momo-lives · 4 months
Surviving... trying to be functional, hopes, an a litte bit about my life.
So, as I said in my last post, I'm no longer a student. I've been working for the last eight months in a much more serious way than I did when I was studying last years master. I became a spanish as second language teacher at a school from my city and let me tell you, it was •. ☆ . Exausting. ° ☆. Being a teacher to foreigners is actually very funny and rewarding but the school i was at sucked my whole energy, I had nightmares about working every single day I was there. Finally, I got sick and I was kicked.
When I recovered i started looking for a job again and I'm working at another school and the atmosphere is SO MUCH BETTER but I have to work part time for the time being so I'm making a lot less money than in the previous school. I'd love to feel confident enough to look for another apartment and live fully by myself but I'm lowkey studying yet. I finished my master but i need a level of the co-oficial language from my region so I'm currently working on that. I want to get a drivers licence too... So basically, I've been debating how should I live my life, with whom and it has been giving me so much anxiety i've even reconsidered the option to talk to some of my uni teachers and become a phd.
I decided to come back to feel healthier and keep track of my productivity. Also, I'm not using english at any point of my life so i thought this space could be a good place to use it.
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So I'm starting this comeback with a 30 days of productivity being the top three priorities:
♡. Study Catalan because i want my well deserved degree.
♡. Have a clean and healthy environment.
♡. Quit videogames as an unwinding activity and give reading and exercising time in my daily life.
That's it! Ihope you're all doing amazing (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b 
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momo-lives · 11 months
Weirdstudyblr from now on
So, basically, I finished my student journey this past September. I regret not posting much (Which I didn't because this second master I studied was a pain in the ass) because I really enjoyed learning and being a student when I finally found out what I liked and how to study.
Right now I'm pretty lost, because of some other mandatory stuff I need to achieve to become a public teacher, because of which I'm no longer a student or a substitute teacher. I'm an unemployed and dysfunctional adult, and I feel more lost than I was when I studied.
So, I guess this blog will become me studying languages, complaining about my daily life, or trying to romanticize it. I hope life treats both of us kindly and gives us (yes, reader, I'm talking to you, sorry for this cringy paragraph) many opportunities that can get us nearer to a brighter and happier future.
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momo-lives · 2 years
Hey, you'll be okay, you'll do great. It is tiring, I know, but trust me, you'll be okay. ❤️
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momo-lives · 2 years
I just watched this film, in case I could use it as a reference for my thesis. I really enjoyed it, so I recommend it. UNLESS: you are underage, you don't like psychological movies or drug abuse triggers you
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Iván Zulueta « Non sono io ad amare il cinema… è il cinema che ama me. »
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momo-lives · 3 years
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Hey! I haven't been very active. I'm trying my best to work in my postgrad school stuff and it's honestly being pretty hard. It's my first time living alone and every single small thing that happens in my life makes me very anxious. Also, house work, cooking or going grocery shopping is soo hard because I'm at class all day. The classes are very interesting but i have to say my mental health is getting worse i really want to enjoy this freedom without having to worry about how I live it
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momo-lives · 3 years
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Long time no see! Well, my summer break is coming to an end. I finished my thesis and I'm officially a Hispanic philologist yayyy! This upcoming school year I'm leaving my city to attend to a post graduate course in comparative literature and I really want to start studying but I'm pretty afraid because it's my first time living by myself. I'm also afraid because I won't be able to see my friends and family very often but I hope i can have a pleasant school year.
About this summer I didn't really plan to be productive, I wanted to focus on meeting my friends and doing nothing since I finished my degree but i think some productivity would have been helpful actually.
I'll keep updating you about my study journey! Stay safe :)
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momo-lives · 3 years
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momo-lives · 4 years
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First days of this 20 productive days i have ahead!! I did almost everything i had in my list excepting reading Hervás's poems( i've reached pavesas and i don't really like this part) and working out. But i finished "de vagos y maleantes" and revieved an english unit!! Also started the book of the first pic!
