In the darkness I shall prevail.
74 posts
OC RP Blog for FF15 | 18 + | Chat is mun speak (itshaejinju) | Open to RP with all | Also posting a story |  
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Morana's chocobo arrives shortly after she leaves the hotel at lestallum with a note that says, 'got your money back from Noct and bought this for you extra special,' inside the package is a rather large dildo and some pain meds and a second note. 'Now you can go fuck yourself.-Ruby'
Morana snorts upon seeing the dildo, “I’ve seen bigger and been fucked by worse.” 
Morana pocketed the money, taking the pills without any alcohol as her supply of alcohol was gone. She eyed the dildo a second time, “perhaps I can add that with Gladio could be interesting.” 
“Though turn about is fair play Flame.” She said with a laugh, as she picked up her Chocobo feeding him some greens. 
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Master Post
Has all the head canons for Morana and links to the main story.
Headcanons | #1 (general headcanons) | # 2 (Flaws and weakness) | 5 things Meme | Dealing with OC #1 (Sheridan) | Dealing with OC # 2 (Ruby) |
Chapter One: Into The Darkness I Shall Prevail - Tumblr version and AO3 version
Chapter Two: Into The Darkness I Shall Prevail - Tumblr version and AO3 version
Commissions of Morana | By @stephicness Click Here | By @rubyphilomela Click Here | By @queersoda Click Here | By @shiroce Click Here | 
Side stories:
Failure’s Pity: Featuring Ravus Nox Fleuret 
(Created 5/15/2017) 
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
The Failure’s Pity
Trigger warnings galore: blood, violence, oddly no swearing, torture, choking and stabbing. Ravus might seem a bit OOC but there is a reason for it…Word Count 2,015
In a hanger bay of a nearly empty airship Morana Tarda was laying down on a medical table, pinned under a man who was a foot taller than her. In the shadows of the room stood Chancellor Izunia long arms folded against his chest a smirk on his face. The Chancellor had been walking by noticing the two it brought a curious thought to his mind, the Failure and the High Commander had rarely crossed paths before so this was a rare occurrence. Ardyn wanted to see what was going to happen, they had been talking it look like the Failure had been sleeping. She took to odd sleeping places. He remembered spotting her in the bathtub of his private rooms one day sleeping she didn’t remember getting there. Leaning closer he eavesdropped on their conversation.
“You understand where you failed, right?” Ravus asked as his left magitek hand gripped down on her slender neck the talons digging into the tender flesh.
What the Chancellor neglected to mention in his previous talks with the High Commander about the Failure, was blood it was the trigger for the MT.
“I was born a failure, desolate Prince, a disappointment from the start. But what you failed to notice was you just set me off.” There was a hint of amusement in her voice.
The tangy smell of blood her own blood filled her nostrils as the talons dug into the back of her neck as his large hands wrapped around the neck easily. Those vile sea foam green eyes morphed to emerald green as they dilated wildly staring up at the gorgeous platinum haired man matching his angry hetero-chromatic eyes.  
He pressed harder on her neck making her throat close up, face turning purple from lack of oxygen. His right hand pressing in her stomach holding her down. He was going to put her out of her misery. No one deserved such a fate, this was beyond inhumane, he thought to himself. Taking pity on the creature.
“Poor thing.” Ravus muttered.
“Th…i…ng?” Morana croaked the emerald eyes flashed brightly as she struggled against his strength.
Keep reading
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
rules:  tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better !  Tagged by: @high-commander-ravus tagging: @rubyphilomela @sylleblossompetals @promptothesunshineboy @lunaoracleofthepeople @noctissleepyprince @the-kings-shield
name: Morana Tarda nickname: Rana, Mori, Manic Panic, Crazed Shadow zodiac sign: Aries gender:  Female
favourite colour:  red, blue and green average hours of sleep:  5 hours like clock work. last thing you googled:  phone number to Lestallum’s ramen merchant. height: 5′5
name: Jinju nickname: Jin zodiac sign:  Libra on the cusp of Virgo gender: Female favourite colour:  all shades of blue, dark purples and dark greens. average hours of sleep:  3-5 last thing you googled:  caretakers height: 5′3
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Morana balked a little, brushing of the woman’s hands, “don’t touch me. I do not want your sympathies.” 
She pushes her away, eyes harsh as she flicks her gaze over to Prompto them narrowing angrily. She really didn’t like being touched and just to assume she wanted help was presumptuous, and Morana didn’t appreciate it much. 
“I don’t need your so-called ‘abilities’ to help me out any, I’m not some charity case. I bet against you two on who would loose in those ever so disgusting staring contest you two have who would break first.” 
