hogwarts-news · 11 years
A Rise In Darkness; Muggle Science
There have been recent claims that there has been an increase in depression amongst people near London, this may not appear news worthy, but the increase is reported at  247%. This increase, however, is not just affecting the wizarding community, but the muggle community also. With the sudden rise in depression has come a rise in suicide rates.
While the muggles attempt to find an answer in the water and possible chemicals, we must ask the question only we can; could there be something more sinister afoot? Could this be related to the attacks here at Hogwarts? And most importantly of all, could this be the result of someone we, ourselves, know?
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
The Eye Of The Storm; Maxine's Attack.
Well, the quiet has definitely left us, with another attack within a week. With Professor Davidson still at St Mungo's, Maxine Creevey joins him in the world of the unconscious. With the odd list of victims, there seems to be no pattern between the attacks, other than the pain that they leave behind; and with no clear pattern, it's even harder to know how to keep safe.
It seems that, no matter how skilled the victim's are in defence, the attacker, or attackers, have left behind no traces of their identity. If anyone has noticed anything odd, or believes they know who is responsible, please contact a teacher as soon as possible. We wish all the students, staff and aurors the best of luck in keeping safe in these perilous times.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
The Quiet Before The Storm; Attack on Professor Davidson
With Christmas not far away, and Halloween gone, it had seemed that we might have finally been able to enjoy some peace here at Hogwarts, alas, I doubt we ever will. It is my sad duty to inform you, dear readers, that there has been another attack, and this time it wasn't an arrogant fifth year, our head girl, or the young Highmore... This time it was our very beloved alchemy Professor.
Professor Davidson is currently in St Mungo's, although they assure us that he will be transferred to the hospital wing here at Hogwarts as soon as he is in a position that they deem safe to do so. 
Still unconscious, it's hard to know whether this is from the same attacker who has been responsible for the death of Freddie Collins, but we doubt that Professor Davidson would have gone down without a fight. 
With only her father left, it's hard to say how his daughter, Rebecca Davidson, is handling the attack. We only hope that Professor Davidson makes a speedy recovery and return. In the mean time, he will be missed.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
Who Are You Really?
It's been over 48 hours now, and we seem no closer to finding a reversal to whatever potion or spell has caused the occupants of Hogwarts to swap their bodies with others! After the hair colouring fiasco, one would think that the staff of the school would be keeping a closer eye on possible prankers, and yet here we are, trying to decipher whom is whom... hopefully Halloween will end in a more... relaxed state. But then again, when is Hogwarts ever really calm?
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
This is Halloween; a celebration
Pumpkin pasties, pumpkin juice, giant pumpkins, tiny pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! It’s that time of year again! No, Professor Longbottom hasn’t started breeding pumpkin hybrids, yet, it’s Halloween! Finally, a chance for the school to forget what has happened, let their collective hairs down and just have some fun! With costumes and songs and Professors Alderton and Davidson dancing around enchanting things while Peeves attacks any living soul this festive season seems to have had extra consideration placed upon it by the staff with the varying activities set for the week. Hopefully even those who have had the hardest of luck this year can truly enjoy themselves.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
Help Me See The Light; London's odd weather
Darkness seems to be setting in earlier than usual, for this time of year, in London as towns in the north of the city of both wizarding and muggle descent have reported odd dark clouds settling in the mid afternoon and remaining there until after nightfall. Along with the curious clouds has come a rather sudden mood swing in the people nearby, possibly disheartened that the warmer, sunnier days of Autumn seem to have left, causing speculation of a particularly cold and dark Christmas. Is this the result of something more sinister, or merely an odd patch of weather?
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
James Reed; Sinister Suspect or Sweetie?
With his parents dying at the hands of Death Eater's, there have been many rumours about James Reed, Ravenclaw sixth year, possibly siding with the darker forces during the attacks. For his protection, or for the protection of others, Reed has been taken away from the castle at this time, causing much speculation as to whether or not he may in fact be involved.
