moni3222 · 8 months
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moni3222 · 3 years
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moni3222 · 3 years
I don’t know what it is about lexa and Clarke together. I don’t think they fit. I don’t think they are good for each other. They don’t”bring out the best in each other”. Lexa is selfish, and focused on saving and helping her people. Sure, she might have loved Clarke but in my opinion it wasn’t a relationship that was good for either one of them. It served as a LGBTQ inclusive story line but didn’t bring anything into the series.
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moni3222 · 3 years
Okay, So I’m rewatching The 100 for the 9th time, as a normal human does, hoping against hope that the last season will make some ounce of sense…
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moni3222 · 3 years
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moni3222 · 3 years
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Reblog if you are Team Melendaire
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moni3222 · 3 years
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moni3222 · 3 years
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moni3222 · 3 years
canon: they died
fanfic: fUCK YOU
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moni3222 · 3 years
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I love how daddy can be rough in the right way, yet also be so sweet at the right moments ❤️❤️
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moni3222 · 4 years
100 Questions I have about the final season of The 100
1.    What was the point of the time dilation other than to give us Hope’s character?
2.    Why did Dyoza, Octavia and Gabriel keep seeing the spiral image in the last season?
3.    Why did Russell and Jordan also see the spiral images but not Murphy?
4.    What did Murphy see when he was under the toxin?
5.    Is there really a Hell?
6.    What are the spiral images?
7.    Are they a symbol of immortality from the higher beings?
8.    Why was Jordan the only one to have glimpsed transcendence during his psychosis?
9.    Why did Echo and Hope cut their hair?
10.  Was it just a point of personal preference or because it helped them pass as disciples?
11.  Why was Dev, a disciple, happy to help Hope infiltrate Bardo?
12.  Why was Orlando seemingly more religious than Dev?
13.  Why was the Anomaly from Sanctum under water on Skyring?
14.  Why was the underwater Anomaly on Skywring always open?
15.  Why did the temporal flare last season cause Octavia’s arm to age?
16.  How did the Anomaly heal Octavia’s arm?
17.  What was the point of Gabriel, Echo and Hope living on Skyring for 5 years?
18.  How did Sheidheda’s spirit move from Madi to Russell?
19.  Why were none of the other commanders in Russell’s body?
20.  How did Sheidheda die originally?
21.  What happened to Sheidheda to make him so violent and power hungry?
22.  When Bellamy prayed on Etherea, how did he see and speak to Cadogan?
23.  Why did the higher beings show themselves to Bellamy in particular?
24.  After Bellamy prayed, how did the storm pass?
25.  Was it the higher beings that calmed the storm, and why?
26.  What do the eggs hatch into on Etherea?
27.  When did Cadogon make his journey on Etherea?
28.  If Cadogan knew the flame was on Earth, why didn’t he ever go back to find it?
29.  What did Becca see when she was with the higher beings that made her so frightened?
30.  If Cadogan loved Callie so much, why didn’t he go searching for her whilst she was alive?
31.  What is the significance of Niylah telling Echo that her mother was Azgedakru?
32.  Why didn’t Indra kill Sheidheda when she had the chance so he couldn’t be captured and used by the disciples?
33.  Why was Clarke happy to shoot Madi when she found her paralysed?
34.  Why didn’t Clarke, Octavia and Levitt attempt to take Madi away from Bardo to stop any further attempts to harm and use her brain?
35.  Why did Clarke just leave Madi alone, paralysed and defenceless, whilst she went off to get revenge?
36.  Why did the gang decide to cause a distraction so they could infiltrate Bardo and kill Cadogan even though Gaia had already explained that killing Cadogan wouldn’t stop fate, and that another disciple would simply take his place?
37.  How did Sheidheda sneak into the final battle without being seen?
38.  Why didn’t the pier change into something familiar for Clarke after she shot Cadogan, just like how Callie turned into Lexa?
39.  When Clarke failed the test, why didn’t the higher beings wipe out the human race, like, straight away?
40.  If the higher beings judge one member in place of the whole species, and Clarke failed, why did they change their mind by observing the rest of the human race?
41.  Why did the higher beings allow the human race to transcend, when Raven only asked for them to have “more time” to do better?
42.  Who are the higher beings and where did they originate from?
43.  Are the higher beings aliens or gods?
44.  Are the higher beings simultaneously everywhere?
45.  When people transcend, do they also become the higher beings, and are they everywhere?
46.  When people transcend, do they all have one mind?
47.  As part of the higher beings, can the rest of the human race think and feel for themselves?
48.  Can the transcended human race experience love and happiness?
49.  Does the transcended human race have free will?
50.  Do the transcended all have the power and knowledge that the higher beings have?
51.  What do the Bardoans look like?
52.  Why did the Bardoans fail the final test?
53.  What qualities are the higher beings judging during the test?
54.  What aspects does a species have to have in order to transcend?
55.  Why do the higher beings use Gen-9 to crystallize species’?
56.  Why do the higher beings annihilate entire species’, instead of just denying them transcendence and allowing them to live?
