alien mold
569 posts
who the hell allowed this guy to own a body??
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mold-for-breakfast · 13 hours ago
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What the scallop
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mold-for-breakfast · 21 hours ago
went to therapy and we just argued about ai art for an hour
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mold-for-breakfast · 2 days ago
she almost got my guy maggotpregnant thank god the talking severed head and johnny-boy doe were there
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mold-for-breakfast · 2 days ago
I'm gonna make a post with all of the 'stick figure violence' adjacent images I have. if anyone knows any similar ones I'm missing PLEASE SEND ME THEM. I have an unhealthy obsession with them.
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mold-for-breakfast · 2 days ago
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A zine designed to let fans show off their favorite parts of the real world by putting their favorite characters in it, open to everyone in the Homestuck community!
People of all ages are welcome to apply!
Once again, no sexually explicit content will be allowed. I am still a minor, and still not legally permitted to distribute that.
30 contributors (maximum) will be selected, and each one may provide a piece of art, writing, or cosplay featuring as many characters as they’d like.
The zine will be distributed exclusively in digital format. (I still have no money to print ; u ;)
Since Israel has repeatedly violated the terms of the ceasefire in the past few months and resumed the blockade on Gaza, I would like to donate all the profits from this zine to Gaza Soup Kitchen. It will be sold on for a set price, to be determined later.
The deadline for applications is March 22nd.
The overall deadline for the project is June 10th. This zine has a less strict timeline than Pinupstuck, but if you think you’ll be busy in the months ahead, please consider that before putting your name down.
Good luck, and happy applying! ^u^
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mold-for-breakfast · 2 days ago
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experimental oc scribbles :]
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mold-for-breakfast · 3 days ago
if the silt verses podcast was more popular we'd have trans people all over the world naming themselves shit like cobbler chandler fishmonger weaver etc. i swear
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mold-for-breakfast · 6 days ago
top surgery tip 1)
get yourself used to sleeping on your back (and possibly elevated depending on your surgeon) BEFORE surgery.
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mold-for-breakfast · 7 days ago
Changing people's minds on major things is actually a very long and difficult process for both parties. I didn't actually believe that pedestrian-centric city design would be better for people that drive cars until I spent almost a year living without a car and watched hours of youtube videos explaining the issue to me. Turns out that traffic actually does go down and driving does become more pleasant if you make it harder to drive a car and easier to walk. I just straight-up refused to believe that for years. Because people just talked about it like it was obvious. But it wasn't. Because I had spent my whole life in a car-centric city going around in a car and also I was an English major in college who did not study urban planning. You can't expect me to change my entire mindset around transportation all at once. I did reach a eureka moment like two weeks ago but that was after like three years of getting exposed to these ideas periodically and living without a car for 11 months.
And yeah this post is about my big dumb animal brain accepting the science behind narrow roads and the evils of certain types of zoning laws, but it's also about stuff in general. If you don't know why someone isn't changing their mind on something, it's probably because the information they're getting hasn't reached a critical mass in their monkey brain yet. Whenever you hear stories about people changing their minds on things or leaving a certain ideology the story never goes "A person on the internet did a slam dunk on me and then I changed my mind."
It's usually a long process that happens over the course of months or years. Seeds planted here and there that coalesce eventually into a new thought or ideology over the course of years or snap together or send someone down a new path after a certain event. Same with me about pedestrian-centric cities. For me the tipping point was finding this video, which isn't necessarily super special or the best and the guy who runs the channel, in my opinion, isn't the most qualified or the most sympathetic towards every city in every situation, but it was the feather that tipped the scales in my brain to "Oh, wait. Maybe everything I thought I knew about how cities work is wrong actually." But that video alone didn't change my mind. With the amount of stuff and people that have gradually and gently been giving me information over the past couple years, something else was bound to eventually change my mind.
People on Tumblr yelling about abolishing the car, if anything, slowed down me changing my mind. Every time I saw a person saying that driving cars is stupid and that cars are bad I took a step back into my old way of thinking in defense. Because I grew up only ever using a car to get around. Rhetoric like that felt like a direct attack on my family, who I know to be loving people who care about other human beings and who drive cars literally everywhere.
