Live Your Best Life
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Welcome to Live Your Best Life,
This blog is dedicated to helping you understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle as well as get you motivated to start your own journey. From healthy snacks to facts this blog truly hopes to connect with each one of you and encourage the start to your own unique journey. A healthy lifestyle makes for a happy life.
I hope you find everything you are looking for on this blog about living a healthy lifestyle. 
Here is a short video to get give you an insight into the gym life and determination
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Personal physical activity journey experience 
Gabrielle McGovern, 20 years old
-Take a listen to each unique physical activity journey experience from people just like you-
Each video focuses on why they started working out, about their workout journey, favorite healthy snacks, what keeps them motivated, favorite workouts and their tips and tricks! 
To view more personal stories click these links:
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Importance of Healthy Eating
You just finished your intense but fulfilling work out on a bright sunny Saturday morning. Your phone starts to ring. It is your friend asking to grab lunch at the local fast food restaurant down the street. You let her know that you just finished your workout and are heading home to make a strawberry banana smoothie with a fresh salad on the side. After taking the first sip of that delicious smoothie you feel cleansed and refreshed. Healthy eating can be challenging, but having good self-control and motivation leads you in the right direction to accomplishing your goals. At times making the right choice of what to eat can be harder than others, but never lose sight of where you want to be. However, you never want to deprive yourself and start strict dieting because that can be unhealthy. With the perfect balance of all the nutrients your body will be able to be the best version of itself, and most importantly you will be the best version of you.
Healthy eating can be overlooked. However, food is the bodies medicine. Consuming foods that are high in nutrients, fuel your metabolism. The truth is what you eat affects your mental health. “"Traditionally, we haven’t been trained to ask about food and nutrition,“ says psychiatrist Drew Ramsey, MD, an assistant clinical professor at Columbia University. "But diet is potentially the most powerful intervention we have. By helping people shape their diets, we can improve their mental health and decrease their risk of psychiatric disorders."” (Miller, 2015). For a psychiatrist to take such important notice on the strength health and diet have to help decrease the risk of psychiatric disorders, proves how important it is to take into consideration the seriousness of healthy eating regarding the mind and body. Whether healthy eating is focused on decreasing psychiatric disorders or getting into shape, it is an essential part of life.  
When you eat healthy you are opening a door to a whole new feeling and view on life. Fueling your body with fruits, vegetables, protein, and all the right nourishment to build your muscles overall gives your body greater energy and pep. A key factor that is extremely important to remember when feeling low on energy is to drink water. Regardless drinking a good amount of water every day is essential to your health. Harvard Health Publishing studied the factors in energy levels. “Water is the main component of blood and is essential for carrying nutrients to the cells and taking away waste products. If your body is short on fluids, one of the first signs is a feeling of fatigue.” (Harvard University, 2010-2018). Water is one of the most necessary key factors to keeping your body ideal both inside and out.
Keep your body healthy and happy with power fueling foods. You are what you eat.
Miller, K. (2015, August 20). Can What You Eat Affect Your Mental Health? Retrieved from
Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). Eating to boost energy. Retrieved from
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Ideas for Healthy Snacks and Meals
Your stomach is growling as you are standing in your kitchen deciding what the best choice for a snack is. You reach for the bag of Dorito’s. As you stick your hand in the bag, you pull it right out remembering how productive you have been at the gym this week. You look to your right and see a ripe avocado next to a bag of fresh wheat bread. Popping the bread in the toaster, cutting the avocado, and pouring yourself a tall glass of water with a sliced lemon already has you feeling ten times happier knowing that you are making a healthier decision for a snack.
When the word snack comes up, many start to think of all the “delicious” unhealthy snacks available to devour. Healthy snacks are usually associated with the word disgusting. However, healthy snacks can be extremely tasteful and appetizing. The problem many people have is thinking of those healthy options. It is exceedingly easier to open up a bag of chips than it is to prepare and cut vegetables and fruit. Although living a healthy lifestyle seems to be more effort it is definitely more rewarding, and once you get the hang of it you will be your own healthy chef!
The website Food Network created a list of healthy delicious foods. This website has everything from appetizers to main dishes to desserts. Below are some of the options.
