monkbeauregard · 3 hours
“oh I’m too old for stuffed animals” skill issue. sorry you can’t appreciate little creatures made to hang out with you, I on the other hand am full of joyous whimsy and therefore vastly superior.
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monkbeauregard · 3 hours
a bunch of my computer parts came with super bright gamer RGBs all over them (not by choice - the models with lights just happened to be better deals) and my case has a glass side panel, so when I first brought it home and set it up, I had to spend like 2 hours downloading and configuring several different programs to turn them all off (because no single app seemed to be able to control all the components at once).
in the end, the only light I left on was on the side of my GPU, and I set it to be a soft dark purple that would slide across the length of the GPU like a marquee every few seconds - nothing that'd disturb my sleep if my computer happened to wake itself up in a dark room, but enough to look cool and give me a visual indicator that the PC was turned on.
anyways sometimes I guess the driver that controls that specific component's RGBs just... crashes? for absolutely no reason? and the result is that it defaults to an intense, solid red that harshly illuminates my whole case and the area around it. every time this happens I cannot shake the immediate, instinctive fear that my computer has turned evil and is going to kill me. like oh god oh fuck it knows I ""fixed"" one of its CPU cooler fans by scotch-taping it in place so it would stop spinning unevenly and screeching at me, and now it's waiting for its chance to strike and claim ultimate revenge
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monkbeauregard · 5 hours
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monkbeauregard · 5 hours
"My own skin tone" refers to whichever version of the emoji is closest to your skin tone, as though you are making the emoji represent you.
"Depends on the emoji" means you use different variations for different emojis, e.g. you use people emojis with your skin tone but use the default yellow for hand emojis.
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monkbeauregard · 5 hours
I think it's important that people play card and board games with each other
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monkbeauregard · 5 hours
just so my mutuals know, some of the stuff I reblog is for you specifically. good luck figuring out what.
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monkbeauregard · 6 hours
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Who goes there
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monkbeauregard · 6 hours
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monkbeauregard · 6 hours
grabbing my friends by the shoulders and shaking them like YOU ARE NOT A BURDEN YOU ARE NOT AN INCONVENIENCE I CARE ABOUT YOU SO MUCH
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monkbeauregard · 6 hours
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monkbeauregard · 7 hours
Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard - All For The Game by Nora Sakavic
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monkbeauregard · 7 hours
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monkbeauregard · 14 hours
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monkbeauregard · 14 hours
A georgie pillow
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monkbeauregard · 15 hours
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monkbeauregard · 15 hours
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monkbeauregard · 17 hours
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