With that Morana turned on booted heel making a loud noise on the polished floors as she did, her shoulders rigid, the bruises on her arms bright from recent battles. The limp her her walk was just painful to walk, multiple pins in her knees were bothering her with this thick humidity in Lestallum. 
Morana stalks into the room at Lestallum, her light green eyes surveying the area. She spots Ruby sitting next to Prompto, there is a bit of a stern look on her face as she sizes up the two of them. "I'm looking for the Lazy Prince, he owes me money. . ." She speaks warily, she is tired and wants to buy some coffee and some pain killers.
Quirking the brow at Morana she shrugs her shoulders before answering, “nope..haven’t seen him. He owes you money? For what??”
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
She flashes a slight glare, the pain is getting higher her joints are burning with pain. Everything is starting to annoy her, the sound of Prompto gushing over photos of Chocobos was starting to be like the sound of high pitched wails. 
Rubbing her temples, fingers working through thick black and red striped hair. Staring over at the red-head, fixing her with a steady gaze, “The boy does not know how to bet in the slightest. I won in a certain bet with a certain flame and sun and I won, again. He owes me and I need to collect now, the Stiff took my pills again. Whining about my kidney will bust on me if I take anymore pain killers.” 
Morana stalks into the room at Lestallum, her light green eyes surveying the area. She spots Ruby sitting next to Prompto, there is a bit of a stern look on her face as she sizes up the two of them. "I'm looking for the Lazy Prince, he owes me money. . ." She speaks warily, she is tired and wants to buy some coffee and some pain killers.
Quirking the brow at Morana she shrugs her shoulders before answering, “nope..haven’t seen him. He owes you money? For what??”
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Send in “Share!” and I’ll have to share...
10 facts about my home 9 songs I like 8 things I can’t live without 7 words that describe me 6 foods that I enjoy 5 of my favorite Tumblrs 4 of my favorite numbers 3 reasons why I signed up for Tumblr 2 of my favorite TV shows (or games!) 1 life changing event that happened to me. (If you don’t have one, share any big thing you want here!)
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Reblog if you RP with OCs, and don’t mind interacting with other’s OCs!
If you do reblog this, be sure to check the notes of this post and locate/message any possible new friends that spark your interest!
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Send ➺to find my muse badly wounded and bleeding after a battle.
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Send me “Bad Touch” for some randomly generated violence.
Or send “Bad Touch reverse” for our muses to switch roles.
1) Slapping your muse across the face 2) Punching your muse in the face 3) Punching your muse in the shoulder/arm 4) Kicking your muse off of their feet 5) Stepping on your muse’s foot 6) Biting your muse 7) Grabbing your muse’s face 8) Wrapping hands around your muse’s neck 9) Pushing your muse into a wall 10) Pushing your muse to the ground 11) Holding a gun to your muse’s head 12) Shooting your muse in the arm/leg 13) Holding a knife to your muse’s throat 14) Using a knife to slash your muse across the arm 15) Hitting your muse in the head with a blunt object 16) Scratching your muse with their nails 17) Throwing something at your muse 18) Stabbing your muse with a sharp weapon 19) Breaking one of your muse’s bones 20) Twisting your muse’s arm
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
“secretly we all love angst” Sentence Starters
dont deny it DONT DENY IT 
“It never works for us, and it never will.”
“I’m done. I’m done trying so hard only for you to never even look in my direction.”
“I can’t fall in love with you.  I don’t want all the pain that comes with it.”
“My roommate had to go into my room and throw the sheets away because I haven’t been able to sleep in that bed since you left.”
“I keep asking myself “why isn’t the sun bright anymore” but then I remember you’re not in my life anymore and realize it’s just my own eyes.”
“I regret it all.  I really do, I swear.  Please, please– let’s fix this, please.”
“Remember when you promised we’d always be together?  Because I remember when I thought you meant it.”
“I can’t move on from something that wasn’t supposed to end!”
“The phone calls aren’t the same… I can hear in your voice that it’s not the same anymore.”
“I’m trying to avoid talking because I know what it’ll lead to, and I don’t want that to come.”
“Don’t you think you can fall back in love with me?”
“This whole time I’ve been using you to make me feel better, and you never caught on.  You never caught on.  I want you to hate me now, but I don’t think you’re even able to.”
“Kissing me breaks the promise… remember?”
“Every time we fix things something else ends up breaking.”
“Why don’t we stop pretending we’re not on a road to destruction?”
“It wasn’t even fun at first, honestly.  It was just like… Morphine.”
“You’re just not enough anymore.”
“It’s been too long since you’ve really smiled.”
“Ah, it was all my fault.  Wasn’t it?”
