trans women + transfems you are my friends and sisters. you make our community stronger and more joyful and complete and you deserve better from everyone around u. safety and comfort and love and everything in the world to trans women everywhere. muah
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morgumint · 7 months
i know im not here often but if you support Tumblr CEO Matt Mullenweg please unfollow/block me; the people running this place are so fucking vile to trans women.
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morgumint · 7 months
see usually when tumblr does some weird shit i assume its the result of incompetence rather than malice but now the tumblr ceo is like yeah we went scorched earth against some random woman for completely stupid reasons
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morgumint · 7 months
Wanted to let you guys know that Let’s Talk Palestine has just launched fundsforgaza, an initiative created for the purpose of spotlighting families in urgent need of emergency funds. This list highlights families who’re trying to evacuate Gaza, but which aren’t getting enough attention. Please donate if you can—and whether or not you can, spread this to as many people as possible. The delay between this second and the next could make a difference in whether a family gets to live or not.
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morgumint · 8 months
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manifesting smallishbeans mumbo jumbo content please please 🙏
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