Mo Knapp
10 posts
Writer, Educator, Veteran
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moknappwriter · 3 years ago
VA "Healthcare"
VA "Healthcare", who's entitled? Find out in my latests post. Spoiler, it is not all #veterans
Alright, time for me to admit I know fuck-all about anything other than my own personal healthcare journey. So I have limited knowledge to contribute to the Tricare and CHAMPVA conversations. When active National Guard folks would come to my office asking about Tricare, my go to was to give them a number (1-800-444-5445) they probably already had and ask them why there was no one on base to help…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
Can't Believe I Almost Taught This
Can’t Believe I Almost Taught This
It’s been about ten years since I ordered “Dead Souls” by Nicolai Gogol from W. W. Norton for a literature class I was scheduled to teach. I have a vague recollection of reading it and thinking it was meh then placing it on my bookcase and promptly forgetting about it. Back when I taught various college literature courses, I needed to either love or hate the book in order to make the class…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
Have You Served?
New post "Have You Served?" on #veteran #veterans #veteranbenefits #veterandiscounts #veterandisability #serviceconnected #veteranentitlements #airforce #army #navy #marinecorp #coastguard #airnationalguard #armynationalguard #reserves
Apologies for not posting last week. I had a migraine that lasted three days and it made my crappy sleep pattern crappier, so all told, it was a pretty shitty week.  Unfortunately, not all who serve are considered veterans. For example, if a person has served in the Reserves or National Guard for six years, but never deployed, that person is not considered a veteran. No DD-214, usually means no…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
Resisting Resistance
New post "Resisting Resistance" on #writing #resistance #thewarofart #lowbuyyear
I spend a lot of time and money buying things. Then I spend a lot of time organizing those things. Then I spend even more time purging the things I have. Look, I’m a pretty smart cookie. Top of my class in Air Force Tech school. BA in Psychology and MFA in Creative Writing & English. Taught as an adjunct professor for 4 colleges concurrently. And my biggest achievement yet? I aced consumerism…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
My Claims Journey
New blog post at "My Claims Journey", the second in the #veteran series. #vadisability #serviceconnected
I suppose my claims journey began as I was out processing from the Air Force in August of ’99. I was handed a green cardstock form, told to fill it out, and take it to my local VA facility if my shoulder ever bothered me. That was it. No further help or instruction.  I stuck that form in a folder and eventually shredded it along with a bunch of other AF documents after I decided I was no longer…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
My Nearly Illuminated Mind
My Nearly Illuminated Mind
This is going to be short because I always have trouble writing at length about something I like. And I really liked “The Mind Illuminated” by Culadasa (John Yates, PhD). Because Culadasa is both an adept meditator and neuroscientist, he breaks down the stages of meditation for those of us who are currently sans guru. He lets us know what to expect as we delve deeper into our meditation…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
My Credentials as an Advocate
My latest blog post "My Credentials as an Advocate" is up at #veteran #vadisability #veteransbenefits
This post is long, but I want to create it, so I can refer back to it in future posts. Inevitably, I will be asked about my qualifications to write about Veteran benefits. So the following is my curriculum vitae, as it pertains to this portion of the blog. The information here is for educational purposes and is not meant to replace a good VSO. An advocate is always advisable as VA law changes…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
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When a word you though was wholly made up by your mother, wasn’t. #umpteenth #notslang
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
Mutant Message ... Ugh
Mutant Message … Ugh
So, for my next read, I decided to listen to the audio version of Mutant Message Down Under by liar extraordinaire, Marlo Morgan. I listened to this they way I listen to all audiobooks, through the Libby app for iPhone. If you don’t know Libby, she’s the online library or Livebrary app, and you should get to know her. I use Libby for audio and ebooks because I can listen or read right in the app,…
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moknappwriter · 4 years ago
"Rose Madder" in Review
“Rose Madder” in Review
A woman who is married to an abusive man, who also happens to be a cop, leaves because she cannot stand the thought of changing the sheets again. That’s the super simplified version. King, of course, gives a very good account why Rosie just cannot face changing the sheets again because of one drop of blood then explaining to hubby why the sheets were changed then getting beaten for bleeding on…
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