-Cucumber Dill Yogurt Dip
-Brown Rice Salad with Apples
-Mashed Sweet Potatoes
-Greek Meatball Salad
-Avocado Toast with Nori Mix
-Coconut Butter Spread with Cocoa Powder, Almonds and Honey
-Whole-Grain Mushroom and Kimchi Brown Rice
-Tomato Basil Salad
-Trail Mix Citrus Pilaf
-Broccoli Melts
Each snack idea has the directions and ingredients you will need to prepare them right under the name and picture of the snack. To see more ideas and details click this link:
Getting creative with your dishes can start to become enjoyable. Learning more about what your taste buds find satisfying can allow for a variety of new healthy meals and snacks on your menu. It is not easy, and it is important to remember it can take time to get use to healthy snacks and meals. Training your taste buds to enjoy other varieties of food takes commitment. However, it is quite achievable to reach the point where you choose strawberries over Oreos.
Food Network. (2018, February 26). Healthy Lunch Recipes. Retrieved from
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Veggie-Stacked Pita Pockets (Food Network) 
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Smokey Salmon Lettuce Wraps (Food Network) 
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Kale and Apple Salad (Food Network)  
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Broccoli Melts (Food Network) 
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Get Physical
It is 3 P.M. on a sunny Friday afternoon in September. You are laying on the couch now for the past 4 hours. Your phone starts to ring, it is your best friend asking you to come on a bike ride. The hesitation to say no is there, however you decide it is probably a good idea to go and get active. You jump off the couch and get ready to enjoy your afternoon outside riding bikes with your friend.
Being active does not necessarily mean you must go to the gym. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to getting a work out in. There are countless ways to get your body moving. Physical activity can start to become a passion once you get the swing of it. Not only does physical activity create a sense of stimulation, but it helps the body stay healthy and avoid any health risks. In the article Healthy Hearts-and the Universal Benefits of Being Physically Active: Physical Activity and Health by Steven N. Blair and Jeremy N. Morris, research proves that physical activity indeed reduces the risk of chronic health diseases. “Recent research has extended the earlier findings on activity or fitness and heart disease to a wide variety of health outcomes. We now know that regular physical activity of 150 minutes/week of moderate intensity physical activity reduces the risk of numerous chronic diseases, preserves health and function (both physical and mental) into old age, and extends longevity.” (Blair & Morris, 2009). The benefits that are paired with physical activity are unbelievable at times because of how tremendous the results can be. If there are any ever doubts in your head about how beneficial physical activity can be, look at the facts.
Physical activity becomes a way of living. Personally, the gym is a community for me. The feeling of a community creates a sense of comfort and excitement when I work out. After finding my routine, along with what workouts work best for me, I have been able to surpass the old me. Allowing yourself to get comfortable and try new workouts and routines will leave you amazed at what you can accomplish. The results only improve. The book Physical Activity and Health in Europe, by N. Cavill, S. Kahlmeier, and F. Racioppi introduces and conveys the positive social effects regarding physical activity. “Active living offers people the opportunity to interact with others, the community and the environment. In particular, the sport and active leisure pursuits offer the chance to develop new skills and meet new people, and may help to reduce levels of crime and antisocial behaviour. Support for physical activity can be a positive force for the regeneration of an area, for example, through creating parks and green spaces or walking or cycle paths in previously neglected neighborhoods (50).” (Cavill, Kahlmeier, Racioppi, 2004-09-01, p. 7). Physical activity allows an individual to focus their thoughts and motivation on an activity that is extraordinary for their well-being. The environment physical activity brings forward is a positive one.  
Believe it or not, but physical activity actually has been proven to help individuals live a longer life! With all of the benefits, physical activity brings into your life the greatest factor is living a healthier happier longer life. In the article Health Benefits of Physical Activity: The Evidence, it states, “ In one study, participants with the highest levels of physical fitness at baseline and who maintained or improved their physical fitness over a prolonged period had the lowest risk of premature death. Modest enhancements in physical fitness in previously sedentary people have been associated with large improvements in health status. For instance, in another study, people who went from unfit to fit over a 5-year period had a reduction of 44% in the relative risk of death compared with people who remained unfit.” (Warburton, Nicol, Bredin, 2006). The misconception of physical fitness is if you do not already live a healthy lifestyle, is it nearly impossible to then live a healthy lifestyle. It is NEVER too late to change your life around in a positive direction. Whether it is eating healthier, thinking positively, or starting up a gym membership. Do not ever think you will look foolish at the gym because everyone at that same gym has started somewhere and understands the process. The statistics and research prove physical activity presents your body with a chance to gain lifelong benefits. The best way to avoid undesirable health risks and chronic diseases is to simply get active.     