Could the Ravenclaw boy be responsible, in any way, for the attacks? With the latest victim, Juliet Highmore, being particularly close to him, it would seem the boy were innocent, but why, then, has he been removed from the castle? With no confirmed word yet as to whether or not he is indeed a person of interest, of instead a victim of vicious rumours, we await word from either himself or the Aurors, but when there is more to tell, you can guarantee it will be shared here, dear readers.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
Katherine; Returning to the Norm
Hugging strangers, and supposed enemies may have been the odd actions of one Katherine Nott, as of late, however, it would appear Peeve's prank is over. Angry and ready to take on the world, with renewed vigor, Nott is out for revenge. To those who got to witness the lighter shade of Miss Nott, it is suggested that you do not mention it, unless you enjoy pain, and want her to take her anger out on you.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
Baby, It's Cold Outside
It may be approaching winter, and there may be a crazed murderer on the loose, but that doesn't appear to be stopping the couples at Hogwarts! While Katherine Nott is under Peeves' spell, it appears she may be telling too much of her personal life at once, or so it would seem as Tessa Fray, another Slytherin bad girl, and what was known to be disliked by Nott, has been seen not only hugging, which may be normal under Nott's current state, but talking to one another. Could this be the start of a love-hate relationship?
In other news,two individuals have been seen leaving Hogwarts together, arm in arm. Who are these mystery couple? Why, none other than our very own Arithmancy Professor, Crystal Rowans, and Head of Slytherin and Potions Professor, Flynn Gold. Certainly, the two have been rather close as of late, the young professor even earning herself laughter from the formidable man, but could this last? Could it even start? Tell the Gossip girls your thoughts here.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
Prank Attack; Katherine Nott
It would appear that Peeves has been at it again. This time, his victim, Katherine Nott, notorious for her rule breaking, care for no one attitude, has apparently been seen offering free hugs. For the sake of you, my dear readers, I'd tread carefully. When she realizes what she's been doing her anger will most likely know no bounds. But then again, perhaps the change will be good for her.
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hogwarts-news · 11 years
Hogwarts; Is It Really The Safest Place There Is?
Many know the history of Hogwarts, many don't. But what is known by most is that no matter what your backgrounds, Hogwarts is meant to be a place of safety and comfort, guarding it's students and staff from any threats the outside world may hold. But, the question is, if it's so safe, why is there always so many bad things happening?
Let's take a look back to our parent's time here at Hogwarts. Many of them grew up during the Second War against Voldemort, née Tom Riddle Jr, a war which, for it's final part, took place, you guessed it, here. A time when muggleborn's were attacked, taken from their homes, not allowed to attend school and persecuted. And what was happening at Hogwarts? Older students were expected to curse the younger ones. Not sounding so safe now, is it?
But, of course, the war ended, and with it, Voldemort's reign of power and Hogwarts returned to a safe haven for students of all backgrounds, blood types and ability. One would think all was well. But then, several months ago, horror shock our school. Victoire Weasley was attacked. Our head girl, strong, intelligent, and incredibly kind, the unknown assailant caused her to loose some of her memories, but she survived and moved on.
And so the Auror's arrived. Month's passed and there was no news of who may have caused the attack. The school settled back into it's norm, albeit with the addition of Aurors patrolling the corridors. Students began to relax, relieved that no one else had been hurt. Thinking it may have been a one off attack.
But then it came. The death of Freddie Collins shook the school. While many claimed good riddance to the fifth year who was not only a blood supremacist, but generally thought himself to be better than anyone, the idea that a student could be killed on school grounds, all while having Aurors who were meant to be keeping everyone safe, terrified all.
Again, the school began to relax itself, it had, once again, been months, and many claimed Collins deserved what he got. Perhaps the two incidents were not related? And then, only a short while ago, another fifth year, Juliet Highmore, was attacked. 
Where are the Aurors when these terrible things are happening? How have their been no leads yet? Is Hogwarts really the safest place there is?
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