moon-cherrrie · 4 years
jealousy is a disease
Just trying to keep score. Harry sold his soul to Sony and the Azoff family to be a wealthy celebrity and Louis didn’t let them buy his pride. Who do you think is happier? Has anyone been paying attention to the Johnny Depp trial?
Louis is in a much better place for not being a sellout. Not to mention he has got the industry respect because most cave and be like Harry.
Brave! Strong! Fearless!
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
ding dong your fav is also a white privileged, rich and cis man
Is seafullofshit still selling how big of a star Harry is? Let’s talk about Harry and his betrayal to his bandmates. Let’s talk about the evil Harry was willing to do to be successful. Let’s talk about Harry and his $90M dollar machine depriving real artist of recognition. A white privileged, rich, connected, cis identifying male getting industry recognition is PURE RACISM!
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
louies and larries hate watermelon sugar cause it’s getting bigger and cause they can’t make theories about, they can’t say “it’s about louis pussy” that’s why they hate it
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
i can’t believe that there is people that want 1dead together again
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
waiting for the harrykarma
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
harrykarma works so fast
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
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it happened omg, harrykarma coming for their asses
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waiting for the harrie and harry karma
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
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waiting for the harrie and harry karma
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
L word are so wokes, they are using this issue to drag harry, I bet they will forget Palestine next week until they find other issue to drag Harry
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
it’s the end of june
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
same here
This is actually boring I prefer twitter much more, this place is good for fics and gifs only
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
to be honest i think we should return to twitter but this time we HAVE to ignore all the L words and other delulus, we can’t support harry here as we do on twitter
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
bea miller x harry styles layouts please? thank u
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
sabrina carpenter + harry pls?
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Sabrina Carpenter x Harry Styles 🤍
don’t forget to send your requests
*headers are not mine*
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
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Kaia Gerber x Harry Styles icons and layouts 🍉 don’t forget to send your requests
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
There is nothing that angers me more than hypocrisy. Being a 1D fan for 5 years and now a solo harrie. I see it all the time.
I want to address the recent situation on twitter. For years, Louies and Larries have dragged people off their accounts and manipulated them. They play the victim constantly. In fact if someone in harry’s fandom ‘messes up’ they are brutally attacked. However there is a pattern if one of their update accounts is insensitive they have this ‘it’s okay!! you did nothing wrong’ energy. They preach mental health and only apply it to themsleves. They call us toxic just for promoting Harry and ‘bragging’ about his sucess. I used that word because in their eyes if we’re proud of harry we’re rubbing it in his face because he came from the same band that louis did.
This has been going on for years. Here are some examples of when larries/Louies took it too far.
Starting off with the most recent and drive for this post, @/HSDaily on twitter. HSDaily are a group of girls running one of the most popular harry update accounts. They have good representation within their account consisting of LGBT+ members and Black girls.
I won’t say job because i’m aware, stan twitter is not a job however they do work extremely hard. Their ‘role’ on the account is to provide updates but with their large following, also promote Harry and his music. So when they asked harry’s fans to do a tiktok challenge on Tiktok the other day louies were not happy. They thought this was stealing Louis’ fans ideas and unfair because it was meant to be a ‘louis’ thing.
Firstly, i’d like to say that every artist and their fandoms promote stuff on tiktok. But secondly, Harry is not in one direction and neither is Louis. So why,,,, does this take the attention of Louis? surely if you have confidence and faith in your face it wouldn’t matter what other artists are doing. Tell me why hsdaily lost thousands of followers in 24 hours but a popular louis account that was exposed for tweeting child porn barely lost any? @/KingLWTPromo btw. BECAUSE they don’t care about real issues. They only care because it’s a harry account. they associate all harries as toxic and want to bring him down so much because he outshines their fav. They preach about not comparing them yet everything harries do they have an issue with.
Louies are mad at HSDaily (which includes black people) For not stanning Louis. They are a harry update account. They are not obliged to do anything wirh your fav. And if he makes them feel uncomfortable you don’t have a right to overstep their feelings. They are so mad one individual even went out their way to make false claims agaisnt hsdaily.
I don’t know what people expected out of making these claims. OF COURSE they were going to defned themsleves. If someone was calling you homophobic wouldn’t you do the same? I’m currently unaware on this girls situation as there has been rumours going around. Some are saying she faked her suicide, some aren’t so I won’t comment on that. However she made a fake claim against hsdaily. they defned themsleves. And now they are getting the blame for her apparent ‘suicide’ ?
I’m sorry whAT. these people are preaching be kind and mental health is important yet have trended hashtags and instantly put the blame on hsdaily. The sad thing is this is nothing to do with the girl. This is them hating the idea of Harry and his platform. They hate this account has so much attention and is even followed by the official HSHQ account. They aren’t even cancelling this account for the right reasons. The sad thing is this all started because they were upset over hsdaily doing a tiktok challenge for HARRY.
statement from hsdaily below:
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I think the fact that Louies are blaming someone else for someone’s suicide says it all. What does that say about you as a person? stop preaching for people to talk about mental health if you’re degrading and pulling someone else done. Stop saying shit then ending your sentence with TPWK and thinking it justifies what you’ve said.
These Louies and larries attack people, attack harry, attack harries then when these people defend themsleves they are always ruled out as the toxic ones and i’m so sick of it. it’s so babyish. 11 year olds.
The following screenshots show a pattern of when these people have done this to big platforms in the past. they are vicious and toxic if you don’t agree with them. One even involved larry... harry and louis don’t even agree with your ship and you don’t treat them like that so why would you treat an innocent man like that?
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This has to be noticed. These people are constantly calling Harries toxic yet NEVER take responsibility for their own actions. This is so embarrassing for them. They really don’t care that they have tantrums over stupid shit all the time and drive people off their accounts and away from what makes them content.
I’m so done with arguing with them. I’m so done with them making everything about harry deeper than it is. Making his fans out to be bad by just supporting him. I’m so done with them associating Harry with a non existence ship and i’m DONE with the way they treat people and get away with. You think because your fav talks to people like shit as a joke it’s a personality trait.
There is no care for the way these people have mentally affected others. There is absolutely nothing I can say to sort it however because they’ll never stop. they constantly have an issue with harry having his own fans. so from this point forward we move on.
we ignore their tweets
we block them
we don’t give them the attention
giving them attention is affecting too many people now. they get away with so much shit, but that’s Louis’ fandom. harry has harries who are here to support him. if they want to support harry, good for them. But the more we leave them alone the less attentjon they’ll get. Louis can’t make a charting song. If so many of them can put this energy into hating trending hashtags and being vicious surely they could put that attention into streaming their fav? i mean there seems to be lots of them on twitter yet silence on the charts.
I have no words for what’s happened over the last 24 hours. I wish louies cared about important issues and had morals but they don’t. Harries are successful in calling harry out when they need too.
Stop driving people of their accounts because they don’t agree with you. weirdos.
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moon-cherrrie · 4 years
iris law and harry styles layouts?
Iris Law x Harry Styles icons and layouts 🤎 don’t forget to send your requests!
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