moonbyte · 3 days
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An FC called the "Followers of Chocobella" (short: FC) had asked me for art of their fun little group. Definitely was fun to look at all the members (special shoutout to the one that just wanted to fish, I think you can tell which one)
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moonbyte · 3 days
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A drawing made for a friend, of her lalafell and miqo'te OCs. Both are passionate botanists, so I had gifted them a garden ♪
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moonbyte · 3 days
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Germany had a quite infamous love story around 2007 between a black swan called Petra...and a swan boat.
Lots of issues and problems came from that, from tourists bothering the bird to the issue on what to do in winter since the boat could hardly 'fly off' with her. A zoo adopted both bird and boat, but Petra disappeared suddenly. In 2013 she reappeared badly injured and was brought to an animal rescue center...where she fell in love with an actual swan.
All's well that ends well, even if love may sometimes fall in odd places.
American news clip about Petra the Swan
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moonbyte · 3 days
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Perus national flower is the "Cantua buxifolia". The Cantua grow on bushes, these bushes can become up to 3 meters high, the leaves are small and rought and the flowers don't smell despite their captivating colors. The flower has been cultivated, but to find it in the wild is difficult and dangerous. It grows mainly in a height of 1200 to 3800 meters, for example in the area of the Yungas of Peru. It is hard to access, since it likes to grow on the valleys on top of steep cliffs. Perus fascination for its flower is thus also not based on the colors or anything, but on history. Or, more precisely, a historic story. A old legend from the Incas, Perus ancient ancestors...
Illimani and Illampu had been two powerful inca kings, both blessed with proud sons. Both their kingdoms florished and were full of harmony and riches. But, despite not displaying any danger for the others wealth, the kings felt threatened by the others prosperity. They began a war and fought long and mercyless, until both hit each other with a fatal wound. They forced their sons - who had been against the war from the beginning - to revenge them and died. And thus, the sons continued the war, despite not feeling any anger or hate for the other. They, too, hit each other with a fatal wound. And as they were lying on the battle field with their last breaths, they asked their servants to stop the war and put both of them in graves that are next to each other as a sign of peace. Pachamama, "Mother World" and godess of fertility, appeared then and found pity in the upcoming death of the two sons, for they had died due to their fathers stupid hostility. She made the stars of Illimani and Illampu fall from the sky as punishment and as they touched the earth, they became two gigantic, snow-covered mountains. Whenever the snow melts, running down as rivers, then they are crying out of regret, nourishing the valleys of their former kingdoms. Pachamama also created then the Cantua, a present for the kingdoms to show their unity, displaying the sons colors red and yellow, as well as green (which stands for hope).
Those mountains indeed excist and are named after those kings. They are the highest mountains of Bolivia and at least Illampu is, despite being smaller then Illimani, very dangerous because of it's multiple steep cliffs.
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moonbyte · 3 days
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In a time of atrocity between governments, let's not forget that the common man is usually just living their life, sharing kindness whenever they can.
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moonbyte · 3 days
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Adults: Celtic (left) and Germania (right) Babies from left to right: Austria, Prussia, Switzerland, Germany, (down row) France, Norway, Sweden, (upper row) Spain, North Italy, England
I always found history (specifically language, but also culture) highly fascinating, and the fact that most of west europe is intrinsically linked is a lot of fun because of that. Even more so since some relations are quite unexpected: Germany is actually mostly celtic, in contrast to England which is more germanic. But at the end of the day, nearly all of west europe shares aspects and roots with each other, making up one big (language) family.
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moonbyte · 3 days
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Made when there were only Assassin's Creed 1-3 aka no french one.
After finishing AC 2, I thought that Hetalia's "France" would fit amusingly well as a flirty AC protagonist. Cue my surprise when they ACTUALLY made an AC in France.
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moonbyte · 3 days
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When you're just a heart in a cage
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moonbyte · 3 days
For preservation reasons, I will upload some older art that I had put on my DeviantArt, but not Tumblr. I apologize in advance for the "spam".
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moonbyte · 20 days
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Had joined a raffle in the FF14 fanfic writer discord I am in on behalf of making a reward for one of the winners, in my case a colored bust. The winner had a really cute Au'ra lady who mained BLM, and the widget of BLMs is just so cool-looking, that I used it with her bust.
The Hyur and Elezen were the two organizers, who didn't participate themselves to keep things fair. This was my thanks to them, gifting them a bust of their GNB hyur and DNC elezen ^^
Published with everyone's agreement
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moonbyte · 20 days
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5 million years ago, I was a member of a lala-only FC. I was also the resident artist, so I made exclusive emotes of the best potato for the FCs discord. Since that FC is gone, I decided to share in case anyone else wants a bunch of sassy Tataru's
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moonbyte · 20 days
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A friend had asked me to make art of her lala Glitter and since all about her was pastel, I tried a softer way of shapes and coloring
Not entirely sure I will retain any of it, but it was fun and Glitter is pretty cute ♥
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moonbyte · 2 years
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Some background art from Without Sin, a murder-mystery Dating Sim I made as a challenge to myself to create a game within 1 month with the most complicated script I can manage.
Which translated to a game with over 700 choices and 13 endings with almost 60 individual outcomes. It’s a bit broken in that some characters sometimes die when they’re not supposed to, but considering the insane time limit and the fact that I had no real clue about Phyton when I had started, I’d say I am proud of that prototype either way.
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moonbyte · 2 years
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Red and Red
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moonbyte · 2 years
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r a t s
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moonbyte · 2 years
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Mole from Wind In The Willows, but it’s set in India
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moonbyte · 2 years
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The illustration from one of my Creative Concept classes. Theme was “Pinocchio” and I decided to have the soon-to-be-real boy be a robot that slowly receives skin grafts...only to be led astray by grave robbers.
Keep reading for the storyboard!
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