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moldycheezeit · 2 days ago
Neglected Batsis idea
This was inspired by @sleepn0tfound "That's MY Daughter (P.S this is my first time writing anything like this at all. (´∇`''))
Ok so imagine a neglected fem batsis reader who is really smart and pretty, because she's Bruce's daughter, But she's so smart after she wins a science competition she ends up meeting Tony Stark. Who talks to her about what she made and other science things (idk man im not a science person (ᵕ—ᴗ—)). And over time she goes to New York more and more to stay with him and help make inventions.
 Over this time Tony will start seeing her as his daughter and not want her to leave, so he asks her to join the avengers as a tech person. She agrees because neither the batfam nor anyone in Gotham cares about where she is and what she's doing or if she's dead. So he has her train under Natasha for self defence or just in case she does need to fight in a battle.
One day at a public event that Tony is hosting and batsis is seen standing next to him. As he calls her his daughter and how she helped him make the new tech that's being promoted. Alfred who has the Tv on as background noise hears a familiar name being said and looks up to see batsis next to everybody's favorite genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. So he goes to where the batfam is (because they are all magically there) and tells them. At first they dont believe him but decide to look at the news channel he was talking about and are surprised when they see Tony Stark calling their sister/daughter his daughter.
While thinking of this I wanted to inspiring batsis off ochaco uraraka, mitsuri kanroji, and nami. Ok thats all for now toodles ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Edit : If I do write this and accidentally miss characterize anyone I’m sorry 😞
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