Model Justice Lee
293 posts
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modeljusticelee · 1 year ago
Racial Discrimination: A Texas School Districts Fight over Hair Policies
Now this is interesting. Darryl George‘s story has made national news, as again one Texas School District is called into question over their school policies on hair. I’m left wondering what the regulation is for girls in the district. Are the policies the same? If they are not, the district could be facing some serious repercussions. In the world we live in today, not only could they be hit with…
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modeljusticelee · 2 years ago
Is AZ Blue or Red?
People always wonder why I say Arizona was Purple and has gone Blue. Well, let me explain why! Pew Research did a study on the nation that showed the stats for 2018. It shows 38% describe themselves as independents, while 31% are Democrats and 26% call themselves Republicans. 17% of those are Democratic-leaning independents, while 13% lean toward the Republican Party. Just 7% of Americans…
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modeljusticelee · 2 years ago
Red Wave or Red Drizzle
To be honest, nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to politics in this country. Many people are shocked over the way things are going in the Midterms, but I’m not one bit. They were expecting a big Red Wave, but from the way things are going it was more like a Red Drizzle. The Promotion of Mediocrity can change a society over time and if not put in check, it most often can have devastating…
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modeljusticelee · 3 years ago
TikTok and the Pro-Life Argument
Kuuleme T Stephens This is the most IGNORANT argument I’ve heard in a while, so I thought I’d write about it! The arguments for what is viewed as racist is out of control! The Left loves calling everything out as racist, and in my opinion the Right appeases them with a reactionary response that does more harm than good. I ran across this video on TikTok the other day. I’ve seen the video posted…
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Amazing day of shooting out at Tombstone for The Righteous Twelve! We were up bright and early for a 5am call time, but we had a blast! Pull double duty as an Assistant Director and an Actress! I love being able to do both as it’s easy for me to multitask!I think the Cast like seeing a working AD as well, because then they know you know what you’re you know what you’re talking about should you have to correct them! Everyone was amazing! We had a fantastic day! #JusticeLee #Model #Actress #Singer # TR12 #MovieLive #LifeOnSet #LoveBeingInEntertainment #WorkingAD (at Tombstone Historic District)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Woo Hoo! Here are pics of my Great Grand-baby! Omg! I’m a Great Grandma! Jacob Michael Phelps born at 2:42am! He is 6lbs and 14oz 21 inches long. Isn’t he just precious! Congratulations going out to my grand kids Julissa Solis and Justin Phelps! Grandma loves and misses y’all very much! Hope to see you soon! To my daughter Amy Stephens you did good! Love you too! (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Clean faced and ready to do this MRI! (at Southern Arizona VA Health Care System)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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At home in bed with my Furbaby/ Service Dog Hatchi! We’re watching movies about dragons while waiting on either the world to end like the new Mayan Calendar prediction is saying or the Zombie Apocalypse! Whichever comes first... I’m at least gonna be comfortable while waiting! ROTFL! #JusticeLee #Model #Actress #Singer #Veteran #PublicSpeaker #Relaxing #StayingHome #LoveMyFurbaby #MovieDay (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Time for my allergy shots! Gotta love them! Lol! Have a great day everyone! (at Southern Arizona Allergy Associates)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Yesterday’s event for George Floyd here in Tucson was very peaceful until the end when it was taken over by a few THUGS that took over the stage! The were yelling for people to burn stuff and trying to start a fire by our stage to pop stuff off! I need people to understand this! I was there all the way till the end as I was helping Tucson Fire triage people who we’re overcome by the heat and that had passed out for various reasons! They even went after my friend Jahmar Intl who had helped organize this event calling him a House Negro and such! They were NOT apart of the event! Nor were they invited guests on the speaker list! We were trying to remove them! In fact we turn the power off to our microphones and dismantled our stage around them! Our crowd had left and there were very few people there. When I say “Our Crowd”, I mean the PEACEFUL residents of Tucson despite Political Party! These are my friends and family! I have grown up with many of them! I may not agree with them Politically! Hell, I may not agree with them on all this stuff on racism as a whole, but they are still my people! Me and my people discuss things RATIONALLY and PEACEFULLY! These IGNORANT CROTCH GREMLINS you see left up on this stage are NOT my people! These type of people come after me with name calling and threats every damn day I get it because of my Political Affiliation, but Jahmar?!? Now they are pushing things too damn far! I seriously thought I was gonna have to be a hypocrite and put my boot up someone’s behind! Don’t go after me friends and family like that! I will protect me and mine! I’m still Black despite my politics! #DontMakeMeGetIgnit (at The Dunbar Pavilion)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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For most people this weekend is usually a 3 day weekend to party, BBQ, or go camping or to the lake. For us Military and Veterans it’s a total different thing! It’s not a happy day, it’s a somber day. It’s a day of Remembrance for us! It’s a day to honor and remember those who came before us who served this great nation of ours! So please, if you see a Veteran out today, you can say “Thank you for you service”, but please.... Don’t say Happy Memorial Day. There is nothing happy about this day! It is a day of Honor and Remembrance! Do not confuse it with Veterans Day! Thank You! #JusticeLee #Model #Actress #Singer #PublicSpeaker #ProudVeteran #Navy #Corpsman #MilitaryGirl #NeverForget #HonorAndRemember #MemorialDay2020 Memorial Day Tribute Video: (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Us girls can fight too ya know! This female SP to a point blank shot to the chest and still lit up the Syrian born U.S. citizen Adam Salem Alsahli and killed him! But the MSM is silent..... #GoNavy #ProudVeteran #DontMessWithUsMilitaryGirls (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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As if things couldn’t get worse! Ahahahaaaaaaaa! 😂🤣😂 (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Even the mosquitoes being safe right now! Lol! (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Gotta love this face! My Service Dog Hatchi always keeping a close eye one his Momma! #JusticeLee #ProudVeteran #SoldiersBestFriend #ServiceDog #WorkingDog #MixedBreed #LoveMyFurBaby #DogLover #SpoiledDog (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Well hey! If you gotta wear a mask, might as well make if cute and fun right?!? Mine has a replaceable filter, great seal, and is machine washable! Been out going to my doctors appointments today, and even my doctors and nurses either want me to make them one or want to know how I made it! They were shocked how mine past the lighter test and theirs didn’t! You can still hear me speaking in mine and it doesn’t fog up my glasses if I have to wear them either! I threw in the ears just to have something to match! After all it was a stuffed purple and fluorescent green monkey before I got ahold of it! Lol! What can I say?!? I still like to be adorable, even when wearing a mask! Lol! #JusticeLee #Model #Actress #Singer #PublicSpeaker #Veteran #Covid_19 #CovidAccesories #CovidMasks #CovidMaskSelfie #StayingSafe #PPE #ProtectiveMask #HomeMadeMask #CoronavirusPandemic (at Tucson, Arizona)
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modeljusticelee · 5 years ago
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Stupid is as stupid does! Just saying! Lol! #JusticeLee #CommonSenseLost #MAGA #KAG #StupidPeople #DumbingDownofAmerica #Covid_19 #Quarantine (at Tucson, Arizona)
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