molddewdraws · 1 year
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molddewdraws · 1 year
H33yyyy guyyyzzzz…!(S0rry 4 n0t dr4w1ng t0ph4b3 l1k3 th3 p0ll s41d..)
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S0RRY 1 H4V3NT P0ST3D 1N 4 B1T… b33n busy w1th w0rk n sh1t… 4nyyw4y w0rk1ng 0n s0m3 s1lly sh1t s0 l00k f0rw4rd t0 th4t!! F1cs 4nd 4n1m4t10ns 4h34d..(th3 0n3 4b0v3 1s 4 w1p)
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molddewdraws · 1 year
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33 notes · View notes
molddewdraws · 1 year
h0w 1 f33l p0st1ng m0r3 t0ph3r 4rt 1nst34d 0f C0nfus10us:
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molddewdraws · 1 year
Just d00dl1ng..
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/J 0n th3 l4st 1m4g3 BAJA
b3tt3r h4pp3n 1n s34s0n 3 1stg…
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molddewdraws · 1 year
IM SO SORRY ABJS😭‼️ im just talking about how I said I was gunna draw confusious next(and didnt) as well as how Topher better confess next season; sorry sharty anyway tyy<33
S0 4s th3 l41r 1 4m, 1 d1d n0t dr4w c0nfus10us n3xt, 1 dr3w T0ph3r 4g41n; n0 4b3 th1s t1m3😔
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H3 1s such 4 gr3ml1n.. 1stg 1f h3 d03st 3nd up c0nf3ss1ng h1z l0v3 f0r 4b3 n3xt s34s0n 1ll s0b‼️
4NYW4Y 1 pr0m1s3 1ll dr4w C0nfus10us n3xt th3 s1lly 💥💥💥
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molddewdraws · 1 year
3v3ryt1m3 t0ph3r bus 1s c4ll3d g4y, 1t r41ns s0m3wh3r3..+R0l3pl4y R3qu3st/Cl0n3 h1gh fr13nd s34rch‼️🗣️
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‼️1 n33d t0phbus 4rt 1d34s/pl0t 1d34s, 4nd t0phbus c0nt3nt 1n g3n3r4l.. s00 3rmmm 4ny0n3 w4nn4 t0t4lly m3ss4g3 m3 4nd l1k3 t0t4lly rp w1th m3 1n 4 c00l, 3p1c c00l w4y 0r s0m3th1ng.. (1 w1ll pr0b4bly 100% dr4w s0m3th1ng fr0m wh4t3v3r w3 d0)‼️
1f n0 0n3 w4nn4 d0 th4t 1 4m 4ls0 just l00k1ng f0r fr13nds‼️p4ls t0 t4lk1ng t0‼️ 4nd t0 pl4y p0nyt0wn w1th‼️‼️
4nyw4y ….1 c4ll pl4y1ng th3 sl1m3y gr3ml1n 4nd m4k1ng h1m s00 gr34sy..(c4n 4ls0 pl4y 4b3)
DMS W1D3 0P3N💥‼️
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1t w0uld b3 s0 4w3s0m3, 1t w0uld b3 s0 c00l../r3f
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molddewdraws · 1 year
0k 1 c4n 3xpl41n
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Nvm 1 c4nt 3rmm t0ph4b3 c0m1c wh3n? (s00n m4yb3 🥺🤑😈)
1 v1s10n T0ph3r 4s s0 gr0ss 4nd v3ry d3lus10n4l 💥🗣️‼️
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molddewdraws · 1 year
S0 4s th3 l41r 1 4m, 1 d1d n0t dr4w c0nfus10us n3xt, 1 dr3w T0ph3r 4g41n; n0 4b3 th1s t1m3😔
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H3 1s such 4 gr3ml1n.. 1stg 1f h3 d03st 3nd up c0nf3ss1ng h1z l0v3 f0r 4b3 n3xt s34s0n 1ll s0b‼️
4NYW4Y 1 pr0m1s3 1ll dr4w C0nfus10us n3xt th3 s1lly 💥💥💥
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molddewdraws · 1 year
T0ph3r bus br41nr0t(4b3s th3r3 t00 1g🙄/j 1 <3 4b3)
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1 f33l 1ts 4 b1t 0ff ch4r4ct3r f0r t0ph t0 d0 th4t s1lly sh4k3 tr3nd buttttt 1dc 😈(d3f f1ts c0nfus10us m0r3 f1nn4 dr4w h1m n3xt)
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molddewdraws · 1 year
0k4y s0 1 d0nt rlly l1k3 cl0n3 h1gh but.. th1s mf k1nd 0f m3 c0r3
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😭1 w4lk just l1k3 h1m..
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molddewdraws · 1 year
M3 Curr3ntly:
why do you use tumblr light mode
I have been on this site since 2013, I am not brave enough to change my ways
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molddewdraws · 1 year
S4m3 fl4v0r 0f 3m0t10n
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60 notes · View notes
molddewdraws · 1 year
R4ys0n4 d00dl3s
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3rm n0t m4ny 4rt 1d34s rn! But 1m c0m1ng up w1th stuff!
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molddewdraws · 1 year
Wh3n th3 s3rv3r sudd3nly 3xpl0d3s w1th th3 1d34 t0 m4k3 r4ys0n4s
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Th1s 0n3 1s my st1ngr4y s0n4, h3 1s v3ry bbg, 4s s33n.. 1ll b3 dr4w1ng 4ll 0f th3 s0n4s wh3n th3y 4r3 4ll d0n3
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Sh0ut 0ut t0 th3 0g st1ngr4y s0n4 (0n th3 s3rv3r) M4nt4r4y (dr3w h1m)(h3 1s n0t m1n3)
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W3 m1ght b3 st4rt1ng 4n 4sk bl0g f0r th3m h3h3
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molddewdraws · 1 year
C4tb0y W4rd3n (b3c4us3.. 1 c4n)
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Th3 th1ngs th4t br3w 1n th4t Sup3rj41l d1sc0rd s3rv3r 4r3 w1ld..
“B-boss woke up and c-chose cat.. n-now we all just have to d-deal with it..”
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P4c1f13r d0g jump sc4r3
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molddewdraws · 1 year
Sup3rj41l W4rd3n m0m3nt
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R41nb0w bl00d>>>
n0 c0nt3xt, just h4d th3 1d34 4nd w3nt w1th 1t, s1mply w4nt3d t0 dr4w th3 b0y runn1ng fr0m 4 g4ng 0f kn1f3s, 4nd h3 just s0 h4pp3ns t0 b3 c0v3r3d 1n bl00d. W0nd3r wh4t h4pp3n3d..
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