There are numerous ways to get active. Do not feel that intense physical activity is the one and only way to gain all of these benefits. Many would not consider walking as an accomplished physical activity, however, they are mistaken. In the book Physical Activity in Rehabilitation and Recovery, it states, “The use of walking and or cycling to increase physical activity levels is twofold.” (Blake, 2014). This means walking and cycling is twice as great as any other physical activity. Cycling is another form of physical activity that can easily be added to your day for many individuals. Many use cycling as a form of transportation if it is possible to ride your bike to work instead of taking the bus! Just like walking, cycling brings forward multiple benefits. “A recent one year intervention delivered in Belgium reported a positive influence on blood parameters, blood pressure, mental health, and quality of life for middle-aged healthy adults who had cycled to work at least three times a week as part of the one-year controlled study. (Geus, Hoof, Aerts, & Meeusen, 2008).” (Blake, 2014). Riding your bike to work is just simply utilizing a time frame you would normally not have to workout to still gain physical activity.  
The amount of ways you can get physical is unlimited. Get creative, figure out what does and what does not work for you. Think about what you simply enjoy and incorporate that into your workout. Whether it is working out inside a gym, working out in your home, playing sports with friends, going for a hike, sprinting up and down the football field, jumping on your bike, or simply just walking around the neighborhood you are accomplishing the goal of getting your body moving. No matter the activity, the dedication and doing means everything. Find your groove and get physical!  
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Healthy Hearts-and the Universal Benefits of Being Physically Active: Physical Activity and Health. (2009, April 01). Retrieved from
Cavill, N., Kahlmeier, S., & Racioppi, F. (2006). Physical activity and health in Europe evidence for action. Retrieved from Activity and Health in Europe, by N. Cavill, , S. Kahlmeier, , and F. Racioppi
Warburton, D. E., Nicol, C. W., & Bredin, S. S. (2006, March 14). Health benefits of physical activity: The evidence. Retrieved from
Blake, H. (2010). Physical activity in rehabilitation and recovery. Retrieved from
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Become the best version of you
Time and time again people will express how working out and incorporating physical activity into their day to day routine has turned their life around 180. There have been countless research and success stories when it comes to the happiness, health, and overall better feeling towards self and life being active brings.
Becoming the best version of you is created when you decide to make a change in a positive direction. Your body will thank you, and you will know it. What is genuinely nice about living a healthy lifestyle is, your body will feel more alive and upbeat not only at the gym but day to day life. You will be amazed when you start to see your body transform. It is quite astonishing what you can transform your body into with dedication and motivation. The more determined you are, the greater the outcome and benefits. Always be aware of what your body is telling you because you want to avoid injury. Remember your limits, but don’t be afraid to push yourself. Physical activity is beneficial for individuals of all ages and can help anyone become the best version of themselves. In the article Health Benefits of Physical Activity: The Evidence, by D. Warburton, C. Nicol, and S. Bredin introduces the thought of how important it is for people of all ages to be involved with some sort of physical activity. “People who engage in exercise at levels above those recommended in the guidelines are likely to gain further health benefits. Health promotion programs should target people of all ages, since the risk of chronic disease starts in childhood and increases with age.” (Warburton, Nicol, Bredin, 2006). Although there is a great benefit of being active at a young age, it is never too late to start.       
What goes hand in hand with physical activity is eating healthy. Eating healthy in itself already allows the body to feel more lively. As many know fruits over chips will allow the body to flourish. In the journal article Current Evidence on Healthy Eating, by Walter C Willett and Meir J Stampfer, recommends, “Vegetables and fruits should be consumed in abundance (five servings per day is minimal) and should include green leafy and orange vegetables daily. Fruit juice should be limited to not more than ∼1 small glass per day.” (Willett, Stampfer, 2013). Fruit and vegetables are power foods, making sure they are part of your daily diet is essential. Think of eating healthy as the wings of a bird, and physical activity as the bird itself. A bird cannot fly without its wings, and you cannot reach your greatest potential while working out without eating healthy. You can work out every day but if you are not matching your workouts with healthy foods you cannot fly. The two go hand in hand, and by managing both working out and eating healthy correctly you will see great improvements.
The misconception about working out is it is only for some people. Walking into a gym with everyone seeming to be confident in themselves and their workouts can be very intimidating, but everyone started somewhere. Do not be afraid to be you while becoming the best version of yourself. 