“To think, we thought just the sex would be enough to keep us in love.”
“Back then, I lied when I told you I didn’t love you.  You needed to move on from me– I needed to protect you from me.”
“You never had that shine in your eyes when you were with me.”
“Quit trying to fix me when you need to just fix yourself.”
“I’m so tired of everything about us, and about how we thought we were in love, and how we think forcing it can make us be in love– I’m so tired of it.”
“This whole time you’ve still been in love with him/her… Not me.”
“I couldn’t make you fall in love with me.  I thought I could do it, I really did, but… But I know you… And this isn’t love.”
“Did you really think I needed that kiss back then when all that you conveyed in it was pity?”
“To think I’ve changed so much to get you to like me, and you still never really look my way.”
“I know I deserve better than you.  I realize that, but you were so broken… I didn’t want to be the one that made you shatter.”
“All of this was to protect myself.”
“I feel like I’ve been looking for who you used to be… Back when you were actually happy.”
“I never want to even hear your name during my life anymore.”
“Your lips used to be sanctuary, but now I just feel trapped.”
“Isn’t it time we both stopped pretending we make each other happy?”
“The thing I regret the most is giving you so much hope by agreeing to this date.”
“We have the kind of history anyone would never want to think about again, and you’re hear asking me on a date?”
“What makes you think I’ll be any different this time?”
“I’ll let you down.  I will always let you down.  I’m not enough for you to be satisfied.”
“Are you satisfied with the mess you’ve created out of me?”
“I should have listened to everyone who told me this was a bad idea.”
“I’ve never met someone who can so gently destroy me the way you do.”
“I can’t forget about him/her!  It’s not in my power to forget how he/she felt when they loved me.”
“The saddest thing is that when I told him/her I loved him/her, he/she thought I was lying.  He/she never believed someone could fall in love with him/her.”
“Listen…  You’re his/her best friend… and I completely fucked up– it’s over between us, but… please, punch me, or punish me, or do something to me because he/she just… cried.  He/she wasn’t even angry, they were just so sad– Please, be angry at me, please.  Give me what I deserve.”
“It would have been better if we never met.”
“You’re my regret.”
“I’m not angry at you, just at myself… Because I knew this would happen, but I let myself fall in love with you anyways.”
“Don’t tell me to give up like everything is meaningless.”
“This is why I don’t let myself fall in love.”
“Somewhere deep inside me, I still have hope that you’ll fall in love.  How pathetic.”
send a sentence and a name xx
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
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@itshaejinju – AAAAAYE! I got an iPad and a stylus for it, and so I drew Mori. cccc: Lovely lady.
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Try and guess my muse’s favorite animal!
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Send a symbol for headcanons on my muse's eating habits!
🍎- What’s their favorite fruit? 🍞- Do they get healthy, whole grain style foods? 🥔 - How do they prefer potatoes? 🥕- Do they like vegetables? 🍇 - Have they ever drank an alcoholic beverage? 🍒 - What’s their favorite smoothie flavor? 🍗 - Are they a vegetarian or vegan? 🍟 - Do they like fast food? If so, what’s their favorite type? 🍕 - Do they like pineapple on their pizza? 🥞 - What’s their favorite breakfast? 🌮 - Do they like spicy foods? 🍦 - What toppings do they like on their ice-cream, if any? 🍫 - Chocolate or vanilla? 🍰 - Cake or pie? 🍬- What’s their favorite candy? 🍩 - Do they often have a sweet tooth? 🍪- What’s their favorite type of cookie?
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
Send “📱” + a name for your muse to read the last text my muse sent to that person
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
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Final Fantasy aesthetics | Morana Tarda (OC)
Blood sticks, sweat drips 
Break the lock if it don’t fit 
A kick in the teeth is good for some 
A kiss with a fist is better than none
For the lovely @itshaejinju
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moranathefailedmt-blog · 8 years ago
rules:  tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better !  Tagged by: @high-commander-ravus tagging: @rubyphilomela @sylleblossompetals @promptothesunshineboy @lunaoracleofthepeople @noctissleepyprince @the-kings-shield
name: Morana Tarda nickname: Rana, Mori, Manic Panic, Crazed Shadow zodiac sign: Aries gender:  Female
favourite colour:  red, blue and green average hours of sleep:  5 hours like clock work. last thing you googled:  phone number to Lestallum’s ramen merchant. height: 5′5
name: Jinju nickname: Jin zodiac sign:  Libra on the cusp of Virgo gender: Female favourite colour:  all shades of blue, dark purples and dark greens. average hours of sleep:  3-5 last thing you googled:  caretakers height: 5′3
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