mooplethemarsh · 1 month
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Episode 7 is up! Click here to read it!
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mooplethemarsh · 1 month
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mooplethemarsh · 4 months
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Epsiode 2 is live! Click here to read it!
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mooplethemarsh · 4 months
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royai + funny text posts
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mooplethemarsh · 4 months
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In case you missed it, season 2 episode 1 is live! Click here to read it!
Read Ignite! from the beginning here.
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mooplethemarsh · 5 months
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Ignite! Season 2 begins March 2nd! @negaduck13 and I can't wait to see you there!
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mooplethemarsh · 5 months
"nothing is real atoms never touch each other youve never touched anything in your life" ok. well when i pet my dog he is soft and when he licks my hand it is wet and that is far more real to me than whatevers going on at an atomic level
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mooplethemarsh · 5 months
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mooplethemarsh · 5 months
the lack of compassion that a good portion of lotr fans show for frodo ("why can't he fight or do simple tasks" "why is he so weak" "why does he always need help / to be rescued") mirrors the lack of compassion of people for those who bear the burden of invisible disabilities. he's struggling against an immense weight at every step! something that actively tries to destroy him, worsening at every moment! his heroism is in just continuing to walk his path, step by step. his bravery is in just existing as himself under the debilitating weight of the ring. but because the influence of the ring is invisible, it is forgotten, and frodo is written off as a weak, cowardly, and/or useless character, much like disabled people irl. in this household we do not stand for frodo slander!!!
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mooplethemarsh · 6 months
A recap reel of season 1 to really get set for season 2! We can’t wait to see you there!!
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mooplethemarsh · 6 months
hits you with my autism beam
Is this because I haven't been hyperfixating recently?
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mooplethemarsh · 6 months
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mooplethemarsh · 6 months
amazed at the lyrebird being real. that bird straight up looks like a lyre…
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mooplethemarsh · 6 months
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mooplethemarsh · 7 months
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mooplethemarsh · 7 months
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The season finale part 2 is live! Click here to read it!
Thank you to everyone who's read this story! It was years in the making and we can't wait to dive into season 2!
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mooplethemarsh · 7 months
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Baby Ralph and his mom not mom 🤌✨
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