morgan-le-bae · 6 months
so i'll be posting stuff for my own roleplay world inspired by different gacha stuff let's GO (more to come)
*In 2263, due to the rapidly growing population of the Earth, natural resources had become scarce and valuable. To secure these resources, many first-world nations, the United States first and foremost, began to secure their own interests, much to the dislike of the affected nations, mainly tropical countries. When even these countries' resources began to decline, chaos ensued. The few first-world nations left that had not collapsed declared war on each other, beginning the War of the Stellar Century.*
*This war is often cited as a foundation for the current status quo, as the formation of the two main factions of the era: the Lunarian Republic of Selene and the United Earth Federation. Much is kept unknown from the general public about specific events due to the unusual nature of the war, but by the end of the war, Europe as a superpower had managed to rise to the top, leaving the other powers in chaos. Most of the elite and government of the 'defeated' nations chose to start their own nation, travelling to the Moon to form the Lunarian Republic. Meanwhile, Europe was transformed into the new headquarters for a united Earth, setting the stage for the conflict between the two celestial bodies: the Interplanetary War.*
*A series of city-states on the Moon's surface, with the capital of Selene on the Sea of Tranquility. Formed out of bitterness for their loss in the War of the Stellar Millenium, the Republic is composed of former first-world countries as well as many third world countries that followed. Compared to the Earth Federation, the Republic's resources are minimal, relying on artificially made resources for its society. To offset this, the Lunarians have an edge in technology, with many secret weapons from before the Stellar Millenium being produced there, in a secret academy. Their military has priority over all other sectors, working closely with other corporations to bolster their power.*
*They also have control of the space between the two celestial bodies, with ownership of the space station lying in the middle, known as Alkera, as well as defense systems orbiting the moon controlled by an AI known as M.R.S. The main corporation in the Republic, known as Crossed Souls Incorporated and headed by CEO Kurayami Suisen, pioneered the armored mech technology that drives most combat today. It is said that this CEO has so much power, rivaling the government, that debates rage over whether to limit her authority.*
*A loose alliance of nations left behind on Earth after the War of the Stellar Millenium, with its capital in what was then known as London in the United Kingdom. With a larger land mass and more resources than its rival, the Lunarian Republic, it is capable of outproducing their enemy in terms of volume. This extends to military units as well. However, it lacks the technological advantage of the Republic, leading them to use outdated/stolen mechs and old weapons for spearheading operations. Still, it's more than a match for the Republic, able to withstand and rebuild their losses quickly with their resource advantage.*
*The Earth itself has become a very difficult target for invasion due to the implementation of plans to turn it into a fortress. Around Earth's atmosphere and surface is an incredibly huge and complex anti-air defense system that prevents huge numbers of Lunarian forces from landing on Earth. Pioneer of this defense network lies on the Crylight Company, with a history of military products dating back to the late 21st century. It's also said that they have recently developed a new plan to invade space...*
*A megacorporation that produces most of the civilian and military products for the Lunarians. Its CEO is Kurayami Suisen, one who is not hesitant to destroy her competition in order to maintain the company's monopoly. It is also said that when the first plans to mass produce any type of new weapon is offered for bid, the company often aggressively and successfully purchases the rights.*
*It holds much influence within both the civil government and its military wing, gaining exclusive status against criminal suits in exchange for allowing the Republic to freely use their private army for whatever purpose. Still, the corporation remains independent, showing that it will bow to nobody.*
*At the end of the Interplanetary War between the Earth Federation and the Lunarian Republic, in 2568, a massive number of satellites suddenly went out of orbit and began to fall on the Earth, causing untold destruction. It is estimated that more than 5% of land was deemed inhospitable, and the amount of dust kicked into the air caused the sun to be blotted out for years. Around 45 percent of Earth's population died on that day. Furthermore, Gaia 4, which crashed on Canada, became the origin of both Originium and Oripathy.*
*It is still unknown who caused it.*
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morgan-le-bae · 7 months
mini roadless camelot that ends up becoming free toothpicks for sandwiches
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morgan-le-bae · 7 months
hear me out
project wingman but crimson 1 is just lb6 morgan from fgo and everytime you beat her she becomes more insane
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morgan-le-bae · 7 months
it's RX-93-v2 Hi-Nu Gundam time
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