The lady bug pic comes because i had lunch outside with my sister and my cousin!! It was nice but i'm glad i coud make some work too!
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momo-lives · 4 years
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orange tones in oxford
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momo-lives · 4 years
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my housemate gave me the prettiest wine bottle to use as a vase and now i’m determined to include it in all my photos 🌟  ig: studylustre
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momo-lives · 4 years
Hey!! I kinda disappeared over here. My mental health has been horrible and i think i've never been so unproductive in my life, that's why I'm going to start a 20 days of productivity (since the month has already started). Also because i have to write my thesis and I'm just avoiding it out of fear of not understanding what I read or not finding a way to make a great work so i hope this "challenge" helps. Feel free to do it too if you are in need to work very hard too!! I hope everything gets in order soon! LET'S REGAIN OUR GREAT STUDY HABITS!!!!
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momo-lives · 4 years
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sorry for always disappearing, im just not sure if i exist anymore and exams arent helping
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momo-lives · 4 years
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Hello Everyone!
I’m back, somehow haha. I haven’t been very active because things got all messed up lately. First of all my mental health has been kinda bad but it worsened because of exams and Covid. First of all, i haven’t got any marks from my exams but, since I only had 2 subjets this first period I’ve suffered a lot because what can I do if I’m not able to pass two subjects? This toughts really harmed me so my anxiety got worse. Also, my sister met a friend of hers who happened to be positive for Coronavirus, We started a quarantine and followed the doctor’s instructions but I got very afraid because I got a slight fever. The good part of the story is I’m covid free (like I got tested and it went smoothly), but waiting for the results while studying and feeling like I did was not precisely nice.
This are the reasons why I didn’t really post. Anyways, a new period’s starting! I have two other subjects to take plus my final project, so i hope to post more about literature this period! Also take care, specifically if the covid situation has worsen in your country. And if you just finished a bunch of work remember to rest!!!
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momo-lives · 4 years
hey I’m having a rough time ^.^’’
Basically i’ve been dealing with some family issues this days which have completely drain my strenght to do anything (yes, thats why I didn’t post this last days). Basically I forced myself through all I had to do. I made my ELE’s quiz today and got a pretty decent grade, so I was obviously happy about that. After my lectures I went to have lunch with a friend, we were going to study afterwards but, after I told her about whats going on in my life she told me to take the afternoon off and so we did! We started this k-drama called hospital playlist and had a very sweet time commenting stuff and laughing. Actually, I’m glad we did it because I don’t think I would have been able to concentrate at all. 
At times like this I feel very grateful I have friends who support me, help me and care about me and my hadships. I hope you also have this support in your life and I wish you had a good day!!!
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momo-lives · 4 years
My life for the last three days unfortunately 🥺
is anyone else getting absolutely no work done at all
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momo-lives · 4 years
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Credits: l.luvhee on ig ; rai on we heart it
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momo-lives · 4 years
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08/11/2020 // hey! I'm back with this challenge! You may be wondering why there aren't any pics for today so I'll explain. I did some work today but the day felt like a total mess. I couldn't think very clearly today so I took some kind of an automatic approach to work and I ended up feeling a bit sad and exhausted but I'm resting now so it's all good!
Friendly reminder: guys it's better to spend some time resting than wasting a whole day in front of a book suffering so please, rest if you need it!💖
Now in the academic subject, I read for my degree's final project and it's the first time i read everything I was willing to read beforehand which is very nice!! I also studied a bit of ELE for my quiz on Wednesday (yes, I'm kinda afraid) but I ended up reviewing english since I wasn't actively studying on the first place.
I haven't exercised a lot this days (because period cramps😩) but I'm planning to retake it and to study harder after a good night rest and a chill morning tomorrow.
I hope you enjoyed your day and took good care of yourselves!
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