monlymy · 9 months
Today i just want to cry and forget everything
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monlymy · 9 months
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monlymy · 9 months
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monlymy · 1 year
Hoy he decidido que debo de repetir 1Bachillerato. Ya que por problemas de salud no he podido dar lo máximo y estos años son muy importantes a la hora de entrar en una carrera. Pienso que esto no es solo pasar de curso si pasar con buena nota para tener un futuro mejor.
No se como se lo tomaran mi madre, espero que bien la verdad, por que no ha sido fácil de decidir.
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monlymy · 1 year
POV: me to day
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monlymy · 2 years
No matter how much I smile, I still have the same problems.
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monlymy · 2 years
Hoy me pasó algo que nunca pensé que pasaría.
Me ha seguido un señor y otros dos amigos, no nos ha pasado nada desde que entramos en una comisaría cercana, pero de verdad pensé que no iba a llegar a un sitio donde había gente y que algo muy malo iba a pasar a nosotros ahora que estaba cada vez más cerca de nosotros.
Realmente me da asco pensar que voy a tener que aguantar esto toda la vida solo por ser mujer y que siga pasando en pleno siglo XXII.
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monlymy · 2 years
Today something happened to me that I never thought would happen.
A man has followed me and two other friends, nothing has happened to us since we entered a nearby police station, but I really thought that I was not going to get to a place where there were people and that something very bad was going to happen to us now that was getting closer to us.
It really disgusts me to think that I will have to put up with this all my life just because I am a woman and that it continues to happen in the 22nd century.
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monlymy · 2 years
I was always taught that "God gives the worst battles to his best warriors" but I am tired of fighting, I have fought a lot to only get more and more battles, instead of resting or ending the war that surrounds me.
I really think that no matter how hard I fight to move forward, I'm still in the same place or behind and it's very frustrating to feel that, since it doesn't matter how hard I try to win the battle, I'll still be there or I'll have to fight again in another battle.
(the last song i heard)
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monlymy · 2 years
I realized that what hurts the most in this world is to see your mother cry and especially if it's for you.
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monlymy · 2 years
It amazes me how a person, even when broken, has the ability to help others.
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monlymy · 2 years
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monlymy · 2 years
It's really amazing how music can change your mood in just a few minutes.
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monlymy · 2 years
The more the days go by I realize I'm not meant to live.
I really think I'm useless, I really think I'm useless and if I'm really good for something, it's to fake a smile.
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monlymy · 2 years
My life is so boring that's why I download this.
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