And you might say, posts and videos like that aren't actually an attack on people that drive or have to drive. Okay then. Why are they phrased like that? Because that makes you feel good? Because you're angry? Alright, your anger at how it's currently impossible to get around if you don't own a car and how people who don't actually want to drive are being forced to drive is reasonable. And now I understand why it exists. I'm kind of angry too now that I get how this stuff works. However, is calling the people you're trying to convince stupid to their face and immediately bombarding them with your most radical ideas that might be completely detached from their reality and how they understand the world really the most productive way to channel your anger?
What about a guy with a knee problem that lives in rural Appalachia? Do you think he is gonna be convinced by your angry rants about bike lanes? No. He lives on a mountain that he can't climb or bike up because he's disabled and has only ever known getting around in a car. What about a person who overheats easily living in a suburb in the middle of the desert? Do you think she is inspired by your green lush pictures of trolleys running through parks in The Netherlands? No. If she leaves her house for too long without ice water she could literally die and you're going on about getting rid of, in her mind, the only thing that lets her go to the grocery store and not faint.
And again, this post is about my inability to comprehend walkable cities, but it's also about everything else you might ever want to convince someone of. The way you talk about things with your in-group that knows exactly what you're talking about should not be the same way you talk about that thing with people that you're genuinely trying to convince of something.
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mold-for-breakfast · 7 days ago
Hey did you know there's a tell all book about the behind the scenes of Meta and the author is forbidden from promoting it?
The good news is however that it's already published and can't be stifled and whoever didn't sign the NDA can promote it as much as they want.
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mold-for-breakfast · 7 days ago
got woken up with information that there is three times less places in universities for my chosen specialisation now so i may have to change my plans and go for like pr or some other shit because my chosen exam subjects are so atrocious and useless that literally i have extremely few options 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 why did i even bother waking up. why do i even try. i am never getting out of here am i
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mold-for-breakfast · 7 days ago
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emojis for those of us who love to smile and grin. spread them like an invasive species. no need for credit go crazy go wild get scary
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mold-for-breakfast · 8 days ago
friendship where they say "i dreamt of you recently, in the dream we banged" and you say "yea in my dreams recently you died and i grieved you and in another one you kidnapped and tortured people and in another you became gravely ill and in another
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mold-for-breakfast · 12 days ago
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i'm so distraught over my artistic abilities i'm not even going to finish this!! *turns around dramatically, flies out of the door slamming it behind me and skitters away* *you hear my whimpering in the distance farther and farther away*
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mold-for-breakfast · 13 days ago
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mold-for-breakfast · 16 days ago
do you ever think about how when you're a child the world seems so vast and interesting and full of exciting things (not always but quite often). and when you grow up your perception of the world and of time and of people and of life changes. and how you can never go back to that innocence and sense of wonder you had as a child. but also have you ever noticed how the context you learn while growing up and becoming an adult also enhances your experience of life. like. there is a whole different kind of whimsy and wonder to being an adult!! (maybe i'm wrong since i am still extremely young and barely an adult though. but) i couldn't see my child self being excited over things like garments and patterns and plants and like tapestries and stuff. of course as a child you have many things you love and that interest you but as an adult you gain an understanding of how the world around you works an that knowledge just makes it more fascinating. only as an adult can you truly appreciate humanity's history, both its tragedies and its silly moments. only as an adult can you truly look at something like a peace of clothing or a tile on a wall and think "wow. so many things around me were made by my fellow humans", can really appreciate the thought process behind small things. the more expirience in life you have the more meaning there is to find in all kinds of small and insignificant details. when you are an adult you still get to learn new things all the time and it's satisfying because you have more critical thinking skills than a child and more agency to do things with your life and you get to Consider and Do things and. and. like do you ever think stuff like "wow truly the process of making a soup or stew is so ancient and fascinating, so many intricacies to think about" or "wow this fence has an intresting design i wonder how the people who made it came up with it" or
the world is full of wonders beyond your comprehension no matter your age is what i'm saying
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mold-for-breakfast · 16 days ago
In a different timeline...
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