Willett, W. C., & Stampfer, M. J. (2013). Current Evidence on Healthy Eating. Annual Review of Public Health, 34(1), 77-95. doi:10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031811-124646
Cavill, N., Kahlmeier, S., & Racioppi, F. (2006). Physical activity and health in Europe evidence for action. Retrieved from Activity and Health in Europe, by N. Cavill, , S. Kahlmeier, , and F. Racioppi
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mollymcgovernblog · 7 years ago
Get Motivated
Getting motivated. Finding your motivation can be difficult to find. However, everyone has the potential to get into the groove of a healthy lifestyle. Be patient, small steps in the right direction are steps. For instance, instead of having ice cream after dinner filled with unnecessary toppings, have a bowl of fruit with a little bit of whip cream on the side. Some people have an easier time cutting out food choices that are not healthy, but others may take a longer time to make a change. Do not feel discouraged, keep the goal in sight, and make changes at your speed. An important key factor to remember, do not be too hard on yourself if you do have a treat, and it is ok to have a slice of cake at a birthday party.
Motivation. A very broad word to say the least. Everyone becomes motivated in different ways. Personally, what gets me motivated is watching workout videos on Instagram. I get excited to try new unusual workouts. Switching up your workouts do not just make working out more interesting, but it allows for your body to experience new training. You do not want your body to get use the same routine, because there will be less room for improvement.
Wake up every day with a positive mindset. A positive mindset sets you up for success. Many do not believe how powerful your mind is when it comes to achieving goals. Believe you are worth it, believe you CAN accomplish your goal. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it. Do not beat yourself up about missing the gym, and do not beat yourself up about having a cookie. The key is to have a little treat in moderation. Do not deprive yourself of foods or treating yourself once in a while.  
Speaking of treating yourself, who likes shopping?! Well, taking time to grab a couple nice pairs of workout leggings, and comfortable shirts will motivate you to get to the gym. It is important to find comfortable workout clothing because you will feel better at the gym or wherever you decide to get active. I know for me a new pair of leggings is a motivating reason to hit the gym and accomplish my goals.
Create a clear cut goal. Both short-term and long-term goals are significant. Whatever your goals are, make sure you have clearly defined them. Some people like to write out their goal, others are more visual, so photos work best. There are numerous individuals who openly share their workout and healthy lifestyle experience on social media. Social media is a great place to turn to look at individuals who have put a lot of effort into their goals. Sometimes it just takes seeing another accomplish a goal to understand your goal is attainable. Anytime I lose sight of where I want to be, I check out my favorite workout girls Instagram pages and I realize sitting on the couch will not allow me to accomplish my goal. It takes time, but as long as you put in the effort you will reach your goal.
Treat yourself after accomplishing a goal! Once you have reached a goal, buy yourself something new, or have that cookie you have been dying to have. Positive reinforcement allows for a more delightful experience with a healthy lifestyle. Accomplishing a short-term goal is tremendous, you deserve some sort of reward! This workout experience is a journey, make it a pleasant one.
Remember, you do not need to workout alone. The beauty of working out is you can actually spend quality time with friends! Getting a group of people together to hit the gym or take a jog outside makes working out more motivating and enjoyable. Having someone next to you pushing through the same workout, will keep you on your feet.
The gym is a community where everyone is reaching for a goal. Just entering the gym in itself is motivating. However, if you do not feel working out with your friends is motivating enough, or you do not have anyone to workout with do not sweat it! Personal trainers are there to help. There are multiple personal trainers available to help get a powerful jump start. If you believe you need a personal trainer for a longer period of time to help get a feel for a workout routine, that option is also available at multiple gyms. However personal trainers are also great for just getting you started. A personal trainer can introduce new training and workouts that you have not been familiar with, expanding possibilities. Again, everyone is different so find the workout that is most suitable for you!
Take photos of your progress. Being able to see a visual improvement creates a feeling of accomplishment. Knowing you have accomplished even the smallest bit, will have you motivated for more. Sometimes it is tough to see improvement without a comparison. Seeing where you have been, understanding where you are at, and knowing where you want to go is essential. Remember, little improvement is improvement.
Finally, set yourself up for success. Everyone must start somewhere. The moment you even think about working out and living a healthy lifestyle is a step in the right direction to success! Step out of your comfort zone and understand anything is possible. Tell yourself you can do this and know that with determination you will do this. Keep a clear idea of where you want to be and do not lose sight of that. Use your resources to help you get started. Never be afraid to ask for help or opinions regarding health or a workout plan. You got this and believing that is the power to fuel your motivation.  
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