So I got this pen...
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A Byte of the Moon
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moonbyte · 15 days ago
when you’re out at a restaurant or a coffee shop or a target or whatever with your friends and you overhear/eavesdrop the same snippet of some stranger’s conversation, and you look at each other for a second to check that you both heard this stranger say the same weird/funny/baffling thing and just break out in knowing grins and quiet laughter… that’s a love language
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moonbyte · 16 days ago
Step 1: Download Firefox
Step 2: Add the SponsorBlock add-on
Step 3: No sponsors
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moonbyte · 17 days ago
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Iron & Gold - aka Naza and Asrien
So I have finished the Tithenai chronicles by @fozmeadows (containing the two novels "A Strange And Stubborn Endurance" and "All The Hidden Paths"), and I am incredibly pleased by these very well-written books while equally sad that the series is resolved with 'only' two books.
So, in true spirit of fandom, I decided to add to the empty space that exists with fanfiction: Iron & Gold In this case, since I feel like the main characters Velasin and Caethari are deserving of a fairly UNEVENTFUL life from here-on out, and dear Markel also doesn't need any more stress and stabbings in his life, I focused on the two that I am absolutely very normal about (I swear. I PROMISE. Ask my friends which I definitely haven't bribed), which would be Naza and Asrien. Ok, look, I enjoy size difference (and if Velasin is like 1.75m, then Asrien is 1.5m and Naza is frigging 2m; Asrien is just SO TINY and Naza is SO TALL) and their entire dynamic is extremely unexpected and fun. No spoilers from me on whether this is just a random ship I caught onto or if there's something more substantial, read the books to find out ♪ Either way, I have 23 chapters planned out (lets see if it stays at that lmao) for what may happen to them after All The Hidden Paths and I had to vent all the excitement for having finished the novels and starting now with the fic by diving into fanart.
I know that authors can't (officially) acknowledge fanfics of their own works, but I hope you like the art I made (there is NO Asrien/Naza art! How? Why?!), and I hope you are pleased in knowing that at least one reader loved the world you created a whole lot ♥ (I also may or may not have infected four more friends with buying those books cause I kept raving about them haha)
Either way, long story short, I had a lot of fun with the novels, and I had a lot of fun with this art piece. So thank you, @fozmeadows, for having made the former which allowed me to make the latter ♪
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moonbyte · 4 months ago
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Original idea was to make a pair of couple avatars, but needless to say, drawing these two was too much fun, so the image got bigger and bigger. In retrospect, Sicard should probably look a bit more feisty, but I kinda like him having a softer expression in this context
Either way, here's also the avatars
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moonbyte · 4 months ago
Funny you say that, because the original idea for this image was to add a second smaller image that reveals that Estinien had just gotten out of bed in the above and thus was too dazed and confused about what was happening.
Only to get angry at his boyfriend(s) and complain on how they're wasting their gold on him and all that jewelry is so unnecessary and could be spent on better things and it hurts and rattles in his armor and in general is just dumb. With Aymeric and Vrtra sitting in the corner like scolded dogs
Like this:
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There's something funny about how the dude without ANY decoration (like, it was a highlight that he got a HAIR TIE) is often shipped with the two characters who are notoriously generous and got more gold than Nald ever intended someone to have.
Also, sorry for the low-effort gold and coloration, I kinda lost motivation halfway through (maybe I finish it one day). Just insert the "started making it, had a breakdown, bon appetit meme" here.
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moonbyte · 4 months ago
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There's something funny about how the dude without ANY decoration (like, it was a highlight that he got a HAIR TIE) is often shipped with the two characters who are notoriously generous and got more gold than Nald ever intended someone to have.
Also, sorry for the low-effort gold and coloration, I kinda lost motivation halfway through (maybe I finish it one day). Just insert the "started making it, had a breakdown, bon appetit meme" here.
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moonbyte · 4 months ago
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Got to make an Astrologian badge for the very adorable Panda and her signature minion, Panda ♪
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moonbyte · 4 months ago
Left Behind
I have zero recollection why I thought of this moment in the raid with this scene from Lilo & Stitch, but sometimes things turn out best when you Just Do Itâ„¢ So I hereby deliver an animatic of Konogg realizing that he is now all alone in the world.
(Backgrounds are screenshots from FF14's Puppet Bunker, Audio is from Disney's Lilo & Stitch [specifically "I'm Lost"}, Voice by me)
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moonbyte · 5 months ago
FFxivWrite2024 Participation Prize for @linelpisffxiv of her Azem, Terpsichore. Singing the song of the Underworld while in Amaurot, surely a haunting melody is coming forth! Thanks again to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for organizing the event!
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moonbyte · 5 months ago
Sometimes you just have to be silly when someone makes a hilarious proposal about side lore in a game. Keeps your hand loose xD
(Context: KarmenSparx on Twitter suggested that Ishgard could have an Elezen variation of the Asterix & Obelix comics, and I absolutely love that idea, so...)
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moonbyte · 5 months ago
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One Kai Kowaii (technically for @cutiepotata...which is me, so xD). I just really like the WHM UI, ok.
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moonbyte · 5 months ago
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Not Within View Of The Fury
Just randomly wondered if those with 'unsanctioned' relationships have some odd rules like "never hold hands in front of a statue of the Fury" or "never kiss while outside or by a window", not because some citizen might see, but because the Fury might see and judge them from her Heaven of Ice.
But why would they need those rules, right? Nothing but pure halonic thoughts in this house.
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moonbyte · 5 months ago
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I had the honor to get commissioned for a Badge for @jaradeborelandfriends of her lovely Warrior Jefara ♪
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moonbyte · 5 months ago
Heya, I am MoonByte (though sometimes known as Mango)! I am a 30+ artist from Germany with a background in 2D & 3D art and animation. I post fanart, private projects as well as art commissions on this blog.
Carrd - For slot availability, prices and rules ♪
Kofi - If you want to give a tip or offer your support ♥
Bluesky - Still new and pretty empty, but I am working on it ♣
I speak fluent english and german, though I am also somewhat able to communicate in dutch and japanese (I am not culpable for any grammar mistakes or typos in those two though xD). My current main fandoms are Final Fantasy 14, Fields of Mistria and Spiritfarer. My FF14-only blog is Cutiepotata, if you're more into lore, memes and the art of other people than me x3
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moonbyte · 6 months ago
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An FC called the "Followers of Chocobella" (short: FC) had asked me for art of their fun little group. Definitely was fun to look at all the members (special shoutout to the one that just wanted to fish, I think you can tell which one)
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moonbyte · 6 months ago
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A drawing made for a friend, of her lalafell and miqo'te OCs. Both are passionate botanists, so I had gifted them a garden ♪
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moonbyte · 6 months ago
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Germany had a quite infamous love story around 2007 between a black swan called Petra...and a swan boat.
Lots of issues and problems came from that, from tourists bothering the bird to the issue on what to do in winter since the boat could hardly 'fly off' with her. A zoo adopted both bird and boat, but Petra disappeared suddenly. In 2013 she reappeared badly injured and was brought to an animal rescue center...where she fell in love with an actual swan.
All's well that ends well, even if love may sometimes fall in odd places.
American news clip about Petra the Swan
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