57.  What do the higher beings actually want and what is their end goal?
58.  If Earth is green and habitable again, why did everyone travel 75 light years to Sanctum?
59.  Why didn’t everyone just go into cryosleep for 75 years above Earth and wait?
60.  Why didn’t anyone acknowledge that Monty was wrong to believe Earth would never be habitable again?
61.  Why did Clarke shoot Bellamy in the heart?
62.  Why was Emori not shown more clearly in the final scene?
63.  If transcendence is a choice, why didn’t Emori, Levitt and Echo return to their mortally wounded bodies?
64.  Did the higher beings magically heal and revive the three of them just as a favour?
65.  During their time as transcended, did the three of them have that power to mend their bodies?
66.  Why didn’t Emori return from transcendence into her mind drive which was in Murphy’s body?
67.  Did Gabriel and Josephine transcend if their mind drives hadn’t been destroyed?
68.  Would Gabriel have been happy to live forever, considering his motto “death is life”?
69.  Why did the higher beings remove the group’s ability to procreate?
70.  How do the higher beings even have the power to do that?
71.  Is Murphy and Emori really okay with not ever having children, especially as they helped so many children in Sanctum?
72.  Is Indra, Niylah and Miller okay with never seeing the rest of Wonkru again?
73.  Is Raven okay with living her life without finding someone, settling down and having children?
74.  Doesn’t Gaia, Niylah, Miller and Jackson want to have children too?
75.  Is Octavia and Levitt okay with not having children?
76.  Is Jordan and Hope okay with not having children?
77.  What would happen if any of these couples on Earth broke up or fell out of love, as some of them have only known each other for a few months?
78.  Are the people left on Earth not gonna get bored of each other?
79.  Why didn’t they collectively acknowledge that Bellamy was right and that Clarke was wrong to kill him?
80.  Why didn’t they have a memorial or funeral for Bellamy?
81.  If the moral of the show is that “there is more to life than just surviving”, why did the majority of the human race decide to become one with immortal beings?
82.  Why did Madi choose transcendence over being with Picasso and potentially being with her other friends on Sanctum again?
83.  Did Clarke’s friends choose not to transcend just because they didn’t want Clarke to be alone, even though it’s her own fault she couldn’t transcend?
84.  How has Raven still got that orange puffer jacket?
85.  Why was the Anomaly and the higher beings only introduced last season?
86.  Why does transcendence sound a lot like the City of Light?
87.  Why did everyone want to destroy the City of Light when ALIE was trying to convert everyone, but so happy with transcending?
88.  Why did no one acknowledge how similar the higher beings were to ALIE?
89.  Were Clarke’s friends really the only members of the entire human race that wanted to live mortal lives?
90.  Was there no one else in Wonkru, Bardo or Sanctum who wanted their old lives back?
91.  Why did no one stick up for Bellamy?
92.  What was the point of having Bellamy “die”, come back and then to actually die alone and with all his friends hating him?
93.  Why couldn’t Bellamy die protecting his friends, or being a hero?
94.  Can Bellamy’s friends at least acknowledge the sacrifices he made for them?
95.  Why did Clarke realise in Season 6 that she shouldn’t have chosen Madi over Bellamy, asked Bellamy for forgiveness, and then still made the same mistake and chose Madi over Bellamy in Season 7?
96.  Why was everyone so against giving Cadogan the flame, when they didn’t need to fight in the war, and they didn’t believe in transcendence anyway?
97.  Why couldn’t Bellamy have just survived the bullet wound with help from Bardo’s technology, and reunite with his friends in the end as a hero?
98.  Why was Bellamy not even mentioned in the final scene?
99.  Was that final scene overlaid with the scene of Clarke drawing on the floor of her cell from Season 1 a hint that this was all in her imagination?
100. Why is Jason Rothenberg incapable or re-writing an ending to his own show that makes sense, compliments the overarching theme of the series, progresses the characters, AND does not compromise the health and wellbeing of his cast and crew? 🤷‍♀️
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moni3222 · 4 years
I have no idea how are they going to close all the storylines in one episode. There is so many things left open that I feel like everything will be so rushed. It makes me so angry. And what solution do they have for that? They added 1 minute!
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moni3222 · 4 years
Do you guys remember when we though that Bellamy isn’t in the trailer because it would be too much of a spoiler? Yeah, how about that...
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moni3222 · 4 years
How the hell can you ruin a show that good????
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moni3222 · 4 years
i am here to say one thing, and one thing only…
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moni3222 · 4 years
I hate that the show spoiled Bellamy’s death on instagram. I hate Jason for it. And it shows What a terrible writing decision it was when you have to apologize for it. Ughhhhhh
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moni3222 · 4 years
When your reading a